Saturday, June 25, 2022


On the Shelf

Another warm day with a high of 96F.  Tomorrow's weather forecast states, "Warm with plenty of sun"; a high of 90F which will feel like 94F.  

Last week, friend A had suggested we visited her this afternoon, around 4:00 p.m.  I called her this morning to find out if she was up to a visit and she said she was at the hospital having an infusion.  I knew she would feel rather tired, afterwards, and she agreed that it would be best to postpone the visit.  She will let me know when she feels up to having me visit.  

It meant my daughter and I had a quiet, relaxing day at home.  I made egg salad sandwiches for brunch and we snacked on frozen home grown blueberries.  

M came over to tend to the garden in the evening.  I gave him a box of tea bags as he had asked me if I could buy him a box when I was at the Sri Lankan store, next (I gave him a box from my stock and refused to accept any money as he always brings me various things to share).  

Neighbor S kept the tradition of sharing food and brought over more lahmajoon in the evening!  Yesterday, my daughter had gone over to S's house to spend an evening painting with S's two daughters and S had sent some dessert home with my daughter - some macarons and two slices of cheesecake!  She is such a generous, sharing neighbor.

In the evening, I cooked some salmon for dinner.  There were two pieces of salmon in the freezer and I cooked them both, sauteing them with onions and tomatoes.  I cooked some of the broccoli I had frozen earlier and baked (microwaved) two sweet potatoes that neighbor S had given us, earlier in the week, to go with the salmon.  I froze most of the leftover cooked salmon for my daughter to take back with her; she will not need to cook dinner on that first day when she gets back to her apartment (well, she might have to cook some rice and a vegetable, but, that's all).  I will be keeping an eye out for salmon to go on sale before my daughter's next trip home, whenever that might be!  

Today, I am grateful for:

- A relaxed day at home
- M tending to the garden for me
- Neighbor S giving us more lahmajoon 
- Ceiling fans and electricity to run them
- Water for the garden

Today's joyful activity was spending time together with my daughter.

My daughter had planned to spend some time, tomorrow, with friend A's two daughters, one of whom will be celebrating a birthday this weekend, but, she received a text that the birthday girl has come down with a cold and it was decided that they will postpone getting together until daughter's next trip down.  Instead, we will spend another relaxed day at home, just enjoying being together.  

How was your Friday?  What are your weekend plans?


  1. I hope that you and your daughter have a wonderful day. The salmon sounds lovely. It's crazy how much things are costing so I hope you get to have a good sale.

    1. Thank you, Lyssa. We are having a nice, relaxed morning so far. She made me coffee, this morning, which was lovely. :) I have $24.50 left in this month's budget, which I will use to stock up on salmon when it goes on a good sale, next. Currently, the regular price is $14/lb. (well, $13.99/lb. which is the store's way of tricking shoppers to think it is $13/lb.) and on sale for $12.99 (which is actually $13/lb.) I think salmon will be something reserved for very special occasions like Thanksgiving, Christmas, and birthdays!

  2. That's Dancer's way of saying that he likes it when you declutter. It gives more places for his cat naps. :)

    1. LOL, yes, that shelf was decluttered just last week! It didn't take him long to discover that the shelf was more or less empty! :D

  3. Sometimes relaxed, non-scheduled days are the best.
    We often have salmon and I bake a couple of pieces. in the oven in parchment paper. I put some soft butter on each piece, then a drizzle of birch syrup and a drizzle of lemon juice, before wrapping the top of the paper. Yes, birch syrup! DH made some a few years ago and it is quite an interesting flavour - no good for pancakes but works with savoury foods. I haven't tried it on anything else but salmon.
    Yesterday evening we went to an outdoor restaurant by the river and had soup and shared a falafel wrap entree which is too much for one person.

    1. I'm enjoying these relaxed days. Today, we ran the last errand we needed to do before my daughter goes back, tomorrow. I must try your way of baking the salmon in parchment packets. I'll have to substitute some peach chutney or something for the birch syrup. :)
      An outdoor restaurant by the river sounds like a very pleasant place for a meal and sharing an entree is a good idea! :)

  4. Love the photo of Dancer on the shelf. Do you keep a space deliberately free for him? Glad you had a relaxing day. Hope you can visit with your friend soon.

    1. He looks cute on the shelf, doesn't he? I had cleared that shelf, last week, as part of my decluttering, and he discovered the newly cleared space! :D Thank you; I will try to see my friend later, when she's feeling better. :)

  5. It sounds like you are having a lovely time with your daughter. It's a shame that A wasn't feeling up to you visiting and I hope she is feeling better in herself since the infusion treatment.

    I've been recording my piano playing to send to C - lots of false starts and moving the recorder around but I got it done in the end. Neighbour S came round this morning to measure up for the pergola - it's going to be a much more substantial structure than I was imagining but I suppose it has to be substantial to be fit for purpose. I'm sure I'll get used to it. M has been texting me links to possible climbers for the pergola ... she is a bad influence sometimes 😂
    It's nearly 7pm and I'm settling in front of the TV to watch the coverage of Glastonbury 2022. Paul McCartney is the headline act tonight, which should be good.

    1. I am enjoying having her home again, and I'm sure I'll miss her when she goes back, tomorrow! Yes, it would have been nice to have visited A, but, maybe we can visit another time.

      Glad you got the recording off to C. Hopefully, she will like the quality and consider it good to submit to the exam board.

      Looking forward to seeing the pergola; yes, I suppose it has to be quite substantial to be able to support the weight of the vines, etc. That's helpful of M to send you ideas for possible climbers. :) Will passionfruit grow in your climate? They have pretty flowers, tasty fruit, and the leaves make a great mallung. :)
      Enjoy your musical evening. :)

    2. I'll probably grow another potato vine on the pergola. The passion fruit flowers are the wrong colour for the garden and it would need to be in full sun to produce fruit but the pergola will be on a north facing wall so I don't think it would be happy there.

    3. Potato vines have such pretty flowers; that's a very good choice! :)

  6. I went shopping today and noticed a big increase in prices, as well as more gaps on the shelves again. STILL no chicken kiev or broccoli! There was plenty of salmon, and it had gone up too... About those two slices of cheesecake: I'm pretty sure S meant one of them for me! Didn't daughter tell you?

    1. I'm sorry to hear about the lack of broccoli! I'll make sure to keep one package of home grown and frozen broccoli for your visit. Good thing you told me about the 2nd slice of cheesecake being meant for you, because I haven't eaten it yet! I'll freeze that for you, too, shall I? :D But, if you want one of the melon pan, you'll have to hurry over, because my daughter is planning to take the rest back with her! :D

    2. I was only teasing :o) You can have my piece of cheesecake, of course! I would never begrudge you a little sweet treat. I am now too late for the melon pan but TBH I'm never really sure what to do with it/how to eat it. In fact, until you explained why it was called that (in a post a while ago) I assumed it was supposed to taste of melon. Hahaha, I have 1 1/2 bags of broccoli left and have mixed feelings about it: happy that I am well-stocked but peeved that it is taking up space which could be used for all the weekend's various fruit pickings!

    3. When you visit, I will make you a cheesecake to make up for having eaten your slice! :D The Japanese grocery store in downtown Los Angeles does sell a type of melon pan that is colored a light green and tastes like melon. I hope you are able to find enough room for both the broccoli and the fruit!

  7. I love your new shelf ornament :) I took delivery of a new armchair this afternoon and it has already been claimed by Mog. They just please themselves don't they? X

    1. Thank you, Jules; he does look rather cute perched on the shelf, doesn't he? Glad to hear that Mog's new chair has arrived! :D

  8. Bless, this is another delicious post. Love the way that you are in a generous and caring community. What goes around.... comes around XXXXX

    1. Thank you, Ratnamurti. There was more food flowing my way, today, too! I am truly blessed with some wonderful neighbors. :)

  9. I just love that photo of Dancer on the shelf :) You are having a lovely time with your daughter and a shame it will have been such a short visit this time. I hope salmon will be on sale again soon so you can stock up for your daughter's next visit.

    1. He does make a cute shelf ornament, doesn't he? :D I've enjoyed having my daughter home, this week. Because she was on vacation, too, we were both able to relax and just hang out together. I'll be on the look out for those elusive salmon deals! I found out that the store sells their own brand frozen salmon in 2 lb. bags for $15, which comes out to be a good price per lb.; I shall buy a bag when I put in my next grocery order. :)

  10. Dancer has quite the perch there - and it looks to be the same energy level I am feeling at the moment!

    1. LOL, he does like that perch! He says it's not easy to be energetic when it is 90F+ and you are wearing fur! :D

  11. Dancer in the bookshelf is so cute lol
    Neighbor S continues to shuttle food your way doesn't she? And more delicious pizza. What a thoughtful woman.

    I like how you freeze food for your daughter to take home. Then she has something healthy and delicious with little effort.
    Our salmon is so high now too. I just do what you do and wait for a sale. Although my husband's birthday is this coming weekend so we may have to pay the full price if it's not on sale in the next flyer.
    Our regular price is now $14.99. Ouch :(

    I made some lentils this morning. We will have that with some leftover chicken and leftover broccoli. So cooking is done for the day for the most part.

    1. Dancer on the shelf is a cute ornament, isn't he? :D I should have another shelf cleared for him, pretty soon. :)
      S and her family are such a blessing! She always calls and says, "I have such and such, would you like some?" and it is usually so delicious that I have a hard time saying, "No"! My daughter took the lahmajoon back with her.

      Sending cooked and frozen food back with my daughter means she doesn't have to cook a full meal on the day she returns to her apartment or the next couple of days, either. Yesterday, she just boiled a pot of rice and steamed the fresh broccoli I gave her in the rice cooker, while the rice was cooking, and had that with some of the salmon I had sent with her for her dinner. :)
      Yes, that is about the price for salmon here, too; center cut portion is $14.99, on sale this week for $13.99 - that's not much of a sale, is it? Kroger does have a 2-lb. pack of frozen salmon fillets for $14.49 according to their website - I've not tried it, but, I might order a pack on my next grocery order; it seems to be the best price right now.
      Lentils, leftover chicken and leftover broccoli sounds great! Will you have rice with it? Or some bread, perhaps?


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