Sunday, March 21, 2021

Spring Joy List 2021

Happy first day of Spring!

I am inspired to post a list of joyful activities to enjoy during this spring.  

Last year, I didn't do a Spring Joy List; we had just started what was supposed to have been a two-week "shelter at home" period and worries about the pandemic and keeping safe took precedence over just about everything else!  Last spring's joys were finding enough toilet paper, sanitizer, and face masks!  

This spring, the pandemic and the need to keep safe are still a concern; however, there are vaccines being made available, we've learned to sew face masks (although wearing them seems to be still a problem for some), and there's toilet paper on the store shelves again! 

I think it will be a good year to post a list of spring joys, again.  My last list was in 2019.  Some of this year's spring joys are repeats, but, they are no less joyful for being repeated!

2021 Spring Joy List:

* The warmer temperatures

* The longer evenings 

* Spring gardening

* Flower arranging

* Daily walks in the garden

* Bird watching in the garden and listening to bird songs

* Celebrate Sri Lankan New Year (April 13)

* Play with fabric

* Craft projects with daughter

* Sketching/painting/coloring

I think it makes a nice list of joyful activities to enjoy doing this spring.  Some are daily activities (enjoying the warmer days, longer evenings, etc.), some are weekly joys (flower arranging, crafts, etc.), and others (like celebrating Sri Lankan New Year) are a one time thing.  Everything on my list are activities I can do alone or with my daughter, at home, as neither of us is ready to go out and about unless we have to.

What are some spring activities that bring you joy?  Will you be making a spring joy list?


  1. You have some lovely things to look forward to. I haven't given any thought to doing a spring joy list, although I used to do it regularly. Reading yours got me thinking though so maybe I'll do one this year .... I think we all need to have things to look forward to, don't we?

    1. Thank you, Eileen. Yes, I think it is important to have things to look forward to. Things we can actually do, here and now, not someday when the pandemic is over (although, there can be some of that, too, in good time). I hope you come up with a spring list of joys to look forward to. :)

  2. I love you spring joys. Some of mine are the same - bird watching and birdsongs, spring gardening, and longer evenings. I look forward to more warmer weather foods too and I'm sure there will be many others to add. Happy spring!

    1. Thank you, Martha. I think we are all looking forward to the warmer weather, longer evenings, and time spent outdoors. :)

  3. I love your list my friend! I think it is so important that we have something to look forward to and count our many blessings. :) My list includes spending more time with family, planting some new to my garden flowers, filling up the raised bed gardens that my hubby will be building me with mostly free materials, seeing all the new growth on the trees, flowers starting to bloom and seeing my cats enjoy being out on the back porch once more. Oh and lunches and dinners out on the back porch when the weather allows!

    1. Thank you, Debbie. Your list sounds lovely! Here's to a joyful spring to us all!

  4. You've made a really nice list of spring joys to look forward to.

    I will take joy in watching all of the plants come alive again and then put on their spring flower show.
    And also I enjoy separating my plants and making more (free!!) plants so that is a joyful activity.

    I will be joyful AFTER I am done getting spring yard work chores done but I cannot promise to be joyful during.
    But I will take joy in sitting down and taking breaks while drinking tea and admiring my work.

    1. Thank you Debra. I like your spring joys, too, especially the relaxing after the spring yard work is done! :D

  5. The list is fabulous and appropriate whether it was from 2019 or 2021.
    I wish you a spring of nothing but wonderful!

    1. Thank you, Anne! I wish you the same - a spring of nothing but wonderful! :)

  6. While I don't list spring joys, seeing the first bits of colors as flowers start to bloom is certainly one of them. :)

    1. Yes, there is much joy when the garden wakes up from winter and starts to flower in spring, isn't there? I'm looking forward to seeing your garden and its flowers. :)

  7. Those are lovely joys to look forward to. I don't make a list, just wait for the snow to melt and the sun to come out and take it from there! Today I walked with a friend, then tea outside again (I do recommend you replace that table you are missing or improvise something for now), and we saw a mourning dove, such a soft gentle bird.

    1. Glad you were able to walk with a friend and enjoy some tea outside, Bushlady. I have some mourning doves who visit my garden from time to time (they spend most of their time perched on the telephone wires, though!) and I do like to hear their cooing. Today, I watched a hummingbird as it drank water from the end of the spray as I watered the garden with the hose! I will check the garden furniture ads as we get closer to Memorial Day (end of May), for a patio table, as they go on sale, then. :)

    2. How sweet to see that hummingbird drinking from the spray!

    3. It really was, Bushlady. I was reminded of the time when I held the water spray for the mockingbird to bathe in! :D

  8. Nice list!! Lovely things to anticipate - we all need that.


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