Tuesday, February 11, 2020

Unidentified Flying Objects and Volunteer Plants on Tuesday

Unidentified Metal Flying Object - Top

The Under Side
This is the object that flew into my neighbor's yard which she gave to me.  It is about 6 inches in diameter.  One can see that it was fixed to something which rusted and broke off.  I can't think of what it might be.  Maybe it is a flying saucer!

"I'm not bothered by flying saucers; I'm taking a nap"

I put water to the back garden today and discovered these little plants growing under the orange tree:

Unidentified Plants

Well, maybe not quite unidentified.  Considering how close they are to one of the crocosmia plants, I am pretty sure these are crocosmia seedlings growing from the seeds that dropped, last year:

Crocosmia Seedlings
I think I'll let them grow a little bigger and then, transfer them to another area.

Today, I am grateful for:
- Volunteer plants
- A fridge full of leftovers
- Water for the garden
- A sunny and warm day
- Being able to post pictures

Today's joyful activity was discovering new plants in the garden.

Tuesday's To Do List:
- Remake the guest bed - DONE
- Bring the trash cans in - DONE
- Water the house plants and back garden - DONE
- Start tidying my bedroom
- Practice the piano - DONE

I haven't started tidying my bedroom at the time of writing (4:30 p.m.).  But, I hope to get started, later in the evening.

Wednesday's To Do List:
- Doctor's appointment
- Continue to tidy my bedroom
- Water the front garden
- Practice the piano
- Paperwork/filing

How is your Tuesday?  What do you think the metal object might be?  What are your plans for Wednesday?


  1. I wonder what the object is? I can only think it looks a little bit like a chimney cowl. X

    1. It might be. I will take it over to my neighbor across the street and ask him if he knows what it might be.

    2. I thought it might be a cowl too...

    3. Thanks, Angela. I might have to ask M to climb up on the roof and see if any of the ventilation pipes is missing a top! It might have come from neighbor T's roof, too.

  2. Hope you get your Wednesday list done. I am so far behind mine I might never catch up

    1. Thank you, Anne. I hope I can get at least a few things done! The paperwork and the bedroom cleaning will take several days, but, I want to get started, at least.

  3. I wonder if it's a squirrel baffle for a bird feeder - the lid on top of the bird feeder ... do let us know if you find the owner & can explain it's duty in this world.

    1. I don't know. It seems a bit too sturdy for that, but it's a possibility, I suppose. I will certainly let everyone know when I find out what it is supposed to be! :)

  4. Dancer is so cute,love this pic!

  5. I think volunteers are the best. It's always fun to find them.

    1. They really are the best! They are like a little bonus. :)

  6. I have no idea what the mystery object is so I can't help point you in the right direction.

    Dancer certainly know how to make himself comfortable, doesn't he?

    1. I hope my neighbor E can help identify it.

      Ha, ha, those stretched out legs get to me every time! Not a care in the world!

  7. Your little crocosmia seedlings made me smile.
    I love Mother Nature.

    1. They made me smile, too, Debra; I consider them a little gift from Mother Nature. :) I think she's thanking me for watering more regularly, these days!

  8. Why did she give it to you????? -giggggles-

    💕 💕 💕

    1. She said she thought it might be something I used under my flower pots! But, no; I usually use old, chipped plates under my flower pots! Oh, well, I guess it was her way of getting rid of it - now she no longer has to deal with it and I have the task of trying to figure out what it is and where it might have come from! It's more likely that it came off her roof than mine, but, now, it's something else for me to worry about!

    2. LOL!

      I think you can put it in the recycling bin.

  9. It looks like an old trash can to me. Tuesday was very enjoyable. I got laundry done, picked all of the tangerines, and caught up with a friend.

    1. It's too small to be a trash can lid. Yum, homegrown tangerines! That's the next plant I want to get for the garden. :)

  10. I was thinking of the top of a squirrel-proof bird feeder. But I will change my "vote" after reading Jules' suggestion of a chimney cowl! I think she might just be correct. Andrea

    1. That's three votes for a chimney cowl! I haven't seen my other neighbor to ask him about what it might be (he's a bit of a handyman and might know). :)

  11. I am impressed that you are able to make a do-to list and work at getting things done. These days my to-do lists seem more like wish lists. I know what I would like to get accomplished, but my plans seem to go out the window some days. I have to accept the idea that as long as things get done, the day is not completely lost.

    1. There are days when I don't get my to-do list done or get only some of it done. Posting them here, on the blog, helps to keep me accountable and I try to get at least some of it done. I try not to make them too long and break down bigger tasks. I am still using that weekly cleaning schedule I made, last year. I tweak it a bit, every now and then, but, it is working well for me.

      Write down your master list with everything you would like to get done and then, break it up into smaller steps to be worked on, a little at a time. :)

  12. I've no idea what that round object might be, but for sure it didn't come off the wheel of a BMW. Nice to see that lovely quilt again while Dancer snoozes on it.
    I visited my friends this afternoon and their little dog greeted me with his usual incredible display of dancing around and barking. Of course it is all a performance to encourage me to fetch out the little cookie I always bring him. The temperature hovers around zero celsius, easy to keep the house warm.

    1. LOL, no, it didn't come off the wheel of a BMW! Or a Benz! :D

      Thank you! This quilt is in daily use, now, and is one of my favorites. :)

      Sounds like you had a nice visit with your friends and their little dog. Funny how he anticipates you bringing him a treat! :)


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