Tuesday, January 2, 2018

New Year Resolutions: 2018

My 2018 New Year resolutions continue to be more or less the same resolutions I have made in the past couple of years.  They are what I hope to do during the year to improve the quality of my life.

Resolution 1:  Continue to pursue good health - keep all medical appointments, eat a healthy diet, drink enough water and stay hydrated, increase my activity levels to build up stamina and strength,  get more sleep and rest, continue to climb the mountain.

Resolution 2:  Procrastinate less - attend to things right away and get them done.

Resolution 3:  Be more organized - declutter, have a place for everything and  make a habit of having everything in its place.

Resolution 4:  Be more positive - focus on accomplishments.

Resolution 5:  Maintain a balanced life.

I plan to continue to incorporate them into my Monthly Balanced Life Goals to make sure they are worked on throughout the year.

Have you made your New Year Resolutions for 2018, yet?


  1. These are resolutions that would be good for everyone including me.

    1. Thank you, Live and Learn. I didn't try to list them in any order of priority, but I think they prioritized themselves! Good health is the most important, isn't it? Then, if I procrastinated less, I might be able to be more organized and that would enable me to feel more positive about things which might enable a more balanced life. At least, that's my theory!

  2. I have been doing a lot of reflection but not much action towards getting things written down. Ha,ha. I hope to do that this week however.

    1. Reflecting before acting is a good thing, Susan. I wish I do more of that, myself. I've rushed headlong into action without much reflection too many times, often to my regret! I'm looking forward to reading your resolutions and goals, when you get them written down and post them. :)

  3. I find it hard that you need to be more positive... you're like the most positive person I know, I think!

    You are an inspiration every day, Bless. Thanks for continuing to be a role model for me in 2018 :)

    1. Thank you for your kind words, Nathalie. I appreciate them more than I can say! :)

      As for wanting to be more positive - my daughter tells me that she stopped reading my blog because I am always so negative! When I asked her what she meant, she said that I am constantly focusing on what I didn't get done and she wants to shout at me to stop it, because that's not the mother she knows! LOL. But then, she said, "It's your blog, you write what you want", which was very gracious of her, I thought! :D But is also made me think - I do have a tendency to focus on what I didn't get around to doing instead of focusing on what I did accomplish! So, that's origin of the being more positive resolution. I want to focus on what I accomplished. :)


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