Friday, November 25, 2022

The Front Garden in November

Front Garden in November

I'm a little late with my monthly photos of the front garden, but, not much has changed in the front garden since I photographed it in October.  One of the euryops bushes around the eucalyptus tree has flowers:

Flowers on the Euryops Plant

The planting bed with the various asparagus ferns is doing well:

Assorted Asparagus Ferns

The plants have not filled in the bed, yet, but, at least they are growing and seem to be doing well.

Looking Up Along the Planting Bed

In addition, all the pavers are still in place in the parkway!  Yay!  M applied some weed suppressant spray to the soil a week or so ago and we will eventually buy some small pebbles to fill in the spaces between the pavers.  In the meantime, I've been picking up any small stones I find in the back yard and dumping them to get things started!  LOL.

The Pavers are Still in Place, Too!

Thank you for visiting my garden, today.  


  1. I think there's definitely more green to see than in October. The ferns are filling out nicely and it's looking good. Glad all your pavers are still there!

    1. Thank you, Eileen. I'm glad to see that the pavers have been left in place!

  2. The first picture is a nice perspectives on your front garden. You have a lot of green going on among the brown background.

    1. Thank you, June. I've a couple of plants in the back that I want to move to the front, next year and I think that will help. Some rain would help, too! :D

  3. The parkway still looks nice and neat. Looks like the recent rain has benefitted your yard.

    1. Thank you, Debra. I am impatient to finish the parkway, but, it will get done, eventually. :)

  4. It's looking very neat and tidy, and the taster of the pebbles in the parkway leads me to believe that it will look lovely done that way. Now nice to see that euryops in bloom.

    1. Thank you, Lady Ella. When I was at the hospital, yesterday, I looked at one of the inner courtyards - one half was covered with dark pebbles and the other half was covered in light brown pebbles, with concrete planter boxes filled with cacti/succulents. It looked very Zen garden meets the South-West! :)

  5. Your yard looks nice and fresh and it is good that you even have some flowers.
    We had a lovely sunny day and it was quite mild for the end of November, around 53F. No complaints here!

    1. Thank you, Bushlady. I received my most recent water bill had I was surprised to see that I had used only half of my allocation! I guess I really cut back on the watering, in October and November! I'm surprised I have any plants left!
      Oh, I'm glad you were able to enjoy a sunny, mild day. Enjoy them while you can. :)

  6. The parkway will look lovely when it is finished. I love your idea of putting pebbles between the pavers. Xx

    1. Thank you, Jules. I just need to get the bags of pebbles, depending on when M will be free to pick them up for me.


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