Monday, April 17, 2023


California Poppies

It was a mostly sunny day on Sunday, with the daytime highs in the mid 60s.  After my morning cup of tea and prayers, I walked, again, for 15 minutes.  My daughter thinks that the pain I feel when I walk is due to the bone spurs in my vertebrae (they were revealed when I did the x-ray and MRI after my sciatica flare-up in 2021).  Well, that would explain it, then!

Later, I checked on the back garden and picked more snow pea pods.  I froze them for later.  This clump of self-seeded California poppies are growing next to the bed with the snow peas.  I hope they will continue to self-seed and grow!  

In the afternoon, I watched some videos and sewed.  The little boy from next door came over to ask for his soccer balls which he and his cousin had kicked over the wall into my back yard.  I told him I'll throw them back over the wall - there were four balls!  I was tempted to throw back the empty milk container that I also found on my side of the wall, but, I didn't.  

I'm not quite sure where the evening went, but, I video chatted with my daughter later and we ordered a new pair of shoes (sneakers) for me as I wanted a new pair for "best".  My current "best" pair (which I wear when I go to my doctors' appointments or on the rare occasions when I visit family) were bought in May, 2017.  They are still holding up well, but, some of the inner lining has worn away and the stitching in the front of one of the shoes is fraying.  

Brunch was leftover milk rice with seeni sambol.  I had the last bagel with cream cheese at tea time.  Dinner was fried rice made with leftover rice, the rest of the smoked sausage, frozen green peas, and the last of the cashew curry.  Snacks included mandarin oranges, peanuts, crackers with peach jam.

Today, I am grateful for:

- Another mostly sunny day with relatively warm temperatures
- Walking each day this week
- The snow pea harvest
- Video chatting with my daughter
- Daughter helping with ordering a new pair of shoes for me

Today's joyful activity was video chatting with my daughter.

Plans for Monday include preparing a meal plan for the week, watering the garden, doing a load of laundry, and taking the trash bins to be collected on Tuesday. 

How was your weekend?  What are your plans for Monday?


  1. Do you know if you have any bulging disks in your spine as that could be a cause of lower back, leg pain and sciatica? This is what my husband suffers from and his mobility is badly affected although he has other medical conditions too.
    The shoes you bought last time look very smart, I hope your new ones will be comfortable for you too. My husband is wanting a pair of slip on shoes as he can't bend to fasten shoe laces but I don't mind fastening them for him.
    Our weekend was warm and sunny on Saturday but raining and cool on Sunday, the weather is being very unpredictable.

    1. As far as I know, I don't have any bulging disks (not yet, anyway), but, I do have osteoarthritis in the lower spine and the space between some of the vertebrae have been compressed. I was told to take over-the-counter pain medications if needed, but, I really don't want to take any more medications than I have to. Weight loss is supposed to help, which is why I'm trying to walk...
      Thank you, Eileen; the shoes I ordered are similar to the ones I bought earlier. I hope they fit (first time I'm buying shoes without trying them on first!) I debated getting slip on shoes, but, I'm not sure how supportive they will be or if they will get loose from wear and there won't be any way to tighten them.
      I'm sorry the weather turned rainy and cool on Sunday. Hope you are having better weather today. Our Monday is supposed to be mostly cloudy and cooler.

  2. The self seeded poppies are very pretty, what a nice treat nature has gifted :) Hopefully new, well fitting, shoes will help ease some of the pain from those bone spurs. It's amazing how the body quickly adjusts to avoid pain, which often makes new problems for us.

    1. The poppies are a lovely pop of color, aren't they? They are our state flower. A couple of years ago, I had sprinkled a packet of wildflower seeds and it included the poppies and both last year and this year, I've had self-seeded poppies showing up here and there in the garden. I leave them in place and hope that they will continue to self-seed. :)
      Thank you; I hope the new shoes will fit! It's the first time I've bought a pair online, without trying them on! They can be returned if they don't fit, according to the store website. :)

  3. I'm sorry that you have pain when you walk, as it isn't much of an encouragement, is it? Good for you getting that bit of exercise anyway. I hope your California poppies spread, they are so pretty.
    Well, our out-of-season summer has come to a halt and we have rain and somewhat lower temperatures, but the snow continues to melt and things keep popping up in the yard. We have a flock of Juncos pecking around on the ground, but only one squirrel so far. The others and the chipmunks are sulking I think!

    1. Thank you, Bushlady; it only hurts when I am trying to walk for exercise! :D Probably because that's the only time I walk for any length of time. I did manage to walk for 20 minutes, today (that is my goal for this week). And right after that, I watered the back garden and got in a few steps that way, too.
      I'm sorry your summer-in-spring has halted, but, hopefully, it won't be long before it returns. Sounds like the birds are happy that the snow is melting and they are able to find some tasty morsels. Hope the rest of the squirrels and chipmunks make an appearance, soon! :)

  4. Love your poppies. We have a few red poppies but they didn't bloom last year. There may be too much shade for them now. Transplanting is in order. When I get around to it. :)

    1. Thank you, June. I hope you will be able to transplant your red poppies to a sunnier spot and they will bloom again. I scattered some red poppy seeds (packets of red, "remembrance poppies" were handed out at friend A's funeral), but, they did not germinate.

  5. Those poppies are moving in and making themselves at home. What a wonderful gift from Mother Nature. Love the color.
    Good job walking every day this past week. I hope you don't find too much discomfort from walking since it's one of the easiest ways to get some activity. Will you upgrade your former best shoes to your walking shoes when the new ones come? Maybe they will have more support and that will help???
    I had an old piece of a rubber matting kind if material underneath our kitchen sink and it was ugly. But did I ever do anything about it? No.
    Finally I ordered a roll of contact paper, stickable wallpaper stuff and this morning I removed the other material (held on with thumbtacks so no big deal) and laid the contact paper. Not an easy job with the stickiness and cutting for the pipes but I did it and now it's done.
    What a quick fix to tidy that area up. It looks so nice and neat.
    Time for a new trash can lol
    And another mention of how much easier a task can be after years of decluttering. Because there's really nothing under my sink except for a small trash can, the DW detergent and the stove top cleaner so certainly not a deterrent to starting the job.
    I keep walking over to my sink and opening the doors and looking in there.

    1. The poppies are lovely, aren't they? According to news reports, we are experiencing a super bloom when it comes to wildflowers up in the mountains and open areas, this year, due to all the rain we've had. I am not likely to drive out to see the wildflowers, but, I'll enjoy the ones I have growing in my garden, instead. :)
      Thank you, Debra; I'm proud of the fact that I've managed to walk every day, this past week. Yes, that is the plan for when the new shoes arrive, assuming they fit! I will keep them for best and wear the current best pair for walking, although they are older than the pair I am wearing now (which are a brand name pair given to me by cousin P before she went to Florida - they were practically new, but, she didn't want them she said.) I'll probably keep that pair, too, to wear when gardening, etc.; I currently wear them for both walking and when gardening.
      Well done sprucing up your under the sink cabinet! And for keeping it so nicely decluttered! I put contact paper directly on the bottom of my under the sink cabinet, a few years ago. I have more things stored under there, but, they are in two plastic totes I had bought from the dollar store - dishwashing detergents in one and household cleaning stuff in the other. There's also a small container with all the microfiber cleaning cloths. You've reminded me that it's been a few months since I pulled everything out and cleaned under there - the next time the kitchen branch comes up on my cleaning schedule! :)


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