Sunday, June 12, 2022

Relaxed Saturday

Saturday Dinner: Spicy Ginger Glazed Chicken

It was another warm day, with a high of 92F, which was, actually, a bit warmer than what the forecast said it would be.  I'm not complaining, even if it was a little humid.

I had thought that I might do some sewing, today, but, I didn't feel like it, so, I didn't!  Instead, I relaxed!  Cousin V called in the morning and we chatted a bit.  Then, I called friend A to check on her.  Later in the evening, I had a call from aunt C and afterwards, I called friend R to check on her. 

Brunch was an egg salad sandwich.  I always cut up a fresh green chili and add it to my egg salad; I think it gives a nice flavor to it.  I also made a fruit salad, using up the last banana, the last of the grapes that neighbor S had given me, some blueberries, an apple (saved the seeds to see if I can get them to germinate), and an orange.  

I was going to eat leftover rice and fish curry for dinner, but, when dinner time approached, I wanted something different.  So, I quickly thawed a packet of four chicken drumsticks in the microwave, then, cooked them on the stove top.  I seasoned them with salt and sauteed them with onion and garlic, then, added a little water and simmered them to make sure they were cooked through.  Then, I added a heaping spoonful of ginger preserves (from a jar that I had received as a gift), some hot sauce, soy sauce, and lemon juice which made a nice glaze.  While the chicken cooked, I cooked some broccoli and frozen corn.  More fruit salad for dessert.  There are two more chicken drumsticks, corn, and a bit of broccoli leftover for another meal.  

Later in the evening, I video chatted with my daughter.  

The lights kept flickering on and off, this evening, so I made sure the flashlights were working.  One flashlight seems to have a burnt out bulb (I put new batteries, but, it didn't work), so, I will need to replace it.  I have plenty of candles on hand and a couple of partial boxes of matches (and two lighters left from a pack of 5 I bought several years ago); I might want to get more boxes of matches, though.  I try to keep the emergency supplies replenished, but, it was easier to do so when I used to shop in person! 

Today, I am grateful for:
- Phone chats with family and friends
- Online chats with daughter
- Relaxed days
- Microwave ovens
- Electricity

Today's joyful activity was relaxing and taking it easy!

How was your Saturday?  Are you prepared for a sudden power outage?  Do you have flashlights, spare batteries, candles, matches or lighters, etc.?  Do you know where they are kept?  Can you access them easily in the dark?


  1. After 20 years living in a village where random outages were a regular occurrence, candles, matches and flashlights are always on hand!

    1. Sounds like you are very prepared and on top of things, Angela. That's good! :)

  2. I get quite a few power cuts so I keep a torch, candles and lighter handy. They rarely last for long though.

    I'm having a quiet day today. I was going to carry on cleaning in the kitchen but I am really tired to will give myself a day off from chores. It's quite windy today and scheduled to get worse so I 'll be staying indoors and reading

    It looks like some of my comments aren't getting through to you even though I have commented on every post.

    1. Sounds like you, too, are well prepared! The power doesn't go out all that often, here, but, in the summer, when the temperatures surge and people crank up the air conditioning, the power grid gets overwhelmed from time to time. Every year, we are asked to keep our air conditioning to around 78F, but, not everyone does. Of course, I don't have a/c (the little window unit hasn't gone up, yet).

      Good idea to rest when you are tired. The kitchen cabinets can wait.

      Thank you for mentioning that your comments weren't getting through! I checked my spam folder and guess what? I've several comments in there! Sorry about that!

  3. Just curious. In your climate, what do you consider a little humid? We try to have working flashlights in most rooms so we can grab one if the lights go out. Because of fire danger, we don't use candles any more. Our neighbors house burned down because of a candle that was left burning.

    1. I didn't check the humidity levels, yesterday, but, I know it's humid when I feel sticky! Today, we are cooler at 83F and the humidity level is 44%; I'm not a bit sticky. :)
      Sounds like you, too, are well prepared with the flashlights. I keep one in my bedroom, one in the kitchen, and one in the family room. The one in the family room is the one that seems to have a burnt out bulb - I am unable to open up the area to replace the bulb (it was an inexpensive flashlight I bought from the dollar store several years ago), so I will buy a new flashlight to replace it.
      One needs to be very careful with candles. Whenever I light one, I make sure not to leave the room while it is burning!

  4. Your drumsticks look so much better than the ones I baked yesterday with breadcrumbs seasoned with garlic powder and poultry seasoning! They turned out okay but I bet yours tasted better!
    I was able to get some pruning done yesterday afternoon. Certain bushes in the front of the porch grow suckers at the bottom, and they need to be removed every year. Also I took out some branches that were hanging too low over the path.

    1. Thank you, Bushlady; I think they turned out quite well, myself! :D I toyed with the idea of grilling the drumsticks under the broiler, but, it was too hot to turn on the oven!
      Sounds like you got a lot done in the garden, yesterday! Keeping the bushes and trees pruned is necessary, isn't it?

  5. I always think I am prepared for a power outage, but in reality I'm sure I would find myself scrabbling around, searching for my torch. I hope you don't need to use yours. Xx

    1. I, too, often think I'm prepared and then, I check and batteries are low or the bulbs are burnt out! I keep a flashlight/torch in the car, too, and checked on it, yesterday - yes, the batteries need to be replaced!

  6. Your chicken looks really good cooked with the glaze you made.
    How did things go with your power? Did it stay on?

    Yes, I am prepared with our emergency supplies. Every time we lose power for an extended time I pay attention to what I wish I had.
    Last time it was a fan because it was so hot! So I ordered two small battery powered fans that are rechargeable. I have a portable battery unit (and a solar panel to charge it with) so I am able to have a small amount of power if needed.
    Another time when we lost power, I found it hard to read with my flashlight set up so I purchased a couple clip on book lights.
    Things like that I add to our supply bin - usually something new every year or so.

    1. Thank you, Debra; I was pleased with how the chicken turned out.
      The power stayed on and I'm very grateful that it did! I'm glad that you are prepared and continue to monitor what you need and add them. I like the idea of the battery powered fans! I am going to order a couple of new flashlights (and more batteries!).


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