Thursday, February 22, 2018


Today, the hospital pre-admissions center called, again, in the morning, to confirm tomorrow's appointment and to go over the checklist of questions about my current medications, allergies, if I have someone to bring me home, if I am an organ donor, if I have a medical directive, etc.!  I I was still asleep when they called, but managed to answer their questions!  Afterwards, I tried to sleep a bit longer, but couldn't, so got up and had coffee, etc.  I spent a quiet morning, responding to blog comments, commenting on other blogs, etc.  I called my sister and informed her of the surgery and I called the temple and informed the monks.  

Later, daughter and I went out to pick up some Thai food for lunch (there's leftovers for dinner and for tomorrow, as well).  Daughter drove us to the restaurant and back, as she didn't want the drive home from the hospital tomorrow to be the first time she's driven in about a year or so.  

After lunch, I did two small loads of laundry and vacuumed the house.  I checked on my lavender plants, but didn't water them as it was both windy and cold.  Friend M will be coming to do the garden, tomorrow, and I will ask him to water the lavender plants, then.

Daughter and I are spending a relaxed evening, watching the Olympics.  Later, I will do the dishes.  I also want to mop the kitchen floor.  Then, the major house cleaning will be done for at least next week.  

Today, I am grateful for:
- The hospital calling me and getting the pre-admissions formalities completed over the phone
- Spending the day with my daughter
- Yummy Thai food (and left overs for another couple of meals)
- Getting the vacuuming done
- Being able to watch the skating on TV

Tomorrow, I will go to the hospital in the morning for the final surgery related to this journey I've been on for almost three years, since June, 2015.  This will be the last little bit of the climb on that mountain.  Please keep me in your thoughts.


  1. I certainly will have you in my thoughts and prayers for a speedy recovery.

  2. It will be a relief to finally reach the top of that mountain. All good wishes for tomorrow. I will be thinking of you. Xx

  3. You will definitely be in my thoughts today, Bless, as you take this final climb. Hugs.

    1. Thank you, Live and Learn. It went well; home now and recovering.

  4. It's 6:15 a.m. your time and I've already been thinking of you a lot! Good luck, Bless, on this last little climb! So glad you're here with us, my dear. ((HUGS))

    1. Thank you, Nathalie; home now and recovering.

  5. (I don't think my comment "took" again)...You'll be in my prayers! Andrea

    1. Thank you, Andrea. The comments don't appear until I read them and then, publish them. But if there was a comment prior to this one, I didn't receive it - I've had a few problems with my computer, lately. But thank you for commenting, again.

  6. Do hope that all has gone well, Bless. Take your time and be kind to yourself in order to get strong again.

    1. Thank you, Eloise. Yes, all went well; home now and recovering.

  7. Thinking of you and glad the top of the mountain is finally in sight. Good luck tomorrow Christine x

    1. Thank you, Christine. All went well and I am home, now, recovering.

  8. Thinking of you and sending positive thoughts your way!!!!


    1. Thank you, Carolyn. All went well and I am home, now, recovering.

  9. Thought of you and your daughter many times today. Also lifted you both up in prayer. Rest and take it easy. 😴

    1. Thank you, Sandy. All went well and I am home, now, recovering.

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.


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