Thursday, June 8, 2023

After the Booster


Dancer Settling Down for a Nap

I've had minimal side effects from my Covid booster shot.  A bit of soreness in the arm at the injection site and a slight headache on Wednesday morning, which might be due to the grey, overcast weather ("June Gloom" as it is known, here) and the high pollen count.  Nonetheless, I decided to take it easy and didn't do any housework.  Instead, I did several loads of laundry because doing laundry makes me feel that I am being productive!  I stripped my bed and washed all the sheets, blankets, and quilts, as well as clothes and household items.  I dried most of the laundry in the dryer and remade my bed.  

M was here to tend to the garden on Wednesday morning.  He brought me two more cuttings of a different type of jade plant and purchased a bag of potting soil and a bag of fruit tree fertilizer (I reimbursed him for the soil and fertilizer; the fertilizer cost $40, but, he said it should be enough for the whole summer, we shall see).  We planted more apple seeds I had kept to germinate and he watered the garden and fertilized the fruit trees.  

Some of the wildflower seeds we planted two years ago have returned to bloom again, this year, too:


Later in the evening, I ordered some groceries.  Mostly because I wanted to try a different brand of canned cat food for Dancer, since he has been turning his nose up at the tuna and the canned cat food I'd been giving him (which he seemed to enjoy so much that I bought two cases of it!  Should have known better!)  I just ordered three different cans of cat food at $1 each, but, then, needed to order other groceries to qualify for a free pick up (didn't want to pay a $6.95 pick up fee for a $3 + tax purchase!)

Wednesday's brunch had been leftover spaghetti and sauce, followed by some fresh peaches, sliced.  Dinner was leftover hot dogs sliced and cooked with onions and green peas, with leftover rice and peach chutney.  More sliced peaches for dessert.

Today (Thursday) is a sunny and slightly warmer day with a high of 73F.  I picked up the groceries in the afternoon.  And, yes, Dancer liked the first can of new cat food that I opened, a white fish and tuna pate.  It's a small can (3 oz.) and I gave him about a quarter of it.  He ate it and wanted more, so, I gave him a little more.  Now, he's sleeping next to me on the sofa, in a patch of sunshine.

I boiled two eggs and made egg salad for sandwiches after I came home from picking up the groceries.  Dinner will probably be shrimp curry (I bought some shrimp on sale, today), with rice, broccoli, and cucumber salad. 

I am grateful for:
- Not having any side effects from the booster
- Working appliances
- M helping with the garden
- Being able to order groceries online
- Being able to pick up curbside

My joyful activities have included eating fresh peaches and picking more blueberries!

Plans for the rest of the day include writing up the grocery post, tidying the kitchen, doing the dishes, and cooking!

How is your Thursday coming along?


  1. Glad to hear you didn't have a reaction to the booster. No shopping reaction?! Dancer may go back to his usual food after a while. My cat goes through phases when she'll only eat one type and then rotates around! She had her annual checkup this morning with boosters (rabies and distemper) which seems to have made her not feel good. She's been sleeping since.
    Your coreopsis are lovely.

    1. Thank you, Celie; yes, I did have a shopping reaction! I wanted to buy snacks (potato chips, microwave popcorn, and chocolates), but, they were too expensive at the pharmacy, so, I actually went IN to the dollar store next door to the pharmacy and bought popcorn ($1.49/3 packets per box) and pasta ($1.00 for 24 oz.) It was the first time I had been in the dollar store since the first lockdown! I didn't browse too much as I felt weird being in the store (I had my mask on) but, I might go back, another day!
      Yes, Dancer says, "Variety is the spice of life!" I'll just have to rotate his food a bit more. I hope your kitty feels better, soon.

  2. I'm glad you didn't have much in the way of side effects from your booster. I have a liking for doing laundry, too. Of course if I had to take it down to the river and scrub it I might feel differently! Dancer looks happy sleeping after his new food. We had egg salad sandwiches today as well!
    There doesn't seem to be as much smoke today although I did wear my mask anyway. It seems we sent most of it on down south - sorry New York, and all the other places that are hazy and hard to breath in.

    1. Thank you, Bushlady; I'm glad, too, that I didn't have any bad side effects.
      Yes, taking the laundry down to the river or hauling buckets of water to boil to do the wash at home wouldn't be much fun at all! I'm glad we don't have to do that!
      Too funny about both of us having egg salad sandwiches - I cut up a green chili and added it to my egg salad. :)
      Glad to hear that the smoke is abating (although the people on the East Coast won't thank you for sending it their way!) Hopefully, it will all dissipate, quickly.

  3. I'm glad you didn't have any side effects from your booster, I wasn't so fortunate.
    I think our pets like to try something different now and again, Dancer looks very content :)

    1. I'm sorry you have experienced side effects from your booster, Eileen; hope they've abated by now. I think the dose I received is at half strength and that might be why the side effects were so mild. You are right, our pets do like to try something different from time to time. I must remember that! :)

  4. I'm glad you managed to avoid any unpleasant side effects from the vaccine. Those flowers are gorgeous. Xx

  5. Oh good - I am glad Dancer liked the new food you bought for him. Or at least for now he likes the new food you bought for him lol
    My store has a $30 minimum and also a $3.95 pickup fee. Last year they offered free pickup during August with a code you punched in. But back then the pickup fee was only $2.95. Like you said, once you add tax and the fee, it adds up doesn't it?

    1. Dancer is getting the new food as a treat and he still likes it! He's back to eating the earlier brand of cat food, too. He's still off the kibbles.
      This particular store hasn't raised their pick up fee or the minimal amount of purchase to qualify for free pick up and I am thankful for that. But, yes, it adds up!


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