Monday, December 1, 2014

Another Long Drive Home and December Goals

Yesterday, I drove daughter back to her apartment; it poured with rain during part of the drive.  There was a lot of traffic, too, with people traveling after the  Thanksgiving holiday.  Later, in the evening, I baked a batch of mini cornbread muffins for daughter to take to a potluck breakfast at the university on Tuesday morning.

Today, I dropped daughter off on campus, put gas to the car and drove myself home.  This time, there was thick fog and intermittent light rain on the drive home.  After I got home, I put more gas to the car in readiness for the week, went grocery shopping, picked some oranges from the tree in my garden, did a load of laundry and hung it up to dry, and took the trash cans to the curb for trash pick up, tomorrow morning.  Called one of my aunts, had a phone call from a cousin and another from a friend - the family and friends spoke of my balance wheel is nicely plumped.     

Since today is December 1, it's time to make some goals for December!

Spiritual: Prepare for my annual year-end almsgiving. 

Environment: Outside: Continue to spruce up the garden. Inside: Continue to clean and declutter. Get the house ready for the almsgiving.  Decorate for the holidays.

DD: Arrange for her to come home for the holidays; spend some special "us" time together. 

Family: Get together with family once or twice, this month

Friends: Visit with friends, once or twice.

Career: Work on assignments in a timely manner

Finances:  Pay bills.

Health:  Dr's appt.

Leisure/Crafts/Hobbies: Make holiday gifts

Time Management: Multi-task!

Let's see how well I do with my goals this month!

How about you?  Anyone making any goals for December?

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