Friday, February 23, 2018

Surgery on Friday

First of all, thank you, everyone, for your thoughts, prayers, and well wishes, that were extended so generously to me and my daughter.  We are both very blessed to be wished well by all of you. 

The surgery went well, I am home now, and recovering.

Daughter and I both woke up at 6:00 a.m. and we were on the road a little after 6:30 a.m.  I drove us there.  Traffic was fairly light, it being Friday, and I pulled into the hospital parking lot by 7:15 a.m., well before the 7:30 a.m. arrival time I was given.  I checked in at the front desk and then, at 7:45 a.m., I was given papers to sign and admitted.  A short wait and they called me in, weighed me (70.2 kg - I've gone up!), checked my blood pressure (it was good), checked my sugar (it was 107), etc., and put an IV in.  My daughter stayed in the room with me and various nurses came in to check the charts, confirm when I took my medications, and so forth.

The surgeon was delayed as he had other patients before me, but he came to see me a little after 9:30 a.m., marked the surgery site, spoke to me and my daughter.  He said the surgery should take about 1 hour.  Then, the anesthesiologist came by and introduced herself and went over the charts, followed by the two surgery nurses.

Eventually, around 10:00 a.m., I was wheeled into the surgery and there were at least 5 other surgery staff there.  They flushed the port, then, the anesthesia was administered through the IV and I didn't know anything after that!  I was out like the proverbial light!

Afterwards, I was taken to the recovery room for about half an hour - I dosed on and off while I was there and then, they took me back to the out-patient section to finish recovery.  I was given some apple juice to drink (I had been fasting since midnight) and my blood pressure monitored, etc.  They told my daughter she could come in then (she had been in the waiting room; she said the surgeon had come to tell her that the surgery proceeded smoothly, which was very nice of him, I thought).

They didn't want me to leave until I had gone to the bathroom, so after I went to the bathroom, they brought me my clothes.  They were constantly asking me if I felt OK and I did, until I started to get dressed.  Then, I felt nauseated and started to throw up, due to the anesthesia.  But I felt well enough to leave and so we did.  I threw up again in the car, coming home - I guess the apple juice wasn't such a good idea?

I was prescribed a pain medication (Norco), which is a type of narcotic, to be taken if needed.  But I am not in pain and so, I told my daughter not to get it filled.  I can take a Tylenol if I need to (so far, I haven't needed it, but, maybe I'll just take one before I go to sleep).  

Daughter drove us home and then, I had some lemon-lime soda (Sprite), changed into my pyjamas, and slept for a bit.  Later, I ate some plain crackers, had a cup of tea, and a banana.  I managed to keep everything down, so I felt it would be OK to eat some Thai glass noodle salad, warmed up, for dinner (it's been about an hour since I ate dinner, and I am feeling fine, so I think the side effects of the anesthesia have worn off). 

Friend M came to tend to the garden and he brought me some kiwis that I will share with my daughter over the next day or so.  He watered the lavender plants for me, since I couldn't do it, yesterday, and "mowed" (weed whacked) the back yard! 

Aunt C called to check on me in the evening and my friend R called.  R said she will visit, tomorrow, and bring lunch! 

Last night, after dinner, I did the dishes and mopped the kitchen.  Then, because the living room floor gets so dusty and I don't feel the vacuum picks up all the fine dust, I took the damp mop and went over the wood floors in the living room and dining area.  It has been a while since I last did that, but I felt good about being able to do so.  As I told my daughter, if I were to die on the operating table, I wanted to have a clean house in which to have the funeral!  LOL.  But, since I didn't die, I get to enjoy a nice, clean house (a bit untidy and messy, but clean!) while I recover from the surgery.  *smile*

Today, I am grateful for:
- The surgery was successful and everything went off well
- The thoughts, prayers and well-wishes that everyone offered
- Friendly staff at the hospital
- Daughter being there for me
- Not experiencing any pain this evening

I don't have a to do list for tomorrow, other than enjoying my friend's visit and my daughter's company!  I might water the indoor plants because I didn't water them at all, this week (or I might ask daughter to do so for me).  I might wash the dishes because I know daughter hates to do the dishes (or, I might leave them for another day and then, run the dish washer).  There's another load of laundry to be done (including the clothes I was wearing when I threw up), but that can wait another day or two.  Tomorrow, then, is for resting!

How was your Friday?  What are your plans for the weekend?


  1. I'm relieved to read it all went well Bless, and that you are now home and settled once again.
    It might be a good idea to eat little and often for the next day or two and get your daughter to water those plants!
    Make sure you rest when you feel like resting, you've been through a lot.
    Much love. X

    1. Thank you, Jules. I am surprised at how little pain I feel! Either they gave me some really good pain medications or I have a very high pain threshold! But, you are right, I will rest and take it easy for the next few days.

  2. Bless ... so pleased to hear things went well and you're home recovering. Enjoy the quiet time with your daughter and rest. Drink plenty of fluids and I hope you have a very restful week. Chris M.

    1. Thank you, so much, for your well wishes. Yes, must remember to stay hydrated and rest!

  3. I am happy to find you had a successful surgery and are now home and feeling OK. I hope it continues to be a relatively pain free experience. Now rest and recuperate!

  4. So,pleased Friday went well and you are back home. Bless were you told to take it easy for the remainder of the day? Now that does not include washing dishes and damp mopping floors shortly following surgery. Very naughty!

    Let your daughter take care of you. Allow yourself to fully recover and gain your strength back. No skipping meals or going along tine without sipping water.

    R is such a kind friend.

    1. Thank you, Sandy. Yes, I was told to take it easy and I did! The dishes and floors were done the night before. :) I didn't do anything, yesterday, after surgery, I promise!

      R is a good friend. Unfortunately, she woke up with a headache and runny nose, this morning, so she called me and we agreed that she shouldn't visit today. She will visit another day, when she's feeling better. In the meantime, there is plenty of food in the fridge and daughter can cook or buy us some take-away food, as needed.

      I took a Tylenol, last night, more because daughter insisted that I did, than because I needed it for any pain. She was so worried about me that she stayed up practically all night, in case I felt ill and she wouldn't hear me. So, she's sleeping in and I am just relaxing. :)

  5. So glad to hear all went well. Relax for the next few days with your daughter. Do you work puzzles? It could be fun to do one while you are "resting". Dancer might enjoy playing with the pieces too if he's anything like my cats. :)

    1. Thank you, Live and Learn. Yes, Dancer and I both love to do puzzles! :D Right now, I am working my way through a book of crossword puzzles and a book of sudoku. Also, playing solitaire and mahjong on the computer. Later in the week, I want to finish sewing the top of my Mountain quilt.

  6. Bless, I love your sense of humor, LOL :)

    So glad everything went well and you're not in pain. If the pain does come (and I'm not sure if you could take those considering what else you're taking so ask your doctor), here is what you could do: after I had my teeth pulled last year, my dentist recommended I take 2 ibuprofens AND 2 acetaminophens at the same time every 6 hours for the pain and it worked great! I believe this is what is now recommended in a lot of cases to avoid giving narcotics to patients and stem the epidemic of people becoming addicted to them.

    I had the same reaction to the anesthesia when I got my tubes tied. I was fine after throwing up as well (only I had to throw up on the sidewalk a block away from the clinic and I was mortified!). I hope your car is OK and that you had planned better than I did, lol.

    Enjoy a relaxing weekend visiting with your friends and your Daughter!

    1. Thanks, Nathalie. Glad you like my sense of humor. :D

      I do have the prescription strength ibuprofen (basically, the equivalent of 4 regular ibuprofen, which is what my oncologist told me to take for pain) that the dentist prescribed when I got my teeth extracted and I asked the nurse if I could take them, if needed and she said yes. Last night, daughter insisted I take a Tylenol before I went to sleep, so I took one (which is, basically, a half dose). I am not feeling any pain - just a little soreness where the port used to be - but that is only when I touch the area.

      I think I feel more pain when my joints hurt than I do from this surgery!

      Oh, poor you! At least you threw up on the sidewalk and not all over your car (which is what I did after my colonoscopy, a few years ago!) Yesterday, I had a plastic bag the nurse had given me, along with one of their small towels!

      My friend R called this morning to say she's unable to come today as she woke up with a bad headache and a runny nose. But she'll visit another day. Daughter stayed up till 4:00 a.m. because she was worried that I might get sick in the night and she wouldn't hear me if she was asleep! So, she'll sleeping in, today! I am planning to have a relaxed day.

      Hope you are having a good day, too.

  7. I couldn't wait to hear from you and I am so thankful that all went well. Side effects from anesthetics are not a happy occurrence but it is good that your pain is quite manageable without heavy painkillers. I have been thinking of you (sending up arrow prayers) all yesterday and this morning too. I pray that you will soon be fully recovered from the surgery and I hope that your body will respond well from the removal of the port. I think psychologically it must be good to see the back of it! Enjoy this time with your daughter and well-wishers and baby yourself. There will be time enough to work when you are completely recovered.

    1. Thank you, Bushlady. It all went very well and I am feeling fine this morning. I took a Tylenol last night, before I went to sleep, because my daughter insisted that I did - more for her peace of mind than any pain I felt. I am giving myself permission to spend a relaxed weekend.

      Thank you, again, for being there for me throughout this journey.

  8. I'm so glad to hear your surgery went well! Take care of yourself.

    1. Thank you, Sharon. I'm resting and taking it easy, today. :)

  9. Delighted port removal procedure went without any drama. Wonderful to have daughter fly back to drive you home from hospital. I know others mean well, but don't take Ibuprofen without checking with your pharmacist because it is easily contra to other RX. You've had enough pharma drama without creating un necessary problems.
    Unlike the others, if the weather is co operative, I hope you'll take a walk, get a bit of pleasant exercise because it helps with the story of anesthetics.

    1. Thank you, Hon. I haven't taken any ibuprofen, only Tylenol (and just 1 pill per day), which was approved by my surgeon (says so on the instructions I was given). I generally don't take a lot of pain medications, anyway. :)


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