Sunday, March 21, 2021

Broccoli Harvest on Friday

Remember this photo from a previous post?

Broccoli, Taken March 2

Well, this is how they looked, today:

Broccoli, March 19

Broccoli 1


Broccoli 2

They've been ready to be harvested for several days, but, I was waiting until I was sure that they would not grow any bigger.

Broccoli 1 Side View

Broccoli 2

But, I didn't want to wait any longer because some of the buds were starting to look like they might flower!  So, today, I harvested them!

2021 Broccoli Harvest!

Unlike that very first broccoli I harvested, these had grown to a respectable size, I think:

With my Hand for Comparison

I cooked them very simply, stir fried with some garlic and soy sauce to have with dinner:

Broccoli Stir Fried with Garlic and Soy Sauce

Dancer received a broccoli leaf and he had this to say about it:


I think that translates to "Homegrown broccoli leaves are yummy!"  

Today, I am grateful for:
- My broccoli harvest
- M making another planting bed for the summer vegetables
- Phone chats with family and friends
- A sunny and warm day
- Oranges from the tree

Today's joyful activity was harvesting the broccoli!  

Have you grown broccoli in your vegetable garden?  What's your favorite way to cook them?

* Apparently, I forgot to publish this on Friday!  I wondered why no one commented!  LOL!


  1. I love broccoli, just simple steamed- or stirred into pesto pasta. And I cut off the stems and chop them for use in casseroles

    1. I use the stems, too, Angela; they are good in stir frys, etc.

  2. Your broccoli is doing very nicely! When you mentioned Dancer it reminded me of a funny video clip I saw a few days ago. Check it out -

    1. Ha, ha, Dancer loves to eat the broccoli leaves! Not sure what he'd think of cooked broccoli, though! :)

  3. That's more like it! What do you plan to try growing in the summer veg plot?

    1. I've plans to try green beans, okra (two kinds - regular green ones and a burgundy one), tomatoes, and zucchini. I think I will also ask M to buy me a couple of chili plants, too.

  4. Your little vegetable is patch is providing you with a lot of meals. It's fun, isn't it?

    1. It certainly is! This is the most successful vegetable plot I've had in years! :D

  5. Congratulations on a great broccoli harvest! It looks so fresh and yummy in the stir fry.
    We are blessed with another mild sunny day and more cups of tea outside, this time with squares that were easy to bake yesterday evening. I also had a walk down to the river and there was enough bare sand that I could walk along one way without having to be on snow or ice.

    1. Thank you, Bushlady. It was very flavorful. :)

      Oh, sounds like a really nice day with warming temperatures! I used to have a patio table for the back garden, but, the table broke and I haven't replaced it. I am thinking of getting a new one so I can enjoy being outside. I have chairs I can keep out there, but, a table on which to keep a cup of tea would be nice.

  6. That's more like it! I'd be thrilled to have grown those florettes. One of my favourite veg. Hope they tasted as good as they looked!

    1. Thank you, Lady Ella. They were very tasty. I'm very pleased with my broccoli harvest. :)

  7. Your broccoli looks amazing! I wish I had luck growing it here.

    1. Thank you, Debbie. This is actually the first time I've had any luck with growing broccoli and actually getting something to harvest! :D The seeds were planted sometime in October as a cold weather crop.

  8. A good harvest. I planted some broccoli once and it grew really well. The trouble I had was in keeping the caterpillars away. X

    1. Thank you, Jules. I was lucky, no caterpillars or birds! My gardener friend M said his broccoli was being eaten by blackbirds!

  9. Your broccoli looks great.
    You've had some real success with your vegetable patch. Did M put down some nice compost before you planted? I am looking forward to your additions of the summer vegetables you mention above.

    1. Thank you, Debra. I am really pleased with how the winter vegetables turned out (I still have one or two beet plants and carrots coming up!) M put compost and soil amendments and has been putting some kind of fertilizer pellets, right throughout! He has really babied those plants, along. I was only required to make sure they were watered! :D

      I, too, am looking forward to planting the summer vegetables. I need to find some wire mesh to put around the new planting bed.

  10. Fresh broccoli and fresh oranges! I am jealous!

    1. Ha, ha, your turn to make me jealous will come later this summer, when you start picking your beans and okra, etc. :)


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