Friday, February 21, 2020

Stickers and Chocolates on Thursday

Stickers and Chocolates and Candy, too!

Today, after my piano lesson, in addition to stickers and candy, I was given the rest of the box of chocolates as a reward for playing well!  LOL.  The chocolates have been put aside to give to my daughter as they are one of her favorite kinds.

In the morning, before my piano lesson, I responded to blog comments and practiced the piano. Then, I processed today's mail.  Brunch was a scrambled egg on toast.

After the piano lesson, I went to the post office to mail a package of lemons to a friend, put gas to the car as I was at half-tank, and went to the grocery store across the street from the gas station.  I bought a loaf of bread ($.99), two pork chops ($.99/lb), a container of cold cuts (pastrami, $3.00), two 16 lb. bags of cat food for the garden cats ($10.49/bag) and more tuna ($.59/can) to share with Dancer.

Came home and had a pastrami cold cuts sandwich and a cup of tea.  Then, I watched news and rested.  After news, I did a few more scrapbook pages.  My layouts are super simple, without much embellishments:

Scrapbook Page
This is a new page I did today to replace a page that had photos removed from it.  After I took this photo of the layout, I pasted two photos over the dark green mats.  One photo is of my daughter with her class teacher and the other is of her with her best friend in that grade.  There is another page with photos from the same field trip, with journaling about where we went (Will Rogers State Park) and how the teachers forgot to bring their lunches!  Fortunately, we had taken extra sandwiches with us and we shared them with the teachers!

Friend R called in the evening and we chatted for a bit.  We are still planning to go to the Japanese Garden on Sunday.  It is supposed to rain on Saturday, according to the weather forecast.  Sunday will be cloudy, but, no rain.

Later in the evening, I video chatted with my daughter.  As always, chatting with her is one of the highlights of my day.

Dinner was another pastrami sandwich!   Dancer thinks he should get a bite of the sandwich, too!

"I am willing you to share your sandwich with me!"

Today, I am grateful for:
- A good piano lesson
- Stickers and chocolates!
- An abundance of lemons to share
- The car started without any problems after not being driven for several days
- Phone calls and video chats

Today's joyful activity was scrapbooking.

Thursday's To Do List:
- Piano lesson - DONE 
- Clean the kitchen (tall cabinet bottom shelf)
- Post office - DONE
- Grocery shopping (bread) - DONE
- Put gas to the car - DONE

I didn't do the kitchen cleaning, today.  Will do it tomorrow, instead, because I did errands (normally scheduled for Fridays), today. 

Friday's To Do List.
- Clean my bathroom 
- Clean the kitchen cabinet bottom shelf
- Have M make the front planting circle a bit bigger

How was your Thursday?  What are your plans for Friday?


  1. Stickers and chocolates! Wow, that's a great incentive to do well. Please may I come and live with you so I can have piano lessons with her as well?

    1. LOL, she's really too much, isn't she? You are more than welcome to come and live with me in order to have piano lessons with her! :D

  2. Stickers and chocolate!? You must play well.
    I'm always fascinated by scrapbooking. I'm guessing it's a little like blogging but on paper. X

    1. I think she was pleased with how well I had practiced. There was a noticeable improvement. :)

      Scrapbooking is a bit like blogging on paper! It's a combination of photo album and journal.

  3. A box of chocolates like that would really motivate me to practice-a lot. I agree with your daughter, those kind of chocolates are delicious.

    1. It was a very motivating reward, wasn't it? :D

  4. Oh that is certainly a tasty reward for playing well. Also a favourite of mine. I'm with you on simple scrapbook layouts, because for me they become done pages. With Dancer's sweet face peering at me, I'd give her anything :) Happy Weekend.

    1. Looks like those chocolates are a favorite with many of us! My thoughts, exactly, on the scrapbook layouts. Simple, but done! Dancer was staring at me as if he was trying to hypnotize me! LOL! Hope you, too, have a lovely weekend. :)

  5. It is always fun to read the rundown of your day. What a treat to get the chocolates as a 'reward'. Hope you have a blessed weekend. xoDiana

    1. Thank you, Diana; what a nice thing to say! The chocolates are definitely a treat! Hope you, too, have a lovely weekend. :)

  6. You're a sweet mom to save those for your daughter. Have a nice visit on Sunday to the Japanese garden. Andrea

    1. Aw, thank you, Andrea. They are one of her favorite chocolates and, in any case, I shouldn't be eating chocolates! Thank you; I'm looking forward to the visit to the Japanese garden. :)

  7. Well, you really hit the jackpot this time with your piano lesson! If the word gets around your teacher will have potential students lining up at the door. It all makes it more fun, doesn't it, and I'm sure she appreciates that you are practicing regularly.
    DH was prowling round the pantry yesterday evening looking for munchies and I remembered that I had bought some chocolate covered cherries on special so I fetched them out for him to save him from getting into my baking supplies. Then I carefully hid the dried apricots that I planned to bake with. Of course, they would have been healthier than the chocolates but he only had a couple.

    1. I did, didn't I? LOL. Will practice for chocolate! :D Yum, chocolate covered cheries! Those are good, too. The dried apricots sound good, too. I should buy some dried fruits and keep on hand to snack on. :)

  8. You have a really nice teacher! 😀 I’m sure you are her best student!
    Did Dancer receive any chocolate or stickers for helping you?

    1. She is a nice teacher and very enthusiastic about what she's teaching. Dancer isn't allowed any chocolates (poisonous to cats), but, he did get some extra tuna and a nice, fresh broccoli leaf for helping me. :D

  9. Dancer really seems like he has the same personality as my gray cat, Alex.

    1. Cats really do have personalities, don't they? Dancer always thinks of his tummy and I exist to keep him supplied with food on demand! LOL!

  10. Dogs have masters. Cats have servants. I remember seeing that sign somewhere and I think it is so true.

    Your daughter must be your motivation for your piano practices, as she benefits hugely for your work....her favourite chocolates and chocolate chip cookies in the freezer for when she arrives this week. Ha.

    I decided a while back that I will make 3 of my mini scrapbooks and fill them with photos for my three kids for Christmas. I will use photos of them with their dad and their children with their grandpa. I know that will be emotional for me, so I will just be working on preparing the books before I actually start filling them. I am hoping the process will be somewhat therapeutic for me. Enjoy your relaxed weekend.

    1. Oh, I think that saying about cats and dogs is quite true! Ha, ha, my daughter seems to be the beneficiary of my piano playing rewards, doesn't she?

      It's weird, but, I didn't anticipate there being an emotional impact when I was doing the scrapbooks! I hope that making your scrapbooks will be therapeutic for you, Susan. :)

  11. Those chocolates are yummy.
    A nice treat waiting for your daughter.

    1. They are yummy, Debra! I ate one and kept the others for her. Knowing her, though, she'll prefer the oranges from our tree to the chocolates! LOL. Once, when she was still a little girl, I offered her ice cream for dessert and she asked if she could have sliced cucumber, instead!


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