Sunday, April 9, 2023

Friday and Saturday


The First Rose of Spring

We've been having cooler temperatures this year and, as a result, the roses are late in blooming.  This iceberg rose is the first one to bloom, this spring.  

On Friday, I put in an order for groceries in the morning and picked up the groceries in the afternoon, at 3:00 p.m.  Dustin (who had served me once before) brought the groceries out to the car for me.  

Later in the evening, M arrived to tend to the garden.  He brought me two Early Girl tomato plants I had asked him to buy for me and a gift of Easter chocolates!  He applied some weedkiller spray to the front walkway, where some weeds were starting to push up through the gravel.  That is the downside of getting all the rain; long dormant seeds are germinating!  Afterwards, he planted the tomato plants; last year's tomato plant didn't do well at all, but, I'm hoping that this year's plants will do better.  M also thinned out the baby peaches.  I realize the need to do so, but, it makes me sad to get rid of all those tiny peaches!  They have been added to the compost heap.  I picked snow pea pods while M was planting the tomato plants and thinning the peaches; I gave yesterday's harvest to to M as his snow pea plants were eaten by some animal (he suspects the mourning doves).  I wrapped the pea pods in a lettuce leaf and tied it up with a long stem of grass to make a very eco-friendly package.  

Shortly after M left, neighbor S called me.  Her husband had shopped at a big warehouse type store and bought some tabouleh and shrimp cocktail, but, it's too much for them as they were going to be away from home on Saturday and with a big Easter meal on Sunday; would I like some tabouleh and shrimp cocktail?  I said I'll take just a little bit and she brought me some.  Then, she told me that she had forgotten to ask me if I wanted some baked potato pieces and said she could bring me some; that way, I'd have salad, a protein, and carbs!  So, she went back home and brought me some potatoes, too:

Good Friday Night Dinner from Neighbor S!

I made over the shrimp cocktail by sauteeing the shrimp with some onions and Sri Lankan spices and had it over warmed up leftover rice.  I reheated the potatoes, today, and had them with some of the chicken drumsticks I cooked.  There is still some leftover tabouleh in the fridge!  

On Friday, I was grateful for:
- Being able to order groceries online in the morning and
- Being able to pick up the groceries in the afternoon
- A safe drive to the store and back and the car started!
- M helping me with the garden and picking up the tomato plants for me
- Neighbor S bringing me dinner!

Friday's joyful activity was gardening with M.

On Saturday, after I replied to blog comments, etc., I spent some time in the garden, watering the newly planted tomato plants and the loquat plants, adding kitchen composting stuff to the compost heap, and picking more snow peas.  In the afternoon, I put away laundry, paid the water and electricity bill and the gas bill, cleaned the bathroom, sewed on the quilt, did some knitting, and watched some TV.  Later, I cooked the chicken drumsticks I bought on Friday and ran the dishwasher.  I froze most of the chicken drumsticks and kept a couple of pieces for dinner, later this week.  

I had a banana and a bagel with cream cheese for brunch.  Dinner was some of the chicken drumsticks with the reheated baked potatoes that neighbor S had given me, along with some of the tabouleh. 

On Saturday, I was grateful for:
- Sunny and warmer days
- Working appliances
- The first roses
- Being able to pay my bills
- What I was able to accomplish 

My joyful activity on Saturday was video chatting with my daughter.

Plans for tomorrow include more quilt repairs and relaxing.

Hope you have a wonderful day, tomorrow, and no matter what religion you might belong to, may your day be blessed and peaceful.


  1. Sounds like a good time at your house - a new rose, Easter chocolates, and a shrimp dinner! You are living the high life. :)

    1. I am, indeed, June! :) Forget wine and roses! I'll take chocolates and roses, any day! Plus a shrimp dinner! :D

  2. Happy Easter to you Bless.

    When I first typed that I put Happy Eater by mistake ... it must be all the mention of food! You've had some tasty sounding meals and S has been very generous again. xx

    1. Thank you, Eileen; Happy Easter to you, too. :)

      Ha, ha, yes, I am a happy eater! :D It was more than generous of S to bring me dinner on Friday, wasn't it? Next week is Sri Lankan New Year and I am planning to make up a plate of food to take to her. Milkrice, seeni sambol, and a few sweets.

  3. Sounds wonderful. You are wise to thin those peaches. The Easter chocolates sound divine.

    1. Thank you, Stephenie; I heard that it is important to thin peaches, etc., to provide enough room and nutrients for the fruit and to prevent branches from snapping off under the weight of the fruit. The chocolates were delicious!

  4. Happy Easter Bless.
    Your rose is beautiful and your meal from your neighbour looks delicious and so very generous of her. The Easter Sunday meal I cooked was really nice and we both had an afternoon nap afterwards :)

    1. Thank you, Eileen. Glad your meal turned out nicely and I hope you both enjoyed your naps. :)

  5. What a good idea to use the shrimps in a stir fry. I like your eco-friendly packaging idea for the pea pods you gave to M.
    We are having lovely weather for our family to collect sap and enjoy being away from the city.

    1. Thank you, Bushlady; I tried some of the shrimp as they were with the cocktail sauce and they were good, but, I wanted something warm.
      I'm glad your family is there to celebrate Easter with you and the weather is nice for collecting sap and spending some family time together. :)

  6. I remember M bringing you Easter chocolates in the past. That line of chocolate foiled bunnies comes to mind :)
    haha I am laughing at neighbor S now making sure her food gifts are a balanced meal lol
    That was a nice little food gift - and shrimp! yummy for sure
    I have had the Early Girl tomato in the past and they are tasty.

    1. This year, M brought me foil covered chicks! I meant to take a photo, but, I forgot!
      Yes, wasn't it very sweet of neighbor S to make sure I had a balanced meal?! :D
      Back in 2021, I had one Roma tomato plant and one Early Girl and I had probably the best tomato harvest I've ever had. Except, that was also the summer of the zucchini (and sciatica) and the tomato harvest sort of went by almost unnoticed! But, I froze most of the tomatoes and used them throughout the following year, as well, because last year's harvest was practically non-existant.

  7. Wow, that rose is so pristine. Lovely first bloom. Sounds like you are having "sunny" days.

    1. Thank you; yes, it's mostly sunny, these days. :)


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