Saturday, June 17, 2023

No Jam Today!

Baby Asian Pears

I guess the White Queen was right, after all!  There's no jam today!  

Instead, we had Dancer's visit to the vet clinic in the early afternoon.  This time, he was taken to the back where his eye was checked and scanned.  They also asked if I would like to have his claws trimmed because they were really long (I've not been able to trim them, myself) and I said yes, so, for an additional $35, Dancer had a manicure/pedicure done for his upcoming birthday!  He's so pampered!  The last time I had a manicure/pedicure was nearly five years ago, in July 2018!

After his eye examination, the vet came out to talk to me.  She asked how he was and I said he seemed to be improving.  She said that the scan still showed a cluster of spots in one corner of the eye.  She said that usually, a scratch on the cornea would be a straight line, not a collection of spots.  She wants me to continue to apply the antibiotic eye ointment for another week and they can check the eye again when I bring him in for his arthritis injection and follow up appointment for the hyperthyroidism medication.  The vet thinks we should do a test for feline herpes (she had mentioned it during our visit, last week, but wanted to try the antibiotics first).  

We have an appointment for the 28th of June.  

After we got home, we relaxed and I had a brunch of scrambled egg on toast and a glass of apple juice.  

Then, I called neighbor S to offer her a jar of peach jam and to ask if I could have some lemons from her tree - I have finished all my lemons and I need more for the next batch of peach jam (I add lemon juice to the peaches).  She gave me some lemons from her tree, two apples from her friend's tree, and a jar of honey that someone had given her which she didn't like.  She also gave me a packet of lavash (flat bread) and two lula kebab (a kebab made from a mixture of ground meat)!  She offered me more mini halva, too, but, I told her I still had some of the sweets she had given me, earlier!  S and daughters are planning to go on a trip to Europe, next week, and she said she's trying to empty the contents of her fridge before she goes!  

In the evening, the door handles we ordered arrived.  The first handle set was the wrong kind and daughter realized it only after we had submitted the order.  We couldn't cancel it before it was shipped so it will have to be returned.  The next handle we ordered needed a separate back piece to allow for the outside lock to be inserted.  So, you get a complete handle set which includes a piece that cannot be opened from the outside with a key and a separate piece with a key lock to replace the part that goes on the outside of the door! 

When M arrived, he helped me to put in the new door handle.  He needed to cut the shaft of the lock to make it fit and it still gave us some trouble (I guess we needed to cut it down even further).  In the end, we used the old handle for the inside of the door and the new piece for the outside of the door with the old lock!  I guess I could have just ordered only the replacement piece for the outside!  But, now, I have an extra handle if this handle breaks!  I can't return it because I had already cut the shaft of the lock.  Never mind - I now have a spare handle if needed!  No, I am not going to declutter it because getting handles for this door seems to be such a hassle!  On the plus side, we now know just what to order, if we need to get replacement handles!  Getting and installing a door handle should not be this difficult or stressful!

After all that, I decided not to try to make any jam, today.  I was just too worn out!  I will make a batch of chutney, tomorrow, instead.

Dinner tonight was the lula kebabs I was given, with leftover rice and some frozen green peas added to the rice.  I had yogurt and peach jam, afterwards.  

Aunt C and cousin N called again to ask after Dancer and, later, I video chatted with my daughter.

Today, I am grateful for:

- Vet care for Dancer
- A safe drive to the vet clinic and back
- Online shopping and free return policies
- M helping with installing the new door handle
- Neighbor S's generosity

Today's joyful activity was relaxing and watching some TV.  One of the programs I watched had a segment about the Temple of the Tooth in Kandy, Sri Lanka. 

Plans for tomorrow (Saturday) include making a batch of chutney and maybe some knitting.

How was your Friday?  What are your plans for the weekend?


  1. Did Dancer realise his manicure and pedicure was a pampering session as I can imagine him not being too happy about it? I do hope he is on the road to recovery. Your door lock has been troublesome but sorted now with a spare handle hopefully it won't be needed but good to have a spare. Lovely to be given more food from your neighbour.
    I was planning to visit a street market today but my hay fever is too bad and my eyes are very sore so a weekend of rest at home it will be.

    1. Not quite sure what Dancer thought of his mani-pedi, but, the technician said he was a very good kitty!
      That door lock has been very troublesome and now, I'm beating myself up for not realizing that all I needed was the back plate and I could have saved myself a lot of time and trouble! But, I wasn't thinking properly as I went into panic mode!
      Wasn't it lovely of neighbor S to give me more food? It was very welcome, too!
      I'm sorry your hay fever is so bad and you have to miss the street market. Are you taking any antihistamines to help with the hay fever? Hopefully, it will get better, soon, and there will be another street market that you can attend. Have a restful day at home and hope it is cooler, too. :)

  2. There are so many things that should be simple that are instead frustrating messes. I'm glad you finally got your handle all sorted out. It is important. Feline herpes is a new one for me. We have not had a cat with it. However, we have tried the arthritis shots without seeing much difference. But I hear it works well for a lot of cats.

    1. Thank you, June. I think I panicked when the door handle broke and I couldn't find a replacement at my usual building supplies/DIY place. It would have been much simpler if I had realized that all I needed was the back piece that could accommodate a lock and I could have used the existing handle and lock. Never mind; as your blog name says, "Live and Learn"! :D Next time, I'll know what to do!
      Well, if Dancer doesn't improve with another week of antibiotics, I guess I'll have him tested for herpes. I read that kittens can get it from their mothers and it can lie dormant in them for years. Apparently, "stress" can cause it to become active. Now, if Dancer has a stressful life, then, I can't imagine what a stress-free life can be! :D Thank you for letting me know that the arthritis shots didn't make much of a difference; did you stop them after a period of time? Just going to the vet's once a month for the shots is a stressful experience for him and I can well imagine that it will continue to bring on his herpes symptoms (if he does have herpes, that is)!

  3. You've had a busy day! I agree that fixing a door handle should not be that difficult! I hope Dancer's eye heals soon with the current medication and his next checkup goes well too. You and your neighbor are very generous with food exchanges! I hope you get to relax now.

    1. Thank you, Celie. That door handle was way too much trouble! Both M and I were getting frustrated trying to fix it! Hopefully, I won't have to deal with replacing it, again, soon! I, too, hope Dancer's eye will heal soon and all will be well on the next visit. S is a very kind and generous neighbor. She more than makes up for the neighbors next door! They put a stack of tires on my parkway, earlier in the week (M wanted to take them over to their parkway!) and today, they are having one of their famous loud music parties! It started at 2:30 p.m. I wonder how long it will go on. I have all my windows closed because they have their live band with amplifiers set up outside (the party is being held outdoors), but, even so, I can hear the music and my house is vibrating!

  4. I'm not surprised you were worn out, I was exhausted just reading about your efforts. A job well done at least, and hopefully this handle will last longer than the previous one.
    I hope you soon get to the bottom of Dancer's eye problems. Xx

    1. Thank you, Jules. Honestly, replacing that door handle should not have been such a big rigmarole! Well, if this door handle breaks, I have spares! :D
      Yes, hopefully, we'll have a fully recovered Dancer, soon. How is Mog doing?

  5. That must be a relief go have the door handle done. You are wise not to overtax yourself. I hope Dancer's eye heals. He is lucky to have you for his mom.

    1. Yes, Stephenie, a big relief! Thank you; I hope Dancer's eye will get better, soon.

  6. I hope Dancer's eye will be better for the next appointment. That is so cute that you took over some peach jam and asked S for lemons and got a whole bunch of other things as well! I certainly think you are right not to declutter the rest of the handle stuff. You never know!
    We had an enjoyable breakfast with friends this morning, and I did some laundry when we got home, then took a nap after lunch and later phoned a friend.

    1. Thank you, Bushlady. The vet doesn't know why he has scratch spots rather than one clean scratch! But, hopefully, he'll be better by the next visit!
      S has such a large heart!
      Yes, I'm keeping all the extra door parts! I want to be prepared for the next time! :D
      Sounds like you've had a lovely day, breakfast with friends and a phone chat with another friend with laundry and a nap thrown in! I'm up to my eyeballs in chutney!

  7. Dancer is having quite the time isn't he?
    I hope his eye heals well. It sounds like you have a good & thorough vet so that's good.
    Haha - I'm not sure Dancer thought of the mani/pedi in the same way we do ;)
    Yes your door handle has been a hassle. You must be happy it's all set up and you are back to being able to lock it from the outside.
    M is a good guy to have around for helping out.
    I wouldn't have had the energy to jump back into the peach arena either.
    Yummy food & lemons from neighbor S to the rescue

    1. Poor Dancer. His hind legs are weak due to the arthritis and he has been pulling himself up onto sofas and beds, etc., using the claws on his front paws to grab onto things. Now with his claws trimmed, he's finding it hard to pull himself up and has fallen several times trying to get on my bed! I've had to put a little stool for him to get onto first and then get to the bed!
      I'm very happy to have a lockable door, again, and M being there to help attach the new handle.
      I am now mostly done with the peaches. There are still a few in the fridge to be dealt with and that will be the end of the peach harvest for this year.
      S's food was very welcome. :)


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