Tuesday, June 28, 2022

Resuming Regular Schedules

With my daughter back at work, it is time for me to get back to my regular schedules!

Monday was a productive day.  I changed my bed sheets and the sofa dust sheets, did two loads of laundry which dried quickly when hung inside the house, dusted the living room and dining area, cleaned the fridge (there wasn't anything to toss, but, I wiped down the various shelves), cleaned the litter box, took the trash cans to the curb for pick up in the morning, watered the front garden, did a meal plan, chatted with various family members and friends, and, of course, video chatted with my daughter.

It was hot on Monday, with an afternoon high of 100F.  It was cooler inside the house, of course, with the family room registering 88F.  I switched on the stand fan around noon and it stayed on the rest of the day!  In contrast, Berkeley had a high of 68F and my daughter said she had to turn the heater on in her apartment for a little while.

Today, Tuesday, is a slightly cooler day, with a high of 98F.  I did another load of laundry (a blanket and quilt), dusted and tidied the family room, and watered the houseplants.  Still left on the to do list: dusting my bedroom, spot watering the back garden, and bringing in the trash cans (I'll wait until the sun has gone down a bit before I go outside).  I have also been watching the January 6th Hearings and the news.  

Today, I am grateful for:
- Electricity to operate the fans and other appliances
- A large capacity washing machine to accommodate the quilts
- Access to news
- Water for the garden
- Weekly trash collection services

Today's joyful activity has been sipping some cold peach lemonade (fresh lemon juice, leftover simple sugar syrup from the canned peaches).

How was your Monday?  How is your Tuesday coming along?  Is it hot where you are?


  1. We had a nice day today with temperatures in the 80's but the heat in the 90's for the rest of the week--with humidity. I too am thankful electricity to run fans and AC.

    1. Temperatures in the 90s with humidity is just miserable! I'd want some AC then, myself! Hope you are able to keep cool over the next several days!

  2. Your wonderful visit is over! You have such a good daughter! Keep cool! (If you can!) Andrea

    1. Yes, 'all good things come to an end', as they say. :) Thank you, Andrea; she is a good daughter and I feel very blessed to have her. I'm trying to keep cool! Hope you are keeping cool, too. :)

  3. What a difference in temperature between where you live and where your daughter lives. It's noticeably cooler here following our hot spell and much more comfortable.

    1. Yes; it is usually much cooler up in the San Francisco Bay area; foggy, too! It is cooler down here, today; currently 87F and the high is supposed to be only 89F.

  4. No, it's a lot cooler here today ... 18ºC according to the thermometer although it does feel warmer than that. There are dark clouds gathering so we may have some rain later on.

    Well done on getting back to your routines so quickly. I'm failing on that front as I keep awarding myself little holidays from the routine for things like watching tennis and meeting up with friends, so the housework is falling behind again. Next year I will be having a cleaner again!

    1. 18C (64F) is like winter for me! I'd be all bundled up! :D Lucky you to get some rain!
      I do my cleaning in between other things, mostly in 5 to 10 minutes spurts, often during commercials if I am watching something on TV; the only cleaning task that takes me longer is vacuuming (takes me about 30-40 minutes to do the house), so I tend to procrastinate on that! But, I break it up into segments (living room and dining area in one go, 10-15 minutes), the family room (10 mins.), my bedroom and hallway (10 mins.), etc. A cleaner would be good, too. :)

  5. Sounds like you are getting back into the swing of routines. I swiffered and mopped the living and dining room yesterday and washed my winter jackets (hoping I won't need them for a while, even if it is cool and rainy today). I put away the sweaters and most other winter stuff but still have a couple of warm knit jackets and I often seem to need one, until the temperature decides to go up into the 90s again. This is not a year to put away all winter clothes, it seems!

    1. I'm trying, Bushlady; I want to keep up with the routines because then, the house stays maintained. Who'd have thought?! :D
      You are wise to keep a few winter items out for the days when it is cooler. I keep my sweaters in a chest of drawers and they are always available if needed. :)

  6. Sounds like a busy day! Glad you have got back into the swing of things. That's too hot for me! It's going to be 93 tomorrow. Yuck. It's quite humid too which I hate.

    1. It was a productive day! Which is good because I was not quite as productive today! We got up to 93F today! It has cooled down to 74F as I type this at 11:15 p.m.

  7. 100F! Here it has been a lot cooler lately, just low 20s the past few days, and scattered, short showers. I have been enjoying a break from watering the garden but I really should have given it a proper soaking today. I was too lazy watching tennis this evening and then it got dark, and then Eileen teased me about being late with her photo challenge... We may get a few spots overnight, but even if we do I will make watering a priority tomorrow. I have a few cans of water outside from the last rainfall as well as a bathful of undrained water ... then after that it will be hosepipe (but I try to be responsible about using that, even though it is easier and more fun!).

    1. It was cooler, today; only 93F. :) Lucky you to get scattered showers, even if they were of short duration. Oh, you weren't late with the photo challenge! You were right on time! But, maybe you can water the garden, tomorrow, before tennis starts. My gardener M watered the back garden for me, today. Tomorrow, I will water the front garden with some water I've collected in buckets. :)

    2. As if I'd tease you! I've just joined in with this conversation to point out that I'm excused watering duties as it's been pouring down here with more expected for the next four days 😀

    3. Lucky you to get all that rain!

    4. It's there! It's there in writing on your blog so all can witness what I have to put up with!! (Did you see it, Bless? Did you?) Well, you are lucky I have only just seen this. I got up early this morning to strip the bed and put some washing on, and get it hung up before I had to leave the house. I not only did that, but watered some of the saddest-looking plants, carting canfuls of water from inside each time and making quite a mess in the bargain. So you can imagine how disgusted I was to get home around 5pm to find everything had been thoroughly drenched. I was lucky to get in when I did, as within another ten minutes there was a massive thunderstorm with rain bouncing off the rooftops and cars. I should just have hung the laundry out unwashed - mother nature did it for me, unforecast! Yet I turned the TV on and Wimbledon was basking in sunshine. I don't know what will happen tomorrow but we aren't supposed to be getting anything more. However I shall keep you posted as your microclimate has a tendency to awaken my green-eyed monster. (And poor Bless can barely remember what rain looks like.)

    5. Well, yes, Lady Ella, I did see a comment about how she knows you hate being late with your photos! LOL. Of course it would rain right after you lugged cans of water to water the garden! Ah, rain! No rain in the 14-day extended forecast, here.

    6. Not only did it rain after I had painstakingly watered the garden, but it was so heavy that the deluge had washed lumps of moss and silt off the roof, which had spattered all over the washing. I had to rewash it and dry indoors overnight. The irony! I could have stayed a bit longer in bed for all the good my early morning efforts did me!

    7. Sorry to hear that the morning's work was all in vain! Of course, if you hadn't watered the garden or washed the laundry, then, it would not have rained! Isn't that how it usually works? :D

  8. Oh, in case you are wondering why there is suddenly a flurry of comments from me, I can comment from my laptop again. So much easier than prodding at a screen!

    1. Glad you can comment from your laptop, again. Always happy to hear from you. :)

  9. Well good for you getting back into the routines - I am so not that way, often to my own detriment.

    1. Thank you, Susanne. I'm usually good about starting, but, don't always continue... :D

  10. You have been incredibly busy! You seem to have been a whirlwind!

    1. I'm writing down all the little things I accomplish, Lyssa, just to prove to myself that I am being productive and getting things done and not just blogging, playing online sudoku, and watching TV and online videos! :D

  11. You jumped right back into your routines and got quite a bit done.
    You like it warm. I would not be comfortable in those temperatures. It's finally warming up a bit here but we still haven't turned on our A/C yet which is unusual to say that coming into July. That's good for our utility bill.

    1. Mondays tend to be the busiest days when it comes to housekeeping. You are right - I do like it warm. As long as the temperature inside the house remains in the mid 80s, I am happy. Once it goes above 90F inside, then, I start to feel it's hot.
      I hope your temperatures remain comfortable for you for a long time, so save on your utility bill. :)


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