Friday, June 30, 2023

At Last...

Almost 75F!  Woo Hoo!

With apologies to Ms. Etta James...

At last...
My warm days have come along
My cold, cold days are gone
And life is like a song...




  1. I'm glad you're getting warmer 😎🌞

    1. Thank you, Angela. We went up to 88F (31C), today! The house only went up to 76F (24C), but, I was happy with that. :)

  2. I'm glad it's getting warmer for you :-)
    A bit cooler and wet and windy here but promises to be hot hot hot next week, you'll probably hear me complaining!

    1. Thank you, Eileen. You know I'm loving the warmer weather! Enjoy the cooler weather while you can (sorry it's wet and windy); you may complain as much as you like when it gets hot, next week, I shan't mind. :)

  3. Lucky you! 75° would be lovely right now but the temperatures have dropped again here. X

    1. Thank you, Jules. It's taken longer than usual for it to warm up, this year, and I was longing for it to be warm! Sorry your temperatures have dropped again; hopefully it will warm back up, soon. :)

  4. Anche io adoro tantissimo questa stagione.
    Mi dispiace molto per chi soffre il caldo ma queste sono le temperature che adoro

    1. Hello Stefania. Thank you for visiting my blog and leaving a comment. Unfortunately, I don't know Italian. While I appreciate you taking the time to comment, may I please ask that any future comments be in English? Thank you.

  5. Are you enjoying the warmer weather with your pretty patio set? The temperature is even higher here today, but rather muggy and I don't trust the clouds enough to put out my bit of laundry!

    1. I did sit outside for a little bit, yesterday, after I picked another handful of blueberries. But, there were a lot of flies (I blame Chicken Little as it has been leaving a lot of droppings near my back door/patio area). I haven't sat outside yet, today, because there is an on-going poor air quality alert due to high levels of smog. We are supposed to go up to 90F today! Yay!

  6. So glad the weather is warming up for you, Bless. That's getting uncomfortably hot for me though! xx

    1. Thank you, Eileen; this is my zone of comfort!

  7. hahaha
    Very clever.
    And with July we had to turn on our a/c, at last ;)

    1. Thank you! :D
      Oh, sorry you had to turn on the a/c! Somehow, I think my a/c unit will stay in the garage, this year. I haven't even turned on a fan, yet!


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