Thursday, December 1, 2016

December Balanced Life Goals

In December, my goal is to live a more balanced life in the middle of all the year-end activities and the holiday season!
Spiritual:  The goal is to live a spiritually meaningful life.
- Continue with daily prayers and gratitude
- Prepare for and hold the December almsgiving, scheduled for December 4
- Attend my late friend's memorial mass (December 10)
- Attend the December monthly prayer gathering (December 17 or 18)
- Watch the broadcast of Midnight Mass from the Vatican - a Christmas tradition I have been doing for the past 40+ years, even though I am not Catholic
- Take the food donations collected over November to the food bank
- Continue to focus on joy, abundance, blessings  

Environment:  The goal is a clean, tidy, uncluttered house and a well-maintained garden.
- Focus on the cleaning and tidying during the first half of the month
- Decorate for winter/Christmas
- Maintain the cleaned areas for the rest of the month
- Continue to spruce up the garden

Daughter:  The goal is to continue to have a close relationship with her. 
- She will be coming down for the holidays.  In between, we'll keep in touch by phone and computer.

Family:  The goal is to keep in touch with various family members.
- I might see some of the family members at my almsgiving (I've invited them but I don't know yet if they are coming)
- I'll see some of the family members at the December prayer gathering
- Send holiday/New Year greetings to those living abroad and out of state
- Exchange holiday gifts

 Friends:  The goal is to keep in touch with friends.
- I'll see two of my friends at the almsgiving as they are coming to help me
- I'll be seeing some of my friends at the memorial service and reception afterwards 
- I'll be seeing some of them at the monthly prayer gathering
- I'll be exchanging holiday greetings and gifts with other friends

Career:  The goal is to continue to do work which I enjoy (for the most part) and which enables me to support myself.
- Continue to work from home during December
- Take more vacation time during the holidays

Finances:  The goal is financial security.
- Continue budgeting and spending mindfully

Health:  The goal is good health.
- Attend the appointments with my various doctors - 3 scheduled so far for December, with radiation oncologist, regular oncologist, and primary care doctor plus a blood test
- Continue to focus on a healthier diet, exercising regularly, and getting sufficient sleep

Time Management:  The goal is having enough time to do all what I want to do!
-  Organize myself and put routines into place so I have enough time for work and for play! 

Leisure/Crafts/Hobbies/Me-Time:  The goal is to relax doing something I enjoy doing for the pleasure of it.
- Celebrate the holidays: decorate, etc.
- Bake the cake we call love cake when daughter is home for the holidays
- Make some cards
- Read a book (or more)
- Make some holiday gifts

What are your goals for December?

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