Wednesday, November 30, 2022


More Yellow Roses

I had my doctor's appointment at noon, today.  In the morning, I called to confirm the appointment and then, drove myself to the doctor's office in good time.  I had a good appointment - my blood pressure and blood oxygen levels were good, my weight was stubborn and had stayed the same (I thought the doctor might have to say something about not losing any weight, but, she merely commented on how stable my weight has been), my lab results were mostly good, and my ECG was good.  The doctor also said that the gall stones were fairly small and apparently nothing to worry about, which is a relief.  The doctor wants me to do one more screening scan so I have an appointment for that in mid-December.  Then, a follow-up visit at the end of February.  

On the way home from the doctor's office, I stopped to put gas to the car since I was closer to quarter tank of gas than to half a tank and I like to have at least half a tank of gas at all times.  I put $40 worth of gas at $4.75/gal. at the cheapest gas station in my neighborhood.  

Later in the afternoon, I did another load of laundry, texted friend A's daughter to check on A (she's still holding on, but, there is no improvement in her condition), spoke with friend R, and video chatted with my daughter.  

Brunch had been a scrambled egg with bacon and fried potatoes.  Dinner was the last of the turkey soup I had made earlier.  I haven't really meal planned for this week, but, I took out some frozen chicken to thaw.  My plan is to cook a chicken curry and, depending on how A is doing tomorrow, maybe take some rice and curry to her daughters.  I will text them, first to see if they are up to having a visitor.  I don't want to intrude on them at this time.

Today, I am grateful for:
- A good visit with the doctor
- The lab work results were mostly good
- A safe drive to the clinic and back
- The availability of gas
- Working appliances and a warm house

Today's joyful activity was video chatting with my daughter.

Plans for tomorrow include tending to the garden with M, cooking, and maybe visiting A and taking a home cooked meal to her family.

How was your Tuesday?  What have you planned for Wednesday?


  1. Wednesday means a visit to the dentist. Should not be too painful (except to my bank account)

    1. Hope your dentist visit went well and it didn't hurt you or your bank account too much! :)

  2. Glad to hear that your health check ups were good. At this time of year weight seems to want to be our winter wear or at least insulation against the cold (lol). Yesterday's photos of Dancer are so cute - cats can seem to sleep in any position.

    1. Thank you, Mary-Lou; seems like my weight and I have bonded! LOL. I was quite heavy at one point and then, I lost 40 lbs. when undergoing cancer treatments. Even after losing that 40 lbs. I was considered to be overweight. Gradually, as my appetite returned, I regained 15 lbs. and my weight has been at that level ever since. I might fluctuate a couple of lbs. from time to time, but, basically, I remain at or about 155 lbs.!

  3. Your yellow roses are gorgeous and it's a great photo.

    I'm glad your test results were good and especially glad that you got away with the weight issue! I hope you are able to see A tomorrow. It will help her daughters and husband if you are able to visit. I know myself just how hard it is to sit beside a loved one for hours when they are at end-of-life, it's a very stressful situation for everyone concerned. Is the hospital far from your home? xx

    1. Thank you, Eileen! High praise considering you take such great photos!
      Thank you! I was nervous about what the doctor might say, but, she was happy that I had not gained weight and she said my A1c level was acceptable (but, I was not happy with it, since it has gone up).
      I have texted A's daughter and have not had a response yet; but, the hospital is not too far from me, so I'll just take a risk and go there in a bit (just waiting for the rice to finish cooking). Hopefully, things are still OK (doctors have given her 24-48 hrs., as of yesterday.)

  4. I'm glad to hear that your doctor's appointment went well.
    I also went to see our doctor and I was really reassured by his knowledge of muscles and nerves and that he confirmed that I am really getting better!

    1. Thank you, Bushlady. :)
      I'm glad you, too, saw your doctor and he was able to confirm that you are getting better. Do continue to take it somewhat easy for a few more weeks! :)

  5. The rose is the prettiest of colours.
    I hope A is comfortable and you get some spend some more time with her. I can't imagine how difficult this time must be for you and her family. Xx

    1. Thank you, Jules; A went away peacefully, according to her daughters.

  6. Glad to hear that your dr's appointment went well. I had my physical yesterday and that was good, also. Always good news when one's health is okay, as you well know, better than some.

    1. Thank you, June; glad to hear that you had a good health report, too. Yes, our good health is a blessing and something to be thankful for, every day.

  7. It's good to have a good appointment and you did. It's sort of a relief isn't it?


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