Sunday, April 2, 2023

WPSH - Final Selections

Eileen at A Bracelet of Days hosted the Winter Photo Scavenger Hunt, which ran from December 1 to March 31.  There was a list of 20 items and 3 alternatives to find.  These are my final selections for this scavenger hunt (some of which have already appeared in the WPSH 1st link up and some which did double duty and appeared in the March Monthly Photo Challenge, as well).

#1 Seeing Faces Everywhere: I struggled with this prompt, which surprised me because I am someone who often sees faces when I look at various things. 

#1 Seeing Faces Everywhere: Sri Lankan Demon Masks

#2 An Essential Item:  We get two for the price of one, here!  My eye glasses resting on top of my laptop which is fast becoming an essential item!  

#2 An Essential Item: My Eye Glasses resting on the laptop

#3 Shadows:

#3 Shadows

#4 A Sporting Life:  The Superbowl - one of the biggest sporting events in this country 

#4 A Sporting Life: The Superbowl

#5 A Peek Inside - Peeking inside a broccoli plant to see the broccoli head forming!

#5 A Peek Inside: A Broccoli Plant

#6 A Religious Item or Building: The Stupa (a structure enclosing relics) 

#6 A Religious Item or Building: The Stupa at the Temple

#7 Water: A puddle of water in my driveway (thanks to the rain!)

#7 Water: A Puddle of Water in my Driveway

#8 Upside Down: Another one I struggled with.

# 8 Upside-down

#9 Wildlife:  Urban wildlife in my garden!  One of the visiting raccoons.

#9 Wildlife: Raccoon

#10 Winter Berries:  I was unable to find any ripe berries to photograph, so, these still green baby blueberries will have to do:

#10 Winter Berries: Baby Blueberries 

#11 Hand or Foot:  I took a couple of photos for this prompt, including the hands on the clock and my hand, but, this photo of a foot was my final choice; just look at those impressive claws!

#11 Hand or Foot:  How About a Hind Paw?

#12 This Season:  Winter and Christmas

#12 This Season: Winter/Christmas

#13 Point/Pointed:  I guess I could have gone with the upside down arrows for this, but, how could I resist these pointy ears?

#13 Point/Pointed: Purrfectly Pointy Ears

#14 Keeping Warm:  Dancer says the best way to keep warm is to take a nap in the sunshine in front of the heater!

#14 Keeping Warm - Dancer Shows How He Keeps Warm

#15 The Oldest Thing You Own:  This carved wooden elephant is supposed to have come from my father's childhood home and he is supposed to have sat on it as a child.  I don't know how true that is, but, the poor elephant is certainly old and battered, having lost his tail and one of his tusks (the other tusk fell out, but, I have it and keep meaning to glue it back in) and the lacquered finish peeling off.

#15 The Oldest Thing You Own: My Father's Elephant

#16 Signs of Spring:  Spring flowering bulbs (paperwhites) and peach blossoms (I really couldn't decide on just one).
#16 Signs of Spring 1: Paperwhites

#16 Signs of Spring 2: Peach Blossoms

#17 Tree Bark:  I had taken at least four pictures of tree bark from four different trees, but, the eucalyptus tree is my final selection.

#17 Tree Bark: The Eucalyptus Tree Bark

#18 Something Round
#18 Something Round: A Glass Bauble

 #19 Something Red: I selected the red rose with the raindrops.

#19 Something Red: Red Rose with Raindrops

#20 Something You Can See Through:

#20 Something You Can See Through: Peephole

Alt A: A Christmas Decoration

Alt A: A Christmas Decoration

Alt B: Winter Sun

Alt B: Winter Sun

Alt C: Free Choice - I chose a photo of a sunset I took in early December:

Alt C: December Sunset

Thank you, Eileen, for hosting the WPSH.  I had fun participating.  


  1. Eileen comes up with some good suggestions for photos each time, doesn't she, and you have nailed it again! Dancer's hind paw looks fearsome but I suspect he was just giving his claws a stretch.
    We had 15°F or lower in the night and woke up to a lovely, crisp, sunny day. When I came home from the Palm Sunday mass, I was surprised by a chipmunk who sneaked into the house with me and was looking for the container of peanuts on the stairs. Obviously he remembered where it was from last year! I gave him one and sent him packing. He didn't bother to come back again, as it was really still too cold for him.
    I had a lazy afternoon reading.

    1. Yes, she does come up with some wonderful prompts! So does Mary-Lou at Patio Postcards, who usually hosts the summer photo scavenger hunt. Thank you; I found a couple of the prompts to be challenging, but, Dancer helped me out, quite a bit! :D
      Glad you had a sunny day, today. Too funny about the chipmunk sneaking in to look for his peanuts! Glad you had a relaxed afternoon reading, Bushlady. I'm taking it relatively easy today, myself.

  2. How wonderful that you got multiple pictures of Dancer in this! The mask are very interesting and colorful. I really like how you have them displayed. Great pictures!

    1. Thank you, Celie. Dancer had to step in and help me out with several photos, this time!
      The masks represent various demons or spirits; the ones on my wall represent benevolent demons. The blue ones, for example, depict the peacock demon who is supposed to bring peace and prosperity. :)

  3. Great selection! My faves are the tree bark, pointy ears, religious building and masks. V arty water photo and clever essential item - that one didn't "speak" to me at all! As for that fabulous elephant, we have a TV programme over here called the Repair Shop, where people's battered treasures can be taken to be restored by master craftsmen. It's fascinating. It's a shame you don't live here because then you could get him all spruced up (and be on the TV, and I could say to everyone, "I know her!!")

    1. Thank you, Lady Ella. I took several pictures of the puddle of water, but, this one, with a branch of neighbor T's bottle brush tree reflected in it, was my favorite.
      Oh, that poor elephant has been through a lot! LOL. When we left Sri Lanka, we rented out our house to some friends and we put a few items in storage in a small room at the back of the garages. When I went back on a visit, I retrieved the elephant and it had a hole in one side where a rodent had eaten into it! We managed to have the hole cleaned out and another piece of wood cut to wedge into it. That piece of wood keeps falling out and I keep meaning to buy some wood glue to fix it. It would be lovely to have the elephant restored, but, I'll just continue to care for it as it is. There was a corner chair, too, that I would have loved to have been able to bring back with me, but, I gave it away.

  4. I am with you on your essential item picture - my glasses would also be my glasses.
    I like the shadow picture that your lattice casts.
    lol - pointy ears is a good one!

    1. Things are a lot clearer when I am wearing my glasses! :D
      Dancer says he's proud of his pointy ears! :D

  5. Some great captures, Bless. I especially love Shadows and the Trash Panda :)
    Dancers pointy ears are adorable ^^.

    1. Thank you, Jules. Dancer has been a good sport about these photo challenges! :D

  6. Oh fabulous snapshots here, I was especially taken with the trellis shadow and rain-dropped rose. Lovely job, Bless.


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