Saturday, December 9, 2017

Finally Friday

Seems to me that I am either saying, "Friday, at last!" or "Friday, already?" - either it seems forever until Friday (and the weekend) or, it's here before I know it!  
Today, I had a fairly productive day at the office.   In the afternoon, I went to the bank and withdrew some money to spend on the almsgiving, for donations, etc.  I will get the envelopes with the donations ready, tonight, and keep until needed.  One more step in the preparations for the almsgiving.  Sometime tomorrow or on Sunday, I will call the temple and confirm the date with the monks.  I don't expect them to forget, but once or twice, there have been some confusion about the dates, with the monks at one of the temples writing down the wrong dates on their calendars!

On the way home, I stopped to buy a pizza for my dinner.  They have a special - a large one topping (pepperoni) pizza for $4.99 (plus tax).  I ordered one, waited the 10 minutes or so for it to be done, then, brought it home, only to discover, when I went to eat it, that they had made a mistake and given  me a large two-topping pizza (ham and pepperoni) instead!  For a minute, I debated whether to take it back - obviously, it was someone else's order!  But, by then, I had already changed out of my work  clothes and into my more comfortable sweats and I didn't feel like getting dressed again (I will not go anywhere dressed in my sweats).  So, instead, I enjoyed a slice of my two-topping pizza, for dinner!
I watched the evening news, finished knitting another red hat, spoke with my aunt who called to check on me, exchanged emails with a friend,  and video chatted with daughter, at least until her internet connection stopped working!

Today, I was grateful for:
- A safe commute to the office and back
- A two-topping pizza for the price of a one-topping pizza!
- The friendly teller who helped me at the bank
- My gardener friend tidying up the garden for me
- Holiday greeting cards from family and friends

How was your Friday?  What would you have done if you had paid for a one topping pizza and received a two topping pizza, instead?  Would you have taken it back?


  1. Lucky you getting a two topping pizza even though it wasn't your order. I bet the person who received your one topping wasn't as happy lol.

    Glad you are not in the danger zones for the fires. Your offer to let your friends stay with you should the need arise must be a weight off their minds, but I hope they don't need to take you up on it.

    If the fires are common I'm just wondering if you have a bag packed and ready to go just in case you're evacuated and where your safe place would be? xx

    1. Suzanne, I'm sure the person who got the one topping pizza wouldn't have been happy! My friend A didn't have to evacuate, after all, so that turned out well.

      I am not in a fire danger zone (usually they are in the hillsides), but there's always the possibility of fires, especially after an earthquake, from ruptured gas lines, downed electric wires, etc. I am somewhat prepared, but, I daresay we could all be more prepared than we are.

      My safe place would be with one of my relatives or a friend who is not near the fires. Often, the Red Cross and the city will open up school gyms, recreation centers, etc., as evacuation shelters, too.

  2. Bless.
    It does seem like time is just flying by.
    On the pizza... I would not have taken it back.. You were already undressed, and they would have had to throw it away any way, and make you another pizza, so in the long run. It was better for you and for them.. Proud you got to enjoy the pizza..
    Have a great day.

    1. Judy, yes, I don't think they'd have been able to give that pizza to their next customer, so they might have told me to keep the pizza, anyway. :)

      Are you all decorated for Christmas?

  3. "I will get the envelopes with the donations ready tonight" - do you specify where the funds are used or ?

    As long as you like what was on the pizza you may as well keep it and enjoy. If you did return the pizza parlor would not have been allowed to then give this pizza to another customer. Just the way it works.

    Friday was indeed very cold and I had to scrape my car windows before I could drive to the grocery store. I stocked up on butter and sugar which were on offer. I really prefer shopping earlier in the week but my store keeps running these either 1 or 3 day specials that are only good on Thursday, Friday or Saturday. I find it rather annoying. Last week it was Friday so until they stop this nonsense may have to shop on one of these days.

    1. Sandy, the cash donations I give in envelopes to the monks at the almsgiving are understood to be for their personal use, however they choose to do so (the monks don't receive a salary or monthly stipend, as such; they are supported through donations made to them and the temple). In addition, I also give checks made out to the temple, usually during visits to the temple, with the understanding that the donation will be used for the general upkeep of the temple - utilities, temple improvements, etc.

      Yes, you are right, the pizza place wouldn't have been able to re-sell the pizza. I do feel sorry for the person whose pizza I received and who might have received my one topping pizza! Hope he or she checked it before leaving the premises and got the order corrected!

      Some of the stores here, too, do those specials that are good on only certain days of the week! At least, this way, you are well stocked for the weekend!

      Hope you have a lovely weekend, Sandy.

  4. The days seem to be flying by at the moment Bless. Possibly because of time of year.
    I think you were wise to just eat the pizza. If you had noticed it was the wrong one before you left then that, of course, would be different. I hope it was a good one. X

    1. One thing I've noticed about my days - they seem to drag on when I am at the office and go by too quickly when I am at home! I was very happy with my pizza, but felt a bit guilty because I didn't pay for the extra topping! But, I'll consider it a gift from the pizza place! :)

  5. I think I'd have eaten the pizza too! In the context of bad things, I think we can safely say that it isn't too bad a thing to have done. Friday for me involved a late sleep thanks to a very bad night (after 4am when I got off to sleep), then scraping the ice from the car (it snowed), Christmas shopping in town and an early night because I was still tired. Yes, it is strange the way that time becomes distorted depending on whether we are looking forward to, or dreading, something.

    1. Ha, ha, I was wondering, before I ate the pizza, if I were to run for a public office, would this be something that might come back to haunt me? "Dishonest Candidate once received a two topping pizza when she paid for only one topping and didn't return it to the store!" :D

      Sounds like you had a busy day! Sorry you couldn't fall asleep earlier the night before - I know how that goes! Glad you were able to have an early night on Friday.

  6. Well, Bless, the consensus seems to be that it was right to keep the pizza and enjoy it. No point dressing up and traipsing back with it and letting it congeal in the box. Extra topping - one of life's little gifts! Hope it worked out for any other customer. Maybe they got the right order anyway, who knows? Perhaps it was just quicker to put ham on both!

    Friday I went to church in the morning and then did some more shopping, and today I stayed home except for a walk to the mailbox. Next door there are two funny little dogs and the brown one loves to bark. It makes his day if I come by when he is outside!
    I made cottage pie for supper, haven't had it for ages and DH really enjoyed it too.

    1. Bushlady, maybe the next time I stop at the pizza place, I'll give them the extra dollar the second topping would have cost and tell them why. :)

      I guess the little brown dog likes to greet you! Nice of you to oblige him!

      Yum! Cottage pie! One of my favorites! I should buy some ground beef and make one!

      I hope you have a lovely day, tomorrow, Bushlady.

  7. Maybe there wasn't a pizza mix up between you and someone else. Maybe they just gave you an extra topping by mistake, so everyone got a pizza they were happy with--especially you.

    1. You know, it's quite possible they just made a mistake. Actually, I did see the girl who was putting the toppings on the pizzas pause at one point, take some toppings off one pizza and then, put them back on! Maybe she got confused and put some on my pizza, too! :)


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