Thursday, November 8, 2018

When Words Fail

I was writing an email to a friend, prior to doing a post, last night, when the TV program I had running in the background was interrupted with a "Breaking News" item about an active shooting in progress at a bar and grill restaurant in a nearby city.  It was, apparently, college-night at the bar and grill and the place was full of young, college-aged kids who were enjoying an evening out when the shooting occurred.  I kept picturing my daughter, out with her friends to have dinner as she does, sometimes, and my heart ached for the parents and families of the victims.  I finished the email to my friend, but after that, any post I wanted to write seemed too trivial. 

So, what does one say?  It's not often when words fail me, but, all the platitudes that are said under similar situations seem so banal.  Thoughts and prayers seem inadequate.  But, under the circumstances, thoughts and prayers are all that I can offer.


  1. It was so sad. I didn't realise it was not far from you. My thoughts and prayers, like yours, are with those affected by this tragedy

    1. Thank you, Angela. And now, there is a fast spreading brush fire raging in that area! I am not impacted, but, this is yet another tragedy!

  2. I agree though banal, other than exercising my right to vote (yes I did) i can only offer prayers and thoughts of sympathy for the family. I thought the same as you last night. Son 3 and new DIL 3 were gigging at a nightclub in Manhattan. It is scary to think how their jobs keep them exposed to the world of craziness on a regular basis.

    1. Oh, Anne, it is very scary! People can't go to school, to work, to worship, to grocery shop, etc., without the risk of getting shot! It's very sad, too.

  3. It breaks everyone's heart including mine.

  4. It's so sad.
    I just don't know how, but there must be a way to minimize these incidents.
    My heart goes out to the loved ones of the victims. They are the ones who will carry the heartache and sadness forever while everyone else (including me) will forget this in a couple of weeks as just another mass shooting, until another one happens.
    So so sad.

    1. Yes, Nil. It is sad. Yes, there are some ways to minimize these incidents, but most of them require a lot more change than some of us are willing to make, I think.

  5. Carolyn @ Our Gilded AbodeNovember 8, 2018 at 10:09 PM

    Life changes in the blink of an eye it seems. A young newlywed couple from our town were killed this weekend when they departed their wedding reception in a helicopter and it crashed. The happiest moment of their lives turned to tragedy for their families. We just never know when things like that could happen to us or our family. Having faith in a life beyond death is the only comfort.

    1. Carolyn, I saw and heard about that helicopter crash in the news. That was so sad, too, and such a shock to everyone. One never knows when ones entire life changes.

  6. It's awful and so sad that nowhere can be considered safe any longer. I read about it online this morning.

    1. Yes, it is, Eileen. Every time my daughter says she's going to watch a movie or go out to dinner with a friend, I say a prayer for her safety.

  7. I think the post says it all. Personally I'm tired of hearing 'thoughts and prayers' and nothing being done. It's an all too common thing and (very sadly) hearing about another one no longer surprises me.

    1. Yes, Sharon. All we can do is vote our conscience and hope that it makes a difference.

  8. Thinking of you and hoping you’re safe from the fires. Sending prayers! 🙏💕
    ~Carolyn @ Our Gilded Abode

    1. Thank you, Carolyn. Yes, I am safe, although there is a new fire not too far from me.

  9. With modern technology we see a lot of bad news! Sometimes it is best to leave it to prayer. Sometimes I just don't listen/watch the news. It is good to be aware, but sometimes it is too much and can affect our moods. Andrea

    1. Andrea, you are right. I tend to be a news junkie to begin with and when something like this happens, I tend to get drawn to watching the news coverage continuously. Right now, the coverage is of the brush fires. I am sitting here, watching entire neighborhoods going up in flames and just shaking my head.

  10. It is so very sad and we see it from here in our country and wonder if things will ever change for you all. We have had incidents here, too, but not as many.
    I do hope that the fires are still away from you. We are sorry for the thousands of people evacuated, many of whom will not only have no home, but also no neighbourhood to return to. How much we have to be thankful for when we see the sufferings of others on the news.

    1. Bushlady, I do hope that things will change for the better.

      Yes, thank you, the fires are still away from me. I have been watching news coverage of the fires all day. Such devastation! Now, when the rains do come, eventually, we'll have to cope with mudslides, since so much vegetation got burned off these hillsides and canyons!


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