Sunday, April 17, 2016

Almost There: Grandmother's Flower Garden Quilt Update

My English paper pieced hexagon quilt in the pattern known as Grandmother's Flower Garden is something I started several years ago.  I've worked on it in fits and starts and I've posted about it earlier.  I had hoped to have it finished by the end of summer, last year, but that didn't happen.  However, I have been sewing on it, a little at a time and it is coming along!  I spread it on the bed, yesterday, to check on its progress:

Grandmother's Flower Garden Quilt in Progress

I have seven more flowers left to attach: 

Seven Flowers Left

Still need to figure out how to do the border.  Right now, the flowers leave a deeply scalloped edge, which will be hard to bind.  I will have to make several half-flowers to fill in the gaps, if I want to have a straight border to the quilt.  Maybe I'll have it done by the end of this summer year?


  1. The quilt is lovely Bless. Having looked at it I think I might add another border to my flowers as well. You've inspired me to keep going and possibly make a quilt especially now I know there's such a thing as hand tying. Hope you're having a good day. xx

    1. Thank you, Suzanne. I'm glad to have inspired you! Looking forward to seeing how yours comes along. If you do a few hexagons a day, you'll soon have enough for a quilt. :)

  2. Such a pretty quilt!

  3. Each time I see your quilts I'm so amazed ... You truly have a gift for combining fabrics, colors and patterns. Each one is so unique!!!!

    1. Thank you, Carolyn. Glad to hear it because they are all scrap quilts. :)


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