Tuesday, November 13, 2018

Chilly on Monday

It is starting to get a bit chilly, here!  I haven't turned on the heater, yet, and this was the temperature inside the house when I woke up this morning:

The afternoons are still nice and warm, in the mid 70s, but the mornings and evenings are chilly.   I have been bundling up in sweaters and shawls (I am currently wearing a blouse, a sweater, a cardigan, and a shawl) but I think the heater will be turned on, this week, probably when my daughter comes home on Thursday. 

I spent a quiet day at home, today.  I seem to have pinched a nerve in my hip, because there was a pain.  I tell you, you celebrate a birthday one day and the next day, your body lets you know it's a whole year older!  LOL!   I rubbed some Tiger Balm, which is a pain relieving ointment, and the pain went away, eventually.  But, I made it an excuse to take it easy, today.  I played on the computer for the most part, although, I did scrub the bathtub, took the trash cans to the curb, and watered the front garden.

Today, too, there were several phone calls from family and friends.  Later, in the evening, I called friend R to check on her and offered to bring her some soup I made for dinner, but she said she felt better and had some soup that she had made.

Chicken and vegetable soup
I made a chicken and vegetable soup, from the bones of the roast chicken I had made for the prayer gathering, with onions, tomatoes, carrots, and green beans.  Breakfast had been a corned beef sandwich, lunch had been a tuna sandwich, and soup for dinner.  There's enough leftover for several more meals. 

Afterwards, I baked some pastries for dessert:

Raspberry Filled Puff Pastry
I used frozen puff pastry to bake the shells, then, filled them with fresh raspberries with a little melted raspberry jam poured over them.  I sprinkled them with a little sugar, too.  Powdered sugar would have been pretty, but I don't have any powdered sugar on hand. 

Today, I am grateful for:
- Warm, woolen sweaters and shawls
- Sunny, warm afternoons
- A relaxed day
- Phone calls from family and friends
- It's cool enough to turn on the oven to bake, again (after a summer of not using the oven)

How was your Monday?  How cold does it have to get inside your house for you to turn on the heater? 


  1. Now you are having what I call perfect weather--cool at night and mild during the day. I hope the fires are under control soon and you can be outside to enjoy it.

    1. LOL, Live and Learn, I would like it a little warmer at night, but the daytime temperatures are fine. I, too, hope they get the fires under control, because they are talking about the winds kicking up, again!

  2. Your soup and pastry look good! That is cold in the house! I have a scarf I just bought that is large enough to be a shawl....I was just thinking of how they had it "right" in the olden days wearing shawls a lot! (and how feminine they were). Andrea

    1. Thank you, Andrea. I finally broke down and turned on the heater, this morning! I like shawls. I have a knitted one and a crocheted one. The knitted one is more like a poncho; it's very light, but warm.

  3. I've read back a few posts, because I have been wondering how you are faring with the fires in California. It looks to me like you are suffering from smoke, but otherwise are ok. That's great! Still, it's very sobering to see those fires on the news.

    I'm glad you had a good birthday, and can visit with many family and friends, and that your daughter is coming for an extended visit. That should be very fun.

    Your soup looks a lot like my soup--it must be the time of year for vegetable/chicken or turkey soup:). Really, it's kind of a nice thought to think that around the country, there are probably pots after pots of various soups being made and lots of comfort going into tummies from all that soup! I know I enjoyed mine since I had a cold all weekend.

    1. Thank you, Becky. Yes, I'm looking forward to my daughter's visit. :)

      The fires are terrible! Nobody anticipated how quickly they would spread and how hard it would be to fight them.

      Yes, it is definitely the time of year for soup! In fact, I had two bowls of it, last night! I'm sorry you had a cold, Becky; hope you are feeling better, now. Take care.

  4. You must be really looking forward to your daughters visit.
    Make sure you rest your hip and rub on some more Tiger Balm for good measure, although that soup looks full of goodness and almost able to cure anything. X

    1. Yes, I'm looking forward to having her home for a bit. We've a couple of events to attend and have planned a couple of activities, but, for the most part, we'll just hang out together and there'll be lots of cuddles, I'm sure. :)

      My hip feels OK, today, but I'll rub more Tiger Balm - it's my cure-all for aches and pains! The soup was very good, too. :) I hope you and Lily are keeping well.

  5. I'm glad you are safe from the fires, Bless. And I hope your hip feels better now. Maybe it's the cold. I have a friend who gets backaches especially during winter months.

    Your pastries look so good. :)

    1. Thank you, Nil. Yes, my hip feels better and I was able to walk without feeling any pain, today. As for the pastries, I love to bake. :)

  6. In whose world is "scrubbing the bath tub" taking it easy?? I laughed when I read that line. I would hate to think that with each passing birthday, the body breaks down a little more. Maybe I will stay at this age for a little while longer. Ha.

    When the temperature inside turns to 65 F. or colder, I turn on the heat. I would have turned on the heat this morning (at your place) just to take the chill off and then turn it back off knowing that the temperature would get warmer throughout the day. But cooler temperatures also invite opportunities for making soups and stews and baking some goodies. And your cooking looks so delicious.

    1. Ha, ha, apparently, in my world, Susan! I felt guilty because I felt I hadn't done as much as I could have. I did turn on the heater, this morning (I have a wall unit, not central heat). I stayed in the living room, near the heater, until the house warmed up a bit, then turned it off.

  7. I hope you don't have any more trouble with your hip. I don't suppose the cold morning helped. We sometimes have the house go down to around 60°F if the fire in the furnace has gone right down overnight. I never dreamed that it could get so cold where you live! We have a little snow on the ground, but it is fun to see where the critters have been running around. Usually they get away with their antics, but now all their secrets are revealed. I saw squirrel tracks along the edge of the porch roof this morning!

    1. I used to get that pain quite regularly, at one time. I haven't had the pain recently, however, until this week. I think I might have tweaked something when I reached for something.

      Yes, it gets cold enough to have frost, some nights, in the winter. Occasionally, it even snows! Just a little bit, but enough to make the news! The last time it snowed here was in 2011. :)

      What fun to find the little animal tracks in the snow!

  8. That raspberry filled pastry looks divine!

    I'm so glad to hear that the fire stayed away from your area and hope that all of you extended family stayed safe as well. Fingers crossed that the air quality improves very quickly.

    1. Thank you, Eileen. I like this way of doing a pastry, because it is relatively low on sugar and I still feel I am having a nice dessert. :)

      Yes, we are safe from the fires, and I am so grateful for that! It is heartbreaking to see all the houses burnt to the ground and to know that a number of people are going to have a very hard time, rebuilding their homes.


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