Thursday, December 29, 2016

Shopping and Errands on Wednesday

Dancer's Holiday Present

Today, daughter and I ran a few errands and did a bit of shopping.  First, we went to pay my homeowner's insurance and earthquake insurance.  I prefer to go in person and pay it in full and get a receipt, rather than mail a check.  I also paid my natural gas bill.  It wasn't due until January 12, but I like to start the New Year without any outstanding bills.

Then, we stopped to buy a new battery for my blood sugar monitor.  My physician assistant wants me to monitor and log both my blood pressure and my blood sugar daily for three weeks and bring the log to my next appointment. 

After that, we stopped at the pet store and bought kitty litter and a new cat tree for Dancer.  We got rid of his old cat tree some four years ago when he had a flea infestation and never bought a replacement, until now. 

Dancer's New Perch

It's not as tall as his old cat tree, but the taller one at the store was priced at $149.99!  The one we bought today was expensive enough at $79.99.  It was an indulgence, as he managed quite well without one for four years.  He was rather wary of it at first and daughter tied the raffia ribbon on it to entice him to investigate it.  Didn't take long for him to claim it as his perch!

We stopped at the grocery store to buy more bananas and milk and bought some fried chicken on the way home for an early dinner.  Later in the night, I baked a batch of cornbread.  It still doesn't taste quite the same to me, but daughter assured me that it was delicious. 

Today, I am grateful for:

- A sunny day.
- Running errands and shopping with daughter.
- Being able to indulge in a new cat tree for Dancer.
- Freshly baked cornbread.
- Phone call from aunt.

Wednesday's To Do List:

- Make a few more holiday gifts - DONE
- Wrap more gifts
- Mail New Year gifts and cards
- Pay house and earthquake insurance - DONE
- Buy kitty litter - DONE
- Do dishes - DONE
- Bring trash can in - DONE

Thursday's To Do List:

- Wrap gifts
- Mail New Year gifts and cards
- Stock up trip to Costco
- Water the houseplants

How was your Wednesday?  Did you have a pleasant day?


  1. I've just been catching up on my blog reading and have read back on your posts for the last week. I'm so pleased you had a lovely Christmas and spent some precious time with your daughter. Love the new cat perch. Dancer looks very pleased with himself. X

    1. Thank you, Jules. Yes, my daughter and I enjoyed our Christmas.

      I hope you had a lovely Christmas, too, and may you have a blessed New Year.

  2. Looks like he's enjoying his present :-)

    1. Thank you, Jess! I think he likes it! He settled down to sleep in it, last night. :)

  3. What a lucky kitty!!!! He looks very comfy. So cute!

    1. He's a spoilt kitty, that's what he is! But, at 9 years old, he's our longest lived kitty and deserves a bit of spoiling, I guess.

  4. I am so happy daughter is with you , and you two are getting to enjoy each others company..[good Christmas present]
    Dancer looks very comfy in his new Present.. Have a blessed day.

    1. Having daughter home for the holidays is the best present! We are already planning when she will come down next! Hope you are having a lovely week, Judy.

  5. Dancer looks very cozy in his cat tree! He'll probably spend a lot of time up there, cats absolutely love dominating the room from any height.

    I read in another post that you're going back to the office next week! Wow, I thought you had more time at home. I'm very happy to read that all your tests came back normal. I wasn't worried as I suspected, as you had, that your spell had been due to dehydration, but it's nice that it was confirmed.

    Enjoy the rest of your week at home! Is there a space, at work, where you could put your head down for part of your lunch so you can take a quick 20 minute nap? Even if it's just to bring a small pillow and put your head down on a table? 20 minute naps are recommended for a burst of energy.

    1. He does like it! :)

      There really isn't a place for a nap at the office, unless I go down to my car (I've done that, occasionally). The plan is to go for half a day, that first week, and see how things go. Maybe go for 3 full days the second week, and ease into it.

      Thank you for commenting, Nathalie. I appreciate your concern. :)

  6. Dancer certainly looks very happy and relaxed on his new cat tree. Things for pets are so expensive - manufacturers obviously realise if you have a pet your inclined to spoil them rotten :)

    Had to smile at paying your earthquake insurance. It sounds like you lead a very dramatic life and Thomas was most impressed! xx

    1. LOL, tell Thomas it's not all that dramatic! But, unfortunately, earthquakes tend to be a fact of life here. Every time we have a temblor, my stomach flip-flops and I wonder if it will be the "Big One" we've all been told to expect!

  7. You have a remarkable cat. Every time we got something like that for our old cats they ignored the expensive and comfy cat nest and take over the box.

    It must be a nuisance to keep monitoring things, but it's good that it's getting checked. Prayers and good vibes continue. x

    1. Thank you, Lyssa. The monitoring is one more thing to do in the mornings, but it doesn't take much time; five minutes at the most.

      Dancer nearly caused the perch to topple over when he last climbed it, so he's giving it a wide berth, now! He's supposed to jump up on to the second tier and then climb to the third tier through an opening that has been cut into the bottom of the third tier. But, he prefers to climb from the outside and the structure is not heavy enough to remain stable with a 16 lb. cat hanging on one side! :D I need to place something heavy on the lowest tier - a cement block, maybe, to weigh it down!

    2. Bless - I literally laughed out loud at the image of Dancer clinging precariously on the side after being too much darn cat to go through the sensible way! It reminds me of malevolent cat - she managed to get inside the crisp box with the hole in the side but couldn't get out - she was too fat! So after much wriggling she bit pieces from the hole until it was wide enough and all the time glaring at us because we were laughing at her! x

    3. They don't like it when we laugh at them, do they? :D

  8. I'm catching up too, and was glad to see your blood results came back good and that you are going to try a short week back at the office. I'm sure it will do you good to be there if you don't get too tired, but you can always do some work at home as well. I'm praying for strength and a healthy year for you.

    Well, Dancer is a character, trying to scale his cat platform from the outside! I hope he figures out the best way to get up from inside. Loved Lyssa's story of the cat in the crisp box!

    We have earthquake insurance in the Ottawa Valley in Canada because Hubby is concerned that we are on 150 feet of sand and we are in fact in a seismic area, even if not on the Ring of Fire where there is greater concern. We have had the occasional tremor, most notably at 6.20 am on Jan 1st, 2000 (when everyone expected strange things to happen at the turn of the century).


    1. Thank you, Bushlady. I wish you and your family a blessed New Year. I never realized that you had earthquakes in Canada! Glad you have earthquake insurance, as well.


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