Saturday, February 1, 2020

February Balanced Life Monthly Goals

Time to post my February goals for a more balanced life.  As I've explained before, my monthly balanced life goals are similar to the spokes of a wheel, with the length of each spoke representing my satisfaction in that area of my life, from 1 to 10, with 1 being most dissatisfied and 10 being most satisfied.  Ideally, all the spokes are of equal length and the wheel will roll along smoothly.  If the spokes are of unequal lengths, then, the resulting wheel will be lop-sided and wobbly.  My ratings for each segment are shown within the parentheses, with the beginning of the month ratings in black.

February Balanced Life Goals:

Spiritual: (9.5):   The goal is to live a spiritually meaningful life:
- Continue with daily prayers, meditation, being grateful, positive, and joyful
- Continue to cultivate non-attachment to material things by donating/decluttering more
- Go to the Temple at least once
- Host the February rosary prayer gathering (on 2/8)

House (9.5):  The goal is a home that is pleasant, comfortable, and welcoming:
- Clean - Clean the house for the prayer gathering; do some spring (deep) cleaning, as well
- Organize - Continue to find a place for everything and keep everything in its place
- Well maintained - Keep "erasing the evidence"
- Decluttered - Declutter 30 items in February

Garden (8):  The goal is a garden that is productive, yet drought tolerant:
- Maintain (water 1- 2 times per week, depending on how much rain we get; weed)
Clean out the garden shed
- Start spring planting 

Daughter (10):  The goal is to continue to have a close relationship with her:
- Be encouraging and supportive of her plans
- Daily texts, phone calls, and video chatting, etc., to keep in close touch with her
- Look forward to her planned visit at the very end of the month

Family & Friends (10):  The goal is to have a close connection with family members and friends:
- Regular phone calls and emails
- Wish cousin V and nephew S on their birthdays
- Will be seeing some family and friends at the monthly prayer gathering
- Get together with friend R to go out to lunch
- Call/visit friend T

Community (10):  The goal is to be involved in my community:
- Continue to participate in the blogging community 
Weekly phone calls with neighbor T
- Weekly visits with neighbor S (who is teaching me piano)
- Continue to participate in the online group of which I am a member
- Participate in temple events
- Participate in library events (free movie screenings, etc.)

Finances (10):  The goal is financial security:
- Continue budgeting and spending mindfully, with purpose

 Health & Well Being (7.5):  The goal is good health:
- Attend the medical appointment (just one) scheduled for this month 
- Continue to work on the following life style changes: 
  - better diet - eat more vegetables and complex carbs, less refined sugar
  - better hydration - drink 8 x 8oz glasses of water, daily
  - better sleep habits -  get sufficient sleep and try to adjust the sleep schedule
  - more exercise - get back on a walking schedule 
- Get back down to a healthier weight through diet and exercise. 

Time Management (8): The goal is to spend my time in a mindful manner:
- Keep to a more regular schedule
- Procrastinate less

Leisure/Crafts/Hobbies/Me-Time (10):  The goal is to relax doing something I enjoy doing for the pleasure of it.
- Engage in daily joyful activities
- Participate in the Winter Photo Scavenger Hunt
- Weekly piano lessons (and daily practicing!)
- Do a crafts project

Those are my goals for a more balanced life in February.

Are you making any goals for a more balanced life in February?


  1. Good luck with your February goals. Do you do your piano practice at a set time or do you find it easy to remember to do it? I'm a bit haphazard with mine and often forget until too late in the day when I'm too tired to do it properly.

    1. Thank you, Eileen. Right now, I don't have a set time for piano practicing; I probably should, though. I've been doing it in the evenings, mostly, but, occasionally, it has been rather late in the evening!

  2. Look at all of those 10s! You are really in a groove now.

    1. Thank you, Live and Learn. It's taken me a long time, but, I am getting to where I want to be. :)

  3. What is the plan for your craft project? Have you figured one out yet? Will it be knitting, quilting, sewing, or something completely new? Having not read your goals in a while, I found that in the last few months, you have expanded them somewhat. I think that indicates that you are feeling like you have more energy to take on more. It is just an impression I am getting. I have listed my year's goals here at I haven't broken it down into monthly goals as yet.

    1. Susan, when I wrote out that goal, I was thinking of doing some scrapbooking. I already have a knitting project on the needles and a half finished quilt waiting to be put together! I really should finish them before I start something new! But, you know me, I start new projects before I finish old ones!

      Yes, I have expanded some of my goals, haven't I? I am not quite sure why I have done so, though! Maybe because I feel I should be doing more with my time...I feel I spend an awful lot of time just playing on the computer!

      I am looking forward to reading your goals - will do so in a bit. :)

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