Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Been Ill

Well, the cold and cough I mentioned on Friday only got worse with time.  I managed to get through the almsgiving OK, but as soon as everyone left, I went to lie down.  I only meant to take a short nap before dealing with the leftovers and the dishes, but I slept all afternoon into evening into night!  I woke up a few times, but each time, daughter insisted I went back to sleep, which I did.  And while I slept, daughter put away all the leftovers and handwashed all the dishes (I used many of the rather delicate family china that had belonged to my stepfather's mother, which can't be washed in the dishwasher).

I slept through Sunday but felt much better, today.  Of course, today, it's daughter's turn to be ill with the same cold and cough.  :(

I managed to do several loads of laundry but that is about all.  Hopefully, tomorrow, daughter will feel better, and I will be able to turn my attention to the rest of the holiday gifts and perhaps a modicum of holiday decorating.

Hope everyone else is keeping the colds and coughs at bay, during the holidays.


  1. Sorry to hear you are sick Bless. Take good care of yourself. I got sick a week ago and now DH has Influenza A. We are trying our best to get over it.


    1. Frugal, I am so sorry to hear you were sick and now DH has the flu. Hope you are feeling better and he will recover completely without any further complications. Wish you both the best this Christmas and in the coming New Year. Good health and happiness above all else.


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