Thursday, June 16, 2022


Wednesday's Harvest

I picked more broccoli side shoots, today, and a handful of Serrano chili peppers.  I blanched and froze the broccoli; the chilies were frozen, too (without blanching).

Several people had asked if I had any cabbage butterflies around my broccoli plants and yes, there are several who seem to hover around the broccoli plants!  I was unable to get a good photo of them because they kept flying around but, there are two in the photo below (circled in blue):

White Cabbage Butterflies

Nearby, I found this plant growing in the middle of the yard:

Lemon Plant!

It seems to be a lemon plant!  I think it is a sucker coming up from the root of one of the three lemon trees growing along the side of the garage!  Not sure if I want yet another lemon tree!  But, I told M to let it be.  M watered the garden and did some cleaning up.  He brought me two doughnut peaches from a container he had bought; I ate one with my brunch.

Today's temperature reached a high of 90F, eventually.  It is going down to 63F tonight.  It might be hot during the day, but, the nights are cool.  I put the covers back on the second sofa and covered them with old bedsheets to keep them free of Dancer's fur.  I had planned to vacuum, but, didn't!  So, that's on the list for tomorrow!  Not the most productive day, but, that's OK.  

Today, I am grateful for:
- Today's garden harvest
- A new volunteer lemon plant!
- A gift of doughnut peaches
- Water for the garden
- Phone calls with friends and video chatting with my daughter

Today's joyful activity was tending to the garden with M.

Plans for tomorrow include vacuuming, tidying the kitchen, and putting in a grocery order.

How was your Wednesday?  What are your plans for Thursday?


  1. You've definitely had a good crop from the broccoli plants even though they didn't produce the big heads you were expecting. What will you do with the new little lemon plant - donate it or let it grow where it is?

    It seems I will be spending a good part of today trying to track down a missing parcel. I received notification that one of my new plants was delivered last night but wherever it is, it isn't here. I'm just waiting for the customer service department to open and then I'll phone them.

    1. All the side shoots add up, don't they? The new lemon plant is growing between the moringa tree and the Asian pear tree; I think I'll just let it grow there. :)
      Oh, I hope you are able to locate your missing parcel! This isn't the first time when your plants were delivered to a different address, is it?

  2. I had never heard of doughnut peaches, but looked them up and understand where they get their name. I am looking forward to peach season here in about a month.

    1. Doughnut peaches are a novelty, I think; they usually cost more than regular peaches in the stores. Enjoy the peaches when it is peach season. :)

  3. Your little lemon plant is so sweet. I'm now willing it to grow into a big strong tree. My four are all showing signs of new growth, I think it must be the recent sunshine we've been enjoying. X

    1. M has cleared the space around the lemon plant and it looks like it will grow well. Glad to hear that your four lemon plants are showing some new growth; they do enjoy sunshine and warm weather. :)

  4. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    1. Sorry, Jules; there was a comment without any content and I deleted it.

  5. What a harvest. Regine

    1. Thank you, Regine; I'm gratefully harvesting what I can from the garden. :)

  6. We call your doughnut peaches flat peaches here, I had to look them up online. It's been very hot here today and forecast to be even hotter tomorrow. I took Tilly to be groomed today so she will be feeling more comfortable in this heat now.

    1. Flat peaches describes them perfectly, Eileen. Good idea to get Tilly groomed before the really hot weather arrives, she will feel cooler now. Hope you don't find it too hot and are able to keep cool. Don't forget to keep well hydrated in the heat.

  7. I hope those white butterflies don't lay eggs on your broccoli. I once cooked some broccoli only to find a poor cooked caterpillar in the tight bunch!
    My arm soreness from the vaccine was minimal and went away in a day or two but I'm still tired! It is sunny and hot today, in the 90s but thunderstorms may be due later today.

    1. Oh, I had better look more closely when I pick and cook the next batch of broccoli! Otherwise, I might get some extra protein I hadn't expected!
      Did you get the Pfizer or Moderna booster? I received Moderna and didn't feel too tired afterwards as that is a half dose booster shot; Pfizer is a full dose, I believe, and the side effects might last longer. My daughter received only the first booster as she isn't eligible for the 2nd, but she took about one week to recover from the side effects.

    2. We had Pfizer, which was what we had for the first one, then the next two doses were Moderna.

    3. That might explain your continued tiredness. Take it easy and hopefully, you'll be back to feeling more energetic, soon. :)

  8. You are getting so much from those broccoli plants, you must have a magic touch with them! I hope that you can keep the sofa fur-free, but my experience with cat fur is that it always finds a way lol! Take care of yourself in that heat. It isn't the sort of weather to rush around in.

    1. I'm getting a very nice harvest from the broccoli plants! There are six plants and I think they've provided me with all the broccoli I can eat! They will, eventually, burn up for the heat, once we get into the triple digits.
      Keeping the cat fur off the sofas is an ongoing battle! I need to brush him, but, he will tolerate it only for a few minutes at a time.
      Actually, I'm OK until the temperature climbs to the upper 90s. But, I'm making sure I stay hydrated. :)

  9. Hope the cabbage white butterflies don't cause a problem. G told me she grew broccoli one year and ended up with an infestation. (G has been known to exaggerate ... your crop has certainly been well worth having.) As you said before, butterflies are part of the ecosystem too, and have their place.

    1. Thank you, Lady Ella. At this point, I think I've got my money's worth from the broccoli plants; I do plan to harvest some leaves to cook, but, I think I can spare a little for the butterflies, too. :)

  10. It was hot up here today, too. Thank goodness it cools down in the evening. I am out on the porch right now, enjoying a cup of tea and the cool air.

    1. It's amazing how quickly it cools off once the sun sets, isn't it? Sitting out on the porch enjoying a cup of tea sounds lovely. :)

  11. Your broccoli production has been great. I hope the cabbage butterflies don't take over and decimate the plants.

    What a cute little lemon tree. I will look forward to watching it grow.

    1. The broccoli production is coming to an end, I think. But, I am still harvesting the leaves and making full use of them! I need to take another picture of the lemon tree - M cleared the grass around it and it looks good!


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