Friday, February 16, 2018

Quiet Thursday

I stayed up late, last night, and had a late night snack, as well, but slept well and woke up feeling much better, this morning!  Maybe I was trying too hard to sleep early and getting stressed about it that I couldn't sleep deeply? 

I had another productive day at the office.  I had planned to buy lunch from one of the stalls at the farmers' market, today, so, at lunch time, I went to the farmers' market and bought some Thai food (fried rice and barbecued chicken) for lunch.  It cost $9.00, but I had it for both lunch and dinner, and there's still some chicken left for tomorrow's lunch!  Next time, I think I will try their chicken curry. 

After I came home, I called my neighbor T to check on her and then, settled down to watch Olympics coverage.  Later, I video chatted with my daughter. 

Today, I am grateful for:
- A better night of sleep
- Waking up in the morning
- A safe commute to work and back
- A sunny, warm day
- A relaxed evening at home

Tomorrow, I have to go for another blood test.  I took the day off work so I am hoping to get a few other things done, as well.

How was your day?  Have you been watching the Olympics?


  1. A decent night's sleep makes all of the difference, doesn't it?

    1. It sure does, Live and Learn. Hope to have a few more of them!

  2. A better night yea! Good for you treating yourself to the Thai food - a bargain feeding you lunch, dinner and a snack.

    Yes I am happy to watch the winter Olympics - we do have cable but so much of it is repeated and not worth watching. I love when PBS has a good program but otherwise I simply turn off and either read or play around on Youtube. Lots of old British programs for me to enjoy!

    1. Sandy, that's what I told myself - $9 wasn't too bad for both lunch and dinner with a bit left for another meal, as well.

      I have cable, too, but I tend to watch PBS, for the most part. Or, news! I'm a news addict! Youtube is fun, too. :)

  3. I am glad you had a restful night. I can't say I have that problem as I have always been a heavy sleeper and one of the side effects of my medication, is that it makes me sleepy. I have always been grateful for that.
    Enjoy the time off work and maybe get some more "me" time in today.

    1. Thanks, Susan. I am taking a lot of "me" time, today. I take a couple of medications that state "might cause drowsiness" as a side effect. I also take at least one medication that state "can cause insomnia"! I guess they should cancel each other out, but it seems I am more likely to have insomnia than drowsiness!

  4. Hi my friend. Sometimes it is nice to treat ourselves to some good take out food isn't it? :) I hope your blood work comes back fine. Have a great weekend!

    1. Thanks, Debbie. I budget a certain amount each month ($25) for eating out, so it is a planned expense. I find that the budgeting for it makes it easier, for me. Hope you hare a good weekend, too.

  5. hmm, take-out food sounds so good right now. I'm hungry!

    I have not watched any of the Olympics or even really followed who won what. The only name I recognized in the headlines was Shawn White and I remember him from... 2 Olympic games ago? Or was it Xtreme Games? He's amazing so I'm glad he's still winning medals.

    Have a great day off today, Bless. Remember to relax and enjoy it. Are you going to be buying plants for your garden?

    1. Thank you, Nathalie. Yes! I bought some lavender plants for the garden! They had so many lovely plants, it was hard to choose which ones to buy!


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