Saturday, June 19, 2021


Yesterday evening, I cooked a chicken curry using the electric skillet!  It turned out quite well, but, I don't think I planned that too well, because I was constantly getting up and walking back and forth between the kitchen and the living room to get ingredients, etc.  Next time, I should gather all the ingredients together and take to the living room with me!  It's only a matter of a few feet between the two rooms, but, I got a bit tired.  As a result, I didn't make the roti I was planning to make to have with the chicken curry!  Instead, my daughter cooked a pot of rice to go with the chicken curry and I chose to have pita bread.

I didn't have any pain in the night and woke up feeling well, so the walking back and forth didn't cause any problems, after all.  I thought that bode well for my recovery.  And I felt I might be able to do a little more housework, today!  

I had been noticing that the kitchen floor felt rather sticky (I can't remember when it was last mopped - certainly before I had my sciatica pain!).  I had mentioned the sticky floor to my daughter, but, she said something about getting a Swiffer mop.  So, this morning, while my tea was brewing, I swept the kitchen floor and mopped it, with the old string mop that I use.  I didn't scrub too hard because I wasn't sure how I'd feel afterwards, but, the floor is no longer sticky!  

Later in the day, I also swept my bathroom (Dancer's litter box is in my bathroom; enough said!) and did two loads of laundry (daughter switched the last load for me and brought me the clothes to  be folded, etc.)

In the afternoon, I sewed a few more patches on the old quilt and washed a couple of dishes.  Daughter made us salads for lunch and I had some of my zucchini pancakes with chicken curry for dinner; daughter had the rest of the Tex Mex chicken zucchini for her dinner.  

I called one of my friends and offered her more zucchini; daughter dropped them off for me.  My friend was pleased to have them.  Tomorrow, daughter's friend A will stop by to pick up more zucchini to take to her parents.  That stash of zucchini in the fridge is dwindling!  

Later in the evening, daughter made a grocery order for pick up, tomorrow.  We mostly needed more half and half for her coffee and some sandwich bread.  But, we ordered a "bake at home" pizza ($5) and a few things like cold cuts, hamburger patties and buns, plus potato salad and coleslaw from the deli for easy meal prep during the week.  

Today, I am grateful for:

- Another pain free day
- Being able to do a few housekeeping tasks!
- Daughter's help with some of the other household tasks
- Being able to share the zucchini bounty with friends
- Fans, electricity, internet, phone services, etc.

Today's joyful activity was being able to mop the kitchen floor!

Plans for tomorrow include processing the rest of the peaches before they spoil!  

How was your Saturday?  What are your plans for tomorrow?


  1. You had another busy day. Probably the busiest so far since your sciatica flare up - would you agree?
    It's good that your increased activity has not resulted in any set backs.
    I am really hopeful that your situation may be in the rearview mirror.

    Earlier in the week, I made some homemade Greek yogurt in the crock pot. A first for me and it turned out very nice. (If I've already mentioned my yogurt making escapade, I apologize. I'm telling everyone :) so I can't remember if that includes you.)
    I don't eat a lot of yogurt, I go through phases, but now I have all this extra yogurt.
    So I am like you and your zucchini - trying to find uses for my yogurt.
    We are eating a lot of yogurt this week. lol Mainly fruit parfaits. Yum
    This morning I made a tuna macaroni salad and made a dressing with the yogurt and a bit of lemon juice and some fresh herbs that turned out delicious.
    After making a few yogurt ice cubes to have a "starter" for the next batch, as of this morning all the yogurt has been consumed/used.

    1. Yes, I did quite a bit yesterday and it was the most I've done since the sciatica flare up! I am very thankful that I was able to do so without any pain! It makes me feel very hopeful.

      No, you hadn't mentioned your yogurt making so this is the first I'm hearing about it! :D Yay for homemade yogurt! I remember you mentioning a "lemon yogurt cake", so that might be an option when you next make a batch of yogurt! I usually make yogurt on the stove top, but, that requires a lot of stirring to reduce the quantity of water from the milk - I should try making it in a crock pot! I like the idea of yogurt ice cubes to use as starter for the next batch! I've never tried that!

  2. It sounds like it was a very good day - and productive too! :)

    1. Yes, it was a good day and I was very happy and thankful that I was able to do what I did without pain! Today has been a good day, too (although I didn't do any housework). :) Hope you are having a lovely day, Martha.

  3. I recently vacuumed, swept, and mopped several rooms in my house. But I didn't fare as well as you because my back was killing me the next day. Luckily, it was better in a couple of days. I think I either need tp exercise more or to clean less. :)

    1. Sounds like you might have done a bit too much in one go! I'm glad your back felt better after a couple of days. I recommend doing one or maybe two rooms at a time. That's what I used to do even before the sciatica nerve pain flared up! I just didn't have the stamina to clean several rooms in one go.

  4. I must admit that I also prefer a traditional string mop. They get the job done much more thoroughly. That said, I hope you are not doing too much. X

    1. I find the string mop works well and I think it is better from an environmental stand point, too - fewer one time use products to toss afterwards (although I realize that there are reusable/washable mop heads, too). Don't worry - I am taking it very easy and doing only one or two things each day with lots of rest in between. :)

  5. It sounds like you had a very productive day ... remember that you're not going to overdo things!

    At least you still have people who are keen to have some of your zucchini! Have you sent any to the temple yet? I've run out so am waiting for the next donation from family/friends ... if they don't hurry up I will have to buy some! 🤣

    1. Yes, it was a good day and productive, too. Yes, Ma'am! I am taking care not to overdo things! I purposefully overlooked the family room floor!

      Four more zucchini left the house, today! :D No, I haven't sent any to the temple yet, partly because my daughter has not had time to drive over there to drop them off. Maybe next week. But, I now have room in the fridge for the next batch of zucchini. Too bad you don't live closer to me - I could have kept you well supplied with zucchini! :D

  6. Don't you just love that feeling when you walk across the kitchen floor and it doesn't want to let your feet go? It only takes one tiny sticky drop of whatever to get spread around before you know it is there! You are doing well in being able to donate plenty of zucchini to willing recipients. But if you get too many more, we commenters will all have to move into your area to help you out!
    I'm loving my crockpot as ever. I was able to put a smaller casserole dish inside with a couple of chicken thighs and some chopped onion, mushrooms and seasoning in there and all was cooking well when we got back from our walk this afternoon.

    1. Oh, that kitchen floor was so sticky! It'll need mopping again, before long, but, it feels much better now!

      Four more zucchini made their way out the door, today, so, there's some breathing room in the fridge - at least until the next ones are picked!

      Sounds like you are making good use of your crockpot! You must have one that is wider than it is deeper to fit in a smaller casserole dish in it. The one that I have is more like a deep stew pot. Hope you've had a pleasant Sunday and the week ahead will be a good one. :)

    2. My crockpot is oval.

    3. That shape sounds more useful than my circa 1978 avocado green crock pot! :D

  7. I use a serving tray when I need to put several ingredients together and move to another room so I can put things together while sitting down and works great.

    1. That is a great idea, Diana, and it's what I should do, too! It's just that I am so used to just standing at the stove with everything at hand! As I said earlier, I need to learn to work smarter, not harder!


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