Saturday, April 29, 2023

Monthly Photo Challenge - April: "Spring"

The monthly photo challenge is hosted by Eileen and April's theme is "Spring".

Spring to me means new growth: 

New Leaves on the Persimmon Tree

And lots of flowers in the garden.
On the fruit trees:

Orange Blossom
Feijoa/Pineapple Guava

Asian Pears

As well as cultivated garden flowers:




Geraniums (Purple Martha Washington)


And the wildflowers which also have a place in my garden:

California Poppies


Spring is the best season in the garden for me.

"What do you think about it, Dancer?"

"Who, me?"

"What do I think about it?"

"I need to sleep on it, Mummy"

"I ain't no spring chicken, you know."

Thank you, Eileen, for hosting the monthly photo challenges.  Dancer and I have fun participating in them.  


  1. The flowers are beautiful. I love Dancer's comment about not being a spring chicken! Ha! He's quite the joker. This morning I had organized a local pancreatic cancer walk for a cure, in memory of my sister. I was so worried it'd be a failure, as it was chilly and the riverfront (Mississippi) is flooded, but there was a friendly group and we walked around the flood, and everyone had a good time. I've never organized something like this before. Next year I'll try to make it bigger!

    1. Thank you, Celie. :)
      Oh, I am so happy to hear that your walk for a cure in memory of your sister turned out so well, even if it was chilly and the riverfront was flooded. That was such a lovely thing to do. Well done organizing it and I hope it will be an even bigger success, next year. :)

  2. Love all the flower photos! Definitely looks like springtime there. Who doesn't adore Dancer photos? I love the captions!

    1. Thank you, Sharon; the garden is full of flowers! As for Dancer, well, he's part of these monthly challenges now, but, he flat out refused to "spring into action" for me! :D

  3. Your flower photos are lovely. So Dancer is totally uninterested in Spring but he did spring into action on the lizards tail :-)

    1. Thank you, Eileen. Yes, Dancer will spring into action only when he wants to! :D

  4. What a pretty post with all of your blossom pictures. For sure you captured Spring for us all.
    You have such a variety of wonderful things growing in your garden. I always enjoy seeing what's happening.
    HaHa Dancer, no spring chicken here either! lol

    1. Thank you, Debra. Glad you enjoyed seeing the spring flowers.
      Dancer meows a hello to you. :)

  5. With all of those spring blooms, you have potential for a lot of fruit in the coming months. Hope the weather cooperates.

    1. Thank you, June. We are keeping our fingers crossed. The temperatures are fluctuating - we were sunny and in the 80s this week and will be in the 60s, next week, with rain in the forecast!

  6. What a beautiful cat. And your flowers, the abundance of it, was a bit shocking for me:) It is always good to know, that somewhere out there it is full blown summer, always.

    1. Thank you, Jozien and Dancer says you have a discerning eye! :D Yes, the garden is full of flowers this year, after all the rain we had this winter and spring. :)

  7. Beautiful flowers to admire, but I see Dancer prefers relaxing in Spring.

    1. Thank you, Bushlady. Yes, Dancer likes to spend his time relaxing! :)

  8. So many beautiful flowers. It is a lovely time of year, but I do wish it would warm up a bit. Xx

    1. Thank you, Jules; spring is when my garden is at its peak. I will join you in wishing it would warm up a bit - it got quite cool, again.

  9. Such a beautiful variety of blooms in your garden. I like the photo of the roses. The scent of orange blossoms must be fantastic. Dancer is so absolutely gorgeous.

    1. Thank you, Mary-Lou; the garden is full of flowers this year, after all the rain we had. The roses pictured here are root stock roses! I believe they are Dr. Huey roses. The hybrid tea roses that were grafted onto the root stock died, but, the root stock plants are very hardy. I have 6 root stock/Dr. Huey rose plants growing in my garden and they thrive with neglect! Definitely my kind of roses!
      The orange blossoms have a lovely scent and they perfume the whole garden in the evenings.
      Dancer says thank you! :)

  10. Love the photos of your "orchard" garden and it's springtime look. And very glad to hear Dancer weigh in on it.


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