Sunday, February 18, 2018

Weekend Review

Yesterday (Saturday) was a warm, sunny day.  Even the lemon tree needed a little shade:

Lemon tree trying to get a little sun protection

(Actually, friend M put his hat there on Friday, and then, forgot it!  He came by, later, after I texted him the picture, and collected it!)

I spent a fairly relaxed day on Saturday.  A friend called to confirm if I was still planning to attend the prayer gathering on Sunday and if I could give her a ride.  Later, I called my cousin P to offer her a ride and we had a long chat, as we hadn't spoken all week.  Then, I stripped daughter's bed and remade it with new sheets.  And I did a load of laundry.  I also ran the dishwasher and washed the pots and pans and my tea cups by hand.  My decluttering included a saucer I dropped and broke!  In between, I watched some TV and knitted.  Later in the evening, I video chatted with my daughter and cleaned the litter box. 

Daughter had gone grocery shopping earlier in the day:

Daughter's Dollar Store Haul
She said it all came to $25 and some change.  I think there is an apple pie being planned!  The 2 lb. bag of cuties (mandarins) cost $1.99.

Today (Sunday), I attended the monthly prayer gathering, hosted by my friend who leads the prayers.  I gave my cousin and friend a ride there and back.  There weren't many members of the prayer group, today.  Just five of us and, since I don't actually recite the rosary, my friend's husband had to say two decades.  But it was a nice little gathering and we were able to engage in some good conversation that is more difficult when there are more people. 

In the morning, before I left to go to the prayer gathering, I put away the laundry from yesterday, emptied the dishwasher, and swept the living room.  After I came home, I returned my neighbor T's phone call and did a load of laundry.  Now, I am watching some Olympics figure skating as I type this.

This weekend, I am grateful for:
- Sunny days
- Being able to give a ride to the prayer gathering
- Getting together with family and friends
- Flowers blooming in the garden
- A safe drive to the prayer gathering and back

Monday's To Do List:
- Appointment with the oncologist
- Grocery shopping
- Clean out the fridge
- Put gas to the car
- Take trash cans to the curb
- Put away laundry
- Another load of laundry
- Water the garden (front and back)

How was your weekend?  What are your plans for the week ahead?


  1. All those mandarins for $1.99! I pay £1.85 for maybe 6 or 7 in our supermarket. The small prayer meeting sounds very intimate and as you say smaller groups mean you get chance to speak to everybody. Hope daughter has a safe flight in this week. xx

    1. Suzanne, in the regular grocery stores, the mandarins would cost more - 3 lb. bags are usually sold for $3.99 (on sale) or $4.99. I must say I enjoyed the smaller prayer gathering. Thank you! I am looking forward to her coming home!

  2. Another amazing grocery haul by your daughter.

    Am I correct that the monthly prayer meeting is a catholic group and others are welcome? Is this group connected to a parish church?

    You got a lot of laundry done and all hung up. Today I have done two loads and used my clothes rack but the bulk had gone into the dryer. Milder today with rain showers that are very much needed.

    Not many plans for the week other then attend a light supper prior to Advent service. Take dinner to my daughter's house and then attend the band concert at the highschool.

    1. Sandy, yes, the monthly prayer gathering I attend is a group of Catholic friends and family who get together to recite the rosary and share a meal, afterwards. It is the same one I host usually in October. I am the only non-Catholic who regularly attends; I am related to half the group and the rest are long time family friends. As far as I know, it is not connected to a parish church - members of the group don't attend the same church.

      I attend the gathering, but I don't recite the rosary (although I do know the prayers). For me, it is a way to see family and friends on a regular basis and be present during a moment of prayer and meditation. :)

  3. Lots of lovely fresh goodies in your daughter's haul. If she's making apple pie I'll have a slice! I laughed at the photo of the hat on the lemon tree. It all looks so very green there.

    1. Sharon, I want a slice of that apple pie, myself! I'll tell her you wanted some, too.

      I, too, laughed at the hat on the lemon tree. Somewhere, in one of my photo albums, there is a picture of a plum tree wearing my mother's scarf! We do try to keep our plants happy! :D

  4. Your gardener friend was probably wracking his brain trying to remember where he had last seen his hat. Then it appeared on an email addressed to him. So funny.

    You got a lot accomplished in the time you had before leaving for the prayer meeting. Sometimes that is a quiet motivator when you think to yourself, "I have a couple of moments, I will just do this...."

    1. Yes, he was probably wondering where he kept it! LOL.

      Thanks, Susan - sometimes, I am motivated and I can get a lot done in a short time. Other times, I take a long time to do very little! :o

  5. Funny photo of the hat on the tree :)

    1. Ah, yes, sunny So. California, where even the trees need protection from the sun! :D


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