Tuesday, October 30, 2018

Doctor's Visit on Monday

A cooler day, today.  Only in the mid 70s!  But we are supposed to warm back up to 90F, by Friday.

I woke up with a headache, again, this morning.  It went away, eventually, after I took some Tylenol and a nap.

Daughter called me in the morning to say she was working from home this morning because she received an email from her work place stating that the office had been broken into over the weekend and employees were to stay away until the police had been and checked things out!  Apparently, they stole some computers!  She also received another email from a scientific journal stating that an article she was first author on has been accepted for publication!  This is such an accomplishment for her!

Later in the morning, I dusted the living room and dining area.  I also cleared the top of the piano (had some music books and a few other things stacked there) in preparation for the piano tuner's visit, tomorrow (he called and confirmed the visit, today).

In the afternoon, I went to my doctor's appointment.  My blood pressure was slightly elevated, which might explain the headache.  The doctor wanted me to keep a log of my blood pressure readings to check to see if my medications needed adjusting.  They had to reduce my medication dosage when I was on chemo and lost all that weight.  But now, my weight has gone up, again, and maybe the dosage is not enough.  I have another follow-up appointment in two months' time, so we'll see how that goes.

But, the good news is, my blood sugar levels have been so good that the doctor took me off my medication for that!  I was on the lowest dosage of half a pill, once a day, for several months, but now, he thinks that diet and exercise will be sufficient!  Again, I am to monitor my sugar levels, and, if there is an increase, then, I am to take half a pill, again, but I am determined to stay off my medication, if possible. 

I also got my flu shot, today. 

On the way home from the doctor's office, I stopped at the pharmacy to pick up my inhaler refill.  Then, came home and had a late lunch (breakfast had been my morning cup of coffee and some savory crackers).  Then, I took the Tylenol and took a nap.  Dinner was leftover pasta and roast chicken, with grapes for dessert.

I didn't do anything much in the evening.  I took the trash cans to the curb to be picked up, tomorrow, spoke with Aunt T (I'll be visiting her, tomorrow), watched some TV, and video chatted with daughter.

Today, I am grateful for:
- A good visit with the doctor
- Being taken off one of my medications!
- Getting my flu shot
- A nap on the sofa
- My daughter's good news

Monday's To Do List:
- Doctor's appointment - DONE
- Pharmacy to pick up refill - DONE
- Check the newly planted mums and water if needed - DONE (didn't need watering)
- Take the trash cans to the curb - DONE
- Clean Dancer's litter box - DONE

Tuesday's To Do List:
- Bring in the trash cans
- Buy milk
- Visit Aunt
- Have the piano tuned

How was your Monday?  What have you planned for Tuesday?


  1. Congratulations to your daughter, what an achievement. I think my blood pressure meds will be changed on Thursday - they are continually being tweaked but I don't feel that the last change was right as I keep getting a BP headache. Good news that you can stop taking the medication for your sugar levels, that's a step in the right direction.

    1. Thank you, Eileen. I have conveyed your congratulations to her. :)

      I hope your BP levels can be better controlled. Mine took several adjustments of medications when I lost a lot of weight, but, now, the weight is going up...I need to bring it back down! I am going to work on that, during the next two months.

  2. Congratulations to your daughter on her paper. I had that happen once years ago and it was an incredibly huge deal. At least to me. Is she in a job where her work can generate more papers? I'm sure she's talented enough to do that.

    1. Thank you, Live and Learn. I conveyed your congratulations to her. :) Yes, she's in a job where more papers will be generated, as they do a lot of research related to nutrition.

  3. Congrats to daughter! Great accomplishment! I'm glad you were able to get your blood sugar down. That is good!

    1. Thank you, Sharon. Your well wishes have been conveyed to her. :) Yes, getting my sugar levels down to where I can manage without medication is good. I am happy. :)

  4. Huge congratulations to your daughter. You must be really proud. X

  5. Congratulations to your daughter! It indeed is a huge accomplishment to publish on a peer reviewed journal as the first author. I miss writing papers now, though I can't say that I really miss spending hours and hours in dark rooms doing benchtop experiments. :)

    Good news about lower blood sugar levels. I hope your blood pressure will also be back to normal soon.

    1. Thank you, Nil. I've conveyed your well wishes to her and she'll be reading the comments, herself. :) Her work is in the field of nutrition and data analysis, so lots of surveys and computer programming. :)

      Thank you; I am very pleased about being off the sugar meds. My BP was within normal range when I checked, this morning, so, hopefully, that will continue.

  6. had another biopsy on my thyroid yesterday. Wow, this one really hurt. 4 needles at 4 different times. Stayed home today because my neck hurt so bad. Have to have my whole thyroid removed. But not until February. Have to see cardiologist and Opthalmogist first. The thyroid is affecting my right eye.Kinda of freaked out.

    1. Oh, Mia, (((HUGS))). I'm so sorry to hear you are going through this. Yes, please do stay at home and rest while you are in pain. Hope your appointments with the cardiologist and ophthalmologist go well. Do you have someone to go with you to these appointments? Is there anything I can do to help in anyway? In the meantime, I will keep you in my prayers for good health. If you need someone to talk to, send me an email (it's at the top of my blog) with your phone number and I'll call you. Take care.

  7. What a great list of Gratitudes for today. Oh my gosh! Two papers within a month?? And this one she is FIRST author? Congratulations. This is a very big accomplishment. I was impressed with the first publication.

    And I am totally jazzed about your lower blood sugar. Congrats to you as well. No meds. I am sure your blood pressure will drop and follow suit. I guess you must have a BP cuff at home if the doctor wants you to monitor. Sorry I am responding so late in the day. I am just reading now while waiting for my supper to cook. What a great blog post!

    1. Thank you, Susan. No problem about commenting later than usual. I'm sure you had a busy day. Yes, good news all around! :) Yes, I do have a blood pressure monitor. My pressure went down too low when I lost weight, so they lowered my medication dosage; now that the weight has gone back up, a bit, the medication dosage might be too low. I am going to try to bring the weight down, because I think that would be better than increasing the medication dosage, overall, healthwise. I am hoping things will be within a good normal range when I go to see the doctor, next. Hope you had a good day. :)

  8. Congratulations to your daughter, how exciting! And congratulations to you, too, on being able to cut out that half pill and just continue with diet and exercise. That is exciting too, as none of us like taking meds and the fewer the better, if possible.

    I've been tired and not in the mood for commenting, probably because of my friend's death, and now that the funeral has taken place yesterday, I have spent a restful day (well, apart from some laundry) and didn't go into town, just a nice walk to the mailbox.
    I saw a little pine marten running across our deck today and it is the second time I have seen one on there. I'm surprised to find one coming so close to the house!

    1. Thank you, Bushlady. You take all the time you need to rest and mourn the loss of your friend. (((HUGS))) It's hard to lose a friend.

      Maybe the pine marten is looking for the peanuts his friend the squirrel told him about! Or, maybe he's more interested in the birds who come to eat the seeds you put out for them! All the little animals are probably trying to get as much food as they can in preparation for the winter to come.


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