Monday, June 19, 2023


Neighbors' Tents

Yesterday's party went on till about 2:30 a.m. and the festivities continued this afternoon, too, although the music was not amplified.  I kept my windows closed, though.  

I had a relaxed morning.  Then, in the afternoon, I picked some peaches, blueberries, and a few sprigs of curry leaves and took them, along with a jar of peach jam and a jar of peach chutney, to give to friend R.  It was a curbside drop off, as usual.  But, it was nice to see her, however briefly.  

On the way home, I picked up some fried rice from a favorite Thai food place in the neighborhood.  After I came home, I had some of the fried rice for brunch, followed by a peach.  Later, I had more of the fried rice for dinner and there's a portion leftover for tomorrow's brunch or dinner.  

I spent the evening knitting and watching some videos.  I had planned to can some peaches, but, I was having a slight headache and decided that canning peaches could wait until tomorrow.  

Later, I video chatted with my daughter.  

Today, I am grateful for:

- Being able to take some peaches, jam, and chutney to friend R
- Fried rice from a favorite restaurant
- A safe drive to R's and the restaurant and back
- A sunny and warm day
- Internet services

Today's joyful activity was taking some peaches and other goodies to friend R.

Plans for Monday include canning peaches and some housework.  

How was your Sunday?  What are your plans for Monday?


  1. I'm sorry you had to put up with that loud music for so long. That's nice that you visited your friend with gifts of your jam and chutney and you treated yourself to fried rice from your favourite restaurant.
    Our Sunday was not good. I'd walked Tilly before the thunderstorm and heavy rain which meant my internet was on and off until late last evening, very frustrating.

    1. Thank you, Eileen. I saw a police cruiser driving by our road yesterday afternoon and I thought it was a pity they didn't drive by the night before, around midnight, when we had music blaring!
      It's been a long time since I last saw my friend, although we call each other all the time. I took her a few other items besides the peaches and jam, etc., and she was very pleased with them, too.
      The fried rice was a nice treat!
      I'm sorry your Sunday was not good with heavy rain and thunderstorms and no internet! We've got so used to having internet access, haven't we?

  2. How very rude your neighbours are with their loud music going all hours. It is any wonder you have a headache, which maybe with some peace & quiet will not linger. Plans for Monday involve a blend of housework, gardenwork & work work! Happy Monday to you.

    1. Yes, they are very inconsiderate neighbors. My headache is gone, today, thank you. Sounds like you are having a busy day, today! Hope the smoke from the wildfires have eased a little.

  3. Those are colorful tents. I hope the party wound down yesterday. Do you know these neighbors?

    1. They really do go all out with the decorations and such, don't they? They have a party supplies rental business, I believe, because I see them loading and unloading folding tables and chairs into their van from time to time.
      Yes, I do know these neighbors! They park their vehicles blocking my driveway, they dump their trash on my parkway (a set of tires were the latest items), or spill their motor oil on my pavers, their chicken is in my backyard most days, and their dogs poop in my front garden (and no, they do not pick up; M does!) When they first moved in, I welcomed them, took them plates of food, exchanged Christmas gifts with them, etc. It was a multi-generational household and my daughter and their granddaughters played a few times, I invited them to my daughter's birthday party and they invited us to a couple of their parties. We got along fairly well, even though we had a bit of a language barrier. But, over the years, that initial welcome petered out. Various members of the original family moved out and others moved in; I still occasionally see the original lady of the house and one of her daughters. I don't know who the others are - renters, I am assuming. I return their soccer balls on a regular basis and I am polite to them when I see them. And I vent about their loud parties on my blog! :D

  4. The tents look very festive. I wonder how many people were there and if their heads are ringing now after listening to hours and hours of loud music. Could they even converse with each other, I wonder?
    That was lovely to be able to take those gifts of edibles to your friend.
    I have some laundry to catch up on today. It seems to sneak up on me!

    1. The tents are coming down as I type this - I can hear the metal poles being stacked. They had tents stretching all the way to the gate, so, I assume there were about 40-50 people.
      Ha, ha, I did laundry, too! :)

  5. Sorry about the loud music! I have one neighbor that likes to listen to music loud (but probably not as loud as what you experience) but lately he has turned it down (perhaps someone complained to him!). At least it's a party and not permanent. Andrea

    1. Thank you, Andrea. Yes, at least it was a party and it was a happy noise! Not fighting or worse!

  6. Your neighbors are very inconsiderate! Im sorry you have to put up with them. It's terrible that they dumped tires on your parkway. Are these the neighbors who rent RVs out on the property? Could you report them to city zoning? Anonymously. I've done that today with my new neighbor, as he's running a commercial business there, but it's zoned residential. I'm not too hopeful though. The landlord is a rental company based in LA! They don't respond at all. I hope you have a good restful day today, and don't work too hard canning peaches!

    1. Yes, they are the neighbors with the rental RVs. I don't think I can say anything because the RVs are parked in their driveway. Actually, it's not unusual to find really rundown looking RVs parked along the streets, here, with people living in them; homeowners and business owners are always complaining about them and the others living in tents, saying it is bringing down their property values or keeping customers away. My neighborhood was originally zoned for single family residential, but, the City has now authorized additional dwelling units to ease the housing shortage.
      I hope your city zoning is responsive to your complaint.
      I picked peaches, today, but, didn't can them, after all!

  7. I can relate. I had to go to court to put a stop to the same type of nuisance. The judge stopped it. It looks like I'm going to have to go again...

    1. That was very brave of you, Stephenie. I'm too worried that they will retaliate if I complain.

  8. Gosh, they are really extreme, aren't they? I don't understand how they are allowed to get away with it. My neighbours had a do on Saturday night too ... I was so pleased when it started raining but it didn't stop them as they were out in their hot tub, so wet anyway. (They have a covered pergola so no need for marquees - though there used to be a gazebo, which I haven't seen for some time... )

    1. People have given up complaining about them, I think, because complaining doesn't seem to do any good. Yes, I suppose a rain shower doesn't make much of a difference if you are already wet from being in the hot tub! Hope they didn't have a live band and amplifiers!

  9. It's no wonder you had a bit of a headache! I was glad to read you had a relaxing day after your torturous day the day before. My heart would've dropped to my feet when I saw those tents going up. Gosh what a problem to have to deal with.

    1. I told neighbor T's daughter to make sure that the real estate agent doesn't show the house on a party weekend! No one will want to buy the house! I do, however, wonder if I'd dislike the loud music if it had been a different type of music, but, I think I'd get tired of it after a few hours, no matter how much I enjoyed it!

  10. I hope the tents have since been dismantled, which means hopefully your peace has been restored. Xx

    1. The last tent was taken down yesterday, Jules, and it is all quiet, again. :)


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