Tuesday, September 29, 2020


We had a bit of a heat wave, today, with the temperature reaching a high of 102F; tomorrow is supposed to be 104F.  

I had a relatively quiet morning, putting away the laundry from yesterday, replying to blog comments, and reading and commenting on a few other blogs.  After brunch, I practiced the piano, watered the houseplants, and did the dusting.  I couldn't motivate myself to organize the files I thought I might work on.  I guess I had my fill of paperwork, yesterday.  I also called my doctor's office (still closed) and requested a new prescription for the rescue inhaler.  I didn't realize that the one I was using had expired in March, 2019!  No wonder it wasn't that effective!  In the evening, I watered the back garden. 

Today, I am grateful for:

- Warm fall weather

- Weekly trash collections

- Electricity to run the appliances

- Water for the garden

- Medications

Today's joyful activity was knitting.  

 Tuesday's To Do List:

- Bring the trash cans in - DONE
- Dust family room and my bedroom - DONE
- Water the back garden - DONE
- Water the house plants - DONE
- Put away the dried laundry - DONE
- Reorganize one or two files
- Try not to stress about Friday - TRIED!

Wednesday's To Do List:
- Vacuum
- Paperwork/filing 
- Do one decluttering/organizing task
- Practice the piano
- Water the front garden

How was your Tuesday?  What are your plans for Wednesday?


  1. Tuesday I organised the understairs cupboard so am feeling really smug about that. Today I need to get some cash to pay M tomorrow and the rest of my time will be devoted to the family tree.

    I hope you can get a new inhaler soon and hopefully it will make a difference.

    You have a bit of a heatwave and we have the opposite ... so cold the central heating has been switched on to run by programmed settings. Last year I held out until December before I switched to the programmed settings so it's going to be an expensive year as far as heating is concerned. I think it's time to review my budget again!

    1. You got a big job accomplished when you organized your understairs cupboard! Well done!

      Thank you; the pharmacy sent a notification that the prescription for the inhaler has been received; they will notify me when they mail it.

      I'm sorry you've had to turn on the central heating so early. I hope your heating bills won't be too high!

  2. Paper work is never a favorite thing for me to do and I can only take so much of it at a time, also. While we keep things under control, we could be more organized in this area for sure.

    Hope you get your new inhaler soon. Actually, I hope you don't need to use one anytime soon.

    1. Thank you, Live and Learn; the pharmacy will notify me when they mail the inhaler. I hope I won't need to use it, but, it'll be good to have a fresh inhaler on hand, if needed.

      As for paperwork, I used to maintain impeccable files at one time; I need to get back to that.

  3. Yikes at the temps. We are having a cooling spell and the weather is almost perfect!

    1. We are supposed to cool down to the 80s in about 10 days. :)

  4. I'm taking a break after washing the bathroom floor! Just listening to a Canadian radio phone-in about yesterday evening's debate. We watched it with a certain amount of fascination and we must have been rather wound up as we didn't sleep straight away! So we got up late this morning. The sun has finally come out so it will be good to go for a walk.

    1. I, too, watched the debate, Bushlady. It was interesting, wasn't it? I hope you enjoy a nice walk. A bit too hot, here, to be outside! :)

  5. I really dislike paperwork too but one I get around to it it's usually not so bad. Hope you have a great Wednesday!

    1. I think we all dislike paperwork, don't we? Thank you, Martha; hope you, too, are having a good day.


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