Friday, March 12, 2021

Cloudy on Thursday

Partly Cloudy

Partly Sunny

"After the Rain" Clouds

It was partly cloudy and partly sunny on Thursday.  We did receive a little sprinkle of drizzle, but, not any rain to speak of.  It was a cooler than usual day, too.  The temperature was 48F when I woke up and it warmed up to 54, in the afternoon.  The air felt fresh and clean when I went outside for my afternoon walk up and down the driveway (which was when I took these pictures).  

I couldn't fall asleep last night and was up till 5:00 a.m.  Eventually, I fell asleep and woke up around 9:30 a.m.  I am hoping I will get back to a better sleep schedule when the clocks are changed this weekend.

I had a fairly relaxed day.  I had written myself a big long to do list, but, didn't accomplish much of it.  I did practice the piano and I did some tidying up and the bathrooms were cleaned.  I also finally labeled the jars of calamondin marmalade and put them away.

Brunch was leftover soup, which I shared with daughter; she had a cold cuts sandwich, as well.  I had a slice of cake with my cup of tea in the evening.  For dinner, I made curry puffs, using frozen puff pastry dough and some of the chicken curry, mixed with the last of the leeks and a potato:

Curry Puff

In the evening, daughter helped me put in an order of groceries.  We needed fresh produce and the store is having daughter's favorite coffee on sale at a good price.  I will pick it up, tomorrow afternoon.  

Today, I am grateful for:

- The rain we received overnight
- The partly sunny day
- A working heater and oven
- Being able to order groceries online
- Keeping in touch with friends

Today's joyful activity was being outside in the fresh air.  

How was your day?  What are your plans for Friday?


  1. Beautiful skyskapes! Specially the top two.
    It always amazes me how long it takes me to get on and label my preserves! Such a chore. They can sit on the worktop for weeks before I finally put them away!

    1. Thank you, Lady Ella. I was out of labels and needed to print some, but, I kept putting it off. I get really annoyed with myself at times! :)

  2. Nice photos of the big fluffy clouds. It seems for many of us it is hard to keep a good sleep schedule these days & it can be so waring on everything else. Hopefully some time in the fresh air will help with tonight's sleep. Happy weekend.

    1. Thank you, Mary-Lou. My sleep schedule has been out of whack for so long that I have just about given up! Hope you are feeling well and have a lovely weekend.

  3. I like your cloud photos ... something beginning with C 😉

    It's horrible when your sleeping pattern gets completely messed up. I've been unable to fall asleep until gone 2 am but am wide awake by 6 am with the result that I constantly feel sleep deprived. I'm hoping it doesn't last for too long!

    Despite you saying you didn't achieve much on you list, it does sound like you had a productive day. I hope the grocery pick up goes well today. Stay safe xx

    1. Thank you, Eileen; yes, I did think about the letter C when I took the photos! :D

      I'm sorry you are having difficulty sleeping, too. I can sleep in, but, then, feel guilty about being "lazy"!

      According to my daughter, my to do lists are unreasonable in that I list a week's worth of things to be done in a single day! :D

  4. Beautiful cloud photos and your curry puffs look delicious!

    1. Thank you, Martha. I tried to see if there was anything in my clouds, but, nope! All I saw were clouds! :D

  5. We ended up with rain as soon as darkness came last night, and there is no sun in the forecast today. I am sure we are in for many more rainy days this month. I have managed to stall on doing laundry all week, so I think I may do that today before the rain starts again. Have a lovely weekend.

    1. Spring rain is better than spring snow, I suppose? Catching up on laundry sounds like a good idea. Maybe get in some scrapbooking, too? Hope you have a great weekend, too. :)

  6. I had to chuckle when I read "partly cloudy" and then "partly sunny". It reminded me of those vague weather reports we sometimes get.
    Well, our gusty wind from last night finally did the dirty on us and the power went out at 10.45pm and the latest information is that it will come back on at 2 pm. Meanwhile the wind has got up again and it is trying to snow!! But I gave myself a haircut this morning and I feel like a new woman, even if it does look as if someone cut it with a knife and fork!

    1. It's both sunny and cloudy today, too, with the clouds gaining over the sun (supposed to rain, later).

      Oh, no, sorry to hear that the power went off! But, you have a generator, just in case, don't you?

      I'm sure your haircut looks good. :) I'm growing my hair out and, other than the occasional trim, which I do myself, I don't bother with it. :)

  7. The cloud pictures are beautiful. Have you ever looked into your medicines and what effect they may be having on your sleep patterns?

    1. Thank you, June.

      Yes; actually, a couple of my medications warn they may cause drowsiness, others state might result in insomnia. At least one states side effects may cause drowsiness or insomnia! LOL. My doctors have told me I could take sleep aids, but, I don't want to, because they can cause other side effects!

    2. I guess you just do the best you can.

    3. Yes. I figure I can sleep in if I need to - it's not like I have to be up at a certain time in order to go to work or anything. :)

  8. Beautiful cloud photos! I love cloudy days more than all-blue sky days. They have such character especially in photography. The curry puffs look yummy.

  9. Your curry puffs always look so good.

    Oh goody. A grocery trip to read about in my catch-up reading :)

    1. Thank you, Debra. I am down to my last two packets of frozen puff pastry from the Armenian grocery store. Once they are gone, I'll have to either buy the overpriced ones from the regular supermarket or make my own!


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