Wednesday, April 13, 2016

Happy New Year!

Today, April 13, is when they celebrate our cultural New Year in my country of birth (Sri Lanka).  It's a holiday, special foods are made and eaten, the traditional oil lamp is lit, families visit one another, and there are festivities.  Over here, of course, it is just another day and it's been awhile since I last made a fuss about celebrating the cultural New Year.  There will be a celebration at the Temple this weekend, I was notified, but I won't be attending because I am trying to avoid being exposed to germs.  Still it is another opportunity for a new beginning, if you like!  So, if you slacked off on any New Year's resolutions, here's a chance to renew them!  
I've had a good day, today.  I went to the clinic in the morning and got the injection.  So far, no aches and pains.  On the way back, I put gas to the car.  It's the first time I put gas to the car myself, since I started chemo because my over-protective daughter wouldn't let me!  But daughter had been too sick to do that this weekend and I needed gas.  I wore my mask when I went in to pay and while I was putting the gas and I came home an washed my hands, so I'm sure I'll be fine.  Gas was $2.59 per gallon at the station I went to.  It was $2.79/gal. at some of the other stations I passed.

After I came home, I called daughter to check on her.  She is feeling much better, she said.  She didn't have a fever and only some congestion.  She got to sleep in a bit since her morning class had been canceled.  She did attend her afternoon class.  We've decided that she will not come home this weekend.  It will enable her to fully rest and recover and minimize my exposure to her germs, as well.
After I spoke with daughter, I had a fried egg and ham sandwich for brunch.  Then, I sat down to do the office work.  However, in the afternoon, I felt so sleepy that I took a nap!   But afterwards, I did more office work and finished the amount of work I had set for myself to do today.  I should be able to finish the assignment by Friday (due date) without any problems.

After I finished my office work for the day, I went for a walk a couple of times around the block.  I walked for about 20 minutes.  A little bit of fresh air and exercise.  There were some nicely landscaped front gardens in the next block that I admired.  My garden doesn't look anything like theirs.  
I wasn't very hungry for dinner today, so I ate a bowl of the cashew curry I had thawed, drank a nutritional drink and ate an apple.
There were several phone calls today from various members of the family and I called one of my friends, as well.   And when I returned from my walk, one of my neighbors saw me and spoke with me.  I always chuckle at our conversations because she only speaks Spanish and I barely speak any Spanish.  But we manage to ask how the other is and that's what's important.  

Today I am grateful for:

- Daughter is feeling better
- A safe drive to the clinic and back
- Immunity boosting injections
- Afternoon naps on the sofa
- Family and friends

How was your day, today?


  1. Happy New Year! Glad you had a good day.

    1. Thank you! Hope you've had a good day, too.

  2. Happy New Year Bless. Sincerely hope it's a good one for your. When I worked in the school office I always felt like I had 2 New Year's. The start of the new school year in September and the official one in January. Glad you had a good day and that you managed to get out for some fresh air. Smiling at the image of you and your Spanish neighbour having a chat. xx

  3. Thank you, Suzanne. Yes, the start of the school year is like another new year, isn't it?

    I live on a very ethnically diverse block and English is the common language we all use, but, as I said, this one particular neighbor doesn't speak any English (her husband speaks some and sometimes he'll translate for us).

  4. Replies
    1. Thank you! New Year blessings to you, too!

  5. Happy New Years Bless. So happy you had a good day,with no side effects [and happy you took the nap, when your body needed it].
    Proud daughter is feeling better..

    1. Thank you, Judy. Hope the packing and moving, etc., is coming along well. Have a blessed rest of the week.


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