Monday, September 7, 2020

Hot on Sunday

Another hot day with the high being 113F.  That one degree of coolness from Saturday's high didn't make much of a difference.  In fact, I actually felt the heat more, today, than I did on Saturday.  I had the fans going from the time I woke up and, in the afternoon, I decided to go into the bedroom and put the window air conditioner on!  I was in the room from about 3:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m.

Poor Dancer was most unhappy because my room doors were closed.  He didn't like being in the room with me because he doesn't like the noise the air conditioner makes and meowed to be let out.  Then, he didn't like it when he was allowed to leave the room because I stayed inside and kept the door closed!  He'd lie on the floor near the door, poke his paw under the door, and meow to be allowed in!  Five minutes later, he'd be complaining and asking to be let out, again!  We did this several times, this afternoon!

In between letting Dancer in and out, I colored another picture in the coloring book.  I was stressing about some paperwork I had to do, which I can't do until after my scheduled phone appointment takes place, which isn't until October (the earliest appointment date they could give me).  Coloring was a good stress reliever.  The picture I chose looked a bit like a stained glass window, but, I couldn't really tell if it was supposed to be a flower or a bird or any particular design.  It appeared to be just a random design to me.  Which was perfect, because, it meant I could select a random color for each little area and all I had to do was concentrate on coloring that section, without trying to make any sense of the design, itself.  It was truly coloring as meditation.

Coloring Design

The problem with turning on the air conditioner and staying inside the cool room is, the rest of the house feels like an oven when you come out of the room!  Even the fans blow hot air at you!  I thought it would cool off in the evening, but, it was still 101F at 9:30 p.m.!  I am very grateful, however, that the power didn't go out in my area, today (other areas of the city experienced power outages).  

I watered the back yard - with the sprinklers for the most part, but, watering with the hose those areas that don't get watered by the sprinklers (like the side yard and the potted moringa plants, etc.)  Then, I practiced the piano for a bit. 

Brunch was a scrambled egg and hashbrowns.  Later in the afternoon, I enjoyed an iced coffee "popsicle" - I had made some iced coffee, yesterday, and drank half of it; the other half, I put in the freezer which formed the popsicle.  Later, around 7:00 p.m., I had my evening cup of tea and dinner was spaghetti with meat sauce (thanks to Akasha who is the spaghetti influencer!)

Today, I am grateful for:

- The power stayed on all day

- The window a/c and fans

- Family and friends who call, email, and text

- Iced coffee "popsicles"

- Coloring books

My joyful activities today included coloring and video chatting with my daughter.

Tomorrow (Monday) is a holiday (Labor Day).  But, I will probably to my regular Monday cleaning schedule (laundry, dusting, etc.)

Monday's To Do List:
- Practice the piano
- Piano lesson (unless it gets rescheduled)
- Change bed sheets
- Load of laundry (bed sheets/towels)
- Dust living room & dining area
- Clean the fridge
- Take trash cans to the curb for Tuesday trash pick up
- Water the front garden

It is supposed to be slightly cooler, tomorrow, with a high of 99F.  That would be lovely.

How was your Sunday?  What are your plans for Monday?  Will you be celebrating Labor Day?


  1. Hopefully, this cool front will hurry up.

    1. Thank you, Akasha. 100F and under would be just fine with me. It gets pretty hot in parts of Texas, too, doesn't it?

  2. I think staring at the picture you colored could be meditative, too. I looked at it a while and it looks like it should be something, but I'm not sure what.

    1. You are very kind, Live and Learn. I, too, thought it should be something - a flower, maybe, but, I really couldn't tell. So, I chose to treat it as a random doodle. :)

  3. Dancer is like so many other cats; in, no out; out, no in. Your colouring is lovely, sometimes when I stamp cards I need to colour in & I find it relaxing most of the time. Happy Labour Day.

    1. They like to be able to walk in and out freely, don't they? Thank you; I do enjoy coloring (but, have to be in the mood for it). I am thinking of using some of the pictures I color in some of the cards I make. :)

  4. It seems to be ridiculously hot everywhere! Love your art, very pretty. I hope things cool down for you soon!

    1. Yes, it is getting hotter, everywhere. Yesterday, we reached the highest temperature ever recorded in our county, 121F. I believe that it is a sign of global warming.

  5. So Hot!!
    I am glad you had your a/c put into your bedroom window a coupe weeks ago.
    I can only imagine just how hot the rest of the house felt when you left your bedroom.

    1. Yes, I figured that, since the a/c was already up, it was best to take advantage of it, especially considering all the angst I went through about M not wearing a mask while setting it up, and all that! I guess I felt I owed it to myself to use the thing! LOL. The rest of the house felt a bit like standing in front of an open oven door when the oven is preheating! It was just hot!

  6. I do not think I could live there with that heat! It does get hot here also, but not like that. Today was 63, just right for me. I hope you and Dancer stay cool! Celie

    1. Hi Celie, to me, 63F would be winter! I do better in the heat than in the cold, although anything over 100F is a bit too hot! Today was 100F and both Dancer and I are fine with the fans on. :)

  7. Poor Dancer, he was between a rock and a hard place! Perhaps he felt you shouldn't be in such a noisy room either and was hoping you would come out or figure out a way to keep the bedroom cool without noise.
    Sunday was very pleasant, not too hot but great for a long walk down by the river with DH. I'm glad we did that because today we were back to rain again - so much for Labor Day weather but we took it easy anyway.

    1. According to him, I should leave the door open when I have the a/c running. Then, he gets to stroll in and out as he pleases. :)

      I'm glad you had pleasant weather on Sunday and were able to go for a nice walk. Today was a little cooler, but, with all the fires, the air quality is really bad. I am staying indoors and don't plan to go for walks or anything; don't want any asthma flare ups.

  8. That is what too hot to imagine! I don't think I'd cope at all well with those sort of temperatures. Here it's been chilly enough at the end of the day to want some heating on!

    I like your colouring.

    1. Yes, 110+ tends to be a little too hot, even for me. Even with the fans, it just feels hot. Our high today is 87F and that feel perfect, to me. :)

      Thank you! I had no idea what that image was supposed to be, so I just colored each section a different color! LOL.

  9. I'm glad you managed to keep cool in such high temperatures. The colouring is great. I find it very relaxing when I get the opportunity. X

    1. Thank you, Jules. Yes, the small air conditioner was a blessing. Coloring is relaxing and I enjoyed it. :)


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