Friday, June 17, 2022


On Thursday, I watched the January 6th Committee's hearing and listened to the testimonies being given about the events that took place on that day.  

Afterwards, I made blueberry pancakes for breakfast, vacuumed the house, did a small load of laundry (Dancer's rug, the kitchen rug, etc.), cleaned the kitchen, again (I really don't know how my kitchen gets so messy, so quickly!), did the dishes (again), ate leftovers for a late lunch, cleaned the litter box (again), mended one garment, made fried rice for dinner, and put in an order for groceries.

The latest gimmick by the grocery store is to make certain sale items available for in-store shopping or delivery, only!  The multi-grain bread I sometimes buy was on sale with a digital coupon; I "clipped" the coupon, but, the bread was not available for curbside pick up!  Curbside pick up is free of charge with an order of $35 or more. Delivery has a $9.95 fee.  I chose to buy regular, store brand sandwich bread, instead.  I wonder if the multi-grain bread will be available for curbside pick up when it is at the regular price?  

Today, I am grateful for:
- Television and being able to watch the hearings
- Being able to order groceries on-line
- Working appliances and the electricity to run them
- Phone calls, etc. from family and friends
- What I was able to accomplish

Today's joyful activity was enjoying blueberry pancakes!

Friday's plans include picking up the groceries, cleaning the bathrooms, tidying the dining room, more mending, having M tend to the garden, and cooking a chicken curry for dinner.

How was your Thursday?  What are your plans for Friday?  Have you found that some items are available only for delivery at your grocery stores?  


  1. You are keeping yourself busy! I haven't seen anything like the in-store only offer over here and I'd find that annoying.

    I'm keeping my fingers crossed that my plant will be delivered today. Yesterday it was drop No 91 and didn't arrive and today it is drop No 110 ... I'm not holding out much hope!

    1. I am trying to get a few things done so I have a clean and tidy house, ready for my VIP guest! :D
      Yes, the "available for delivery only" thing was annoying, but, I guess that's their strategy to keep enough of that particular sale item on the shelves for those who shop in person/pay a fee for delivery. I can understand it. At least, there are other types of bread available.

      Oh, my! You'd think they'd give priority to what couldn't be delivered the previous day and move you up a bit on the list, instead of lower! I hope your poor plant will survive the time it spends in transit!

  2. Blueberry pancakes sound delicious! I pay for a delivery pass with a monthly fee as I have my groceries delivered and do sometimes think I miss out on some bargains by not shopping in-store. I have to say that does seem unfair not to allow sale items for curbside pickup, they should be available to all. Just wondering if you have had your scan result yet. My doctor phoned me today and they have picked up a problem in my blood tests which does explain some symptoms I have.

    1. The blueberry pancakes were good! :)
      Yes, the store had a deal, last year, where you could pay a monthly fee for an unlimited number of deliveries (I believe it was an unlimited number of deliveries), but, I guess they couldn't keep that up with rising fuel prices. I do know I miss out on some of the sales (especially on those items that are reduced for a quick sale), but, pick up is safer!
      No, I haven't received my scan test results yet (I called the doctor's office and left a message, today, too). Maybe no news is good news! LOL.
      I am sorry your blood test results indicated there might be something to be concerned about; but, it's good to have an explanation for the symptoms you're having and, hopefully, it is something that can be treated fairly easily. I shall continue to keep you in my prayers for good health, Eileen.

  3. We have only picked up groceries a couple of times in the 2 years, so I don't know what polices the different stores have. It's good that there was a substitution that you liked for the bread. I probably would have gone for another multigrain bread in a different brand even if it cost more since we much prefer it over sandwich bread. The sandwich bread may have lingered on the counter until it was molded and that would be more expensive in the long run.

    1. I could have picked a different brand of multigrain bread, as you point out, June. Except, I didn't! LOL. I do actually prefer the regular sandwich bread (yes, I know, I'm hopeless!) so, I bought that and a loaf of French bread, as well, for a treat! I'll buy the multigrain bread next time around. :)

  4. I have something similar with my favourite supermarket, Tesco. They have a loyalty card, the Clubcard, and if you have that then you get the instore discounts, but you get them on delivery as well. If you pay for Clubcard extra (£7.99 per month) then you can get a few extra discounts on their own brand clothing and furnishings and twice per month you can get 10% off a shop - but only instore. The Clubcard extra has saved me a fortune on bear's school shirts and trousers, but it's a nuisance that I can't put that 10% on a delivery. They get you coming and going, because if you are in store, you are more likely to impulse buy and spend more. But that's where you see the reduced stuff and get the discount. You need a blackbelt in shopping these days.

    1. You are right - grocery stores are very savvy when it comes to marketing, etc. There is a whole team of people behind the big supermarkets, whose job is to analyze human behavior to entice us to spend more money in their stores! They have it down to a science!

  5. DH was watching all the hearing about January 6th and I heard parts of it and he told me about what I'd missed.
    What a pity you couldn't use your coupon and get the multigrain bread. I like that kind, too, but we don't often get specials.
    I had an appointment today in the town 40 minutes away, for laser treatment on my lens, which involved lot of waiting and tests and then about 30 seconds of the actual treatment which I never even felt. I was glad to hear that my pressures were okay. Then we had lunch and managed to get home before my laundry got rained on.

    1. I'm glad you didn't feel the actual treatment, Bushlady. That has to be a blessing! Sounds like you timed your return trip just right! :) Hope you have a lovely rest of the day. :)

  6. That is too bad about your bread. It's so frustrating when things like that happen.
    You are getting your house all nice and sparkly for your daughter's return.

    1. I guess the grocery store needed to make sure that they had enough of a stock on hand for those who shop in person. There was one other item (frozen burritos, which I bought during an earlier shopping trip) which were more expensive to order for pick up instead of buying in-store.
      Yes, I wanted to get the housework done so that I could relax, this week. :)

  7. Yes, I have noticed the same thing with items that were previously available curbside are now delivery or ship only. I am not sure what is up with that.
    Another thing I have noticed is that there are a lot of getting a certain sale price only if you buy a certain number of items - which is almost always more than I want or need.
    I have picked up my groceries curbside since the pandemic started, except for a couple of months I did go inside which I liked. But my legs and back just don't last long enough. So I am back to curbside. For the most part I am very happy with the service, just not the current pricing.

    1. Debbie, it's nice to hear from you, again! I hope all is well with you.
      Yes, we, too, have those must buy a certain number of items to get the sale price deals, here! I usually don't buy them unless they are items that I can store or maybe share with a friend.


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