Wednesday, March 24, 2021



Yesterday (Tuesday) morning, I drove my daughter to get her first dose of the Covid-19 vaccination.  She qualified to receive the vaccine as an employee of the University of California system and had already received a notification from her health care provider to call for an appointment.  Unfortunately, her health care provider is in northern California, so, she had to look for a vaccine appointment down here, instead.  She, too, had to go to an adjoining city (but, still within Los Angeles County) to get her vaccination.  It required taking three freeways, but, it only took about 30 minutes of driving to get there.  I drove her there and back and went into the pharmacy with her to wait while she had her vaccination and waited for the required 15 minutes.  I experienced no desire to go shopping while I was in the pharmacy, this time, so, I fully believe that the urge to shop that I had when I went for my first dose was definitely a side effect!  Daughter, however, didn't seem to experience that particular side effect!  She received the Pfizer vaccine and felt a tingling in her arm while we were still in the pharmacy; we notified the pharmacist, who said that it was a side effect, although not a common side effect.  But, since there was no redness or rash, it was not something to be concerned about.  

After we came home, we had some of the curry puffs I had made for brunch.  Daughter had taken the day off from work, so she could rest after her vaccination.  She felt soreness in her arm, some fatigue, and a mild headache.  But, she claimed she didn't feel the need for a Tylenol.  However, she took a nap in the afternoon.

I did a load of laundry while she napped and read.  After daughter had woken from her nap, I practiced the piano.  I was to have my piano lesson, yesterday evening, but, S called and asked if we could reschedule it for today, instead, and I was happy to do so.  

We spent a quiet, relaxed evening.  Daughter had some soup for dinner; I had a tortilla with keema curry.

Dancer decided to play a game of hide and seek!  Where is Dancer?  Is he hiding?  Can you find Dancer?

Dancer Hiding

Daughter said she felt well, other than a sore arm, this morning, and worked.  She did develop a slight headache towards evening, but, didn't want to take anything for it.  She did decide not to take her online exercise class, this evening.  Her second dose is scheduled towards the end of April.

Remember the medication refill I had ordered on Monday?  On Monday evening, I had received an email confirmation of the order, giving the date of delivery (Thursday), etc.  Well, Tuesday night, I received an email notification that the order and delivery had been canceled!  What?  It was too late to call the pharmacy, last night, so, I called them the first thing, this morning!  I spoke to the same pharmacist I had spoken with on Monday and she assured me that the order went through, yesterday!  So, I was very confused!  Shouldn't I have received an email saying my order has been filled?  That is what they've done in the past (except one other time, when there was another order canceled notification when it had been shipped!)  Anyway, I received my medication in the mail, today, a day earlier than promised, so, all is well!  

Yesterday had been a very windy day.  Today, it was calm and still in the morning, but, the winds have picked up in the afternoon.  Mostly sunny with a high of 75F according to the weather forecast (tomorrow, in contrast, will be cloudy with a high of 60F, according to the same weather forecast).  I walked in the driveway for 15 minutes.  

My plans for today include watering the indoor plants since I didn't do that, yesterday, and my piano lesson in the evening.  

I put mung beans to soak, last night, and boiled them this morning for brunch.  Dinner will be leftovers.  

Today, I am grateful for:

- Daughter receiving her first vaccination dose
- Daughter having only mild side effects
- The car started and had a good run
- My medication was delivered to me
- The winds didn't cause any damage

My joyful activities include spending time in the garden and taking an afternoon nap!  

How is your day coming along?


  1. I'm glad you got your meds after the weird mix up and so happy your daughter was able to get the vaccine already. I'm still having a hard time here in Florida, can't even get an appointment scheduled yet!

    1. Thank you, Martha. Scheduling an appointment seems to be the hardest part! One pharmacy stated that they updated their website every hour, so, we kept checking their website every hour. People here are finding that they have to travel to other cities to get vaccinated, as there is nothing available in their neighborhoods. Good luck with getting an appointment; keep trying.

  2. Glad your daughter got her first does of the vaccine. I'm surprised she doesn't take over driving duties considering how busy those freeways must be for you. Glad your medication was received and in a timely manner.

    1. Thank you. My daughter is a competent, careful driver, but, she hates to drive. She will drive if she has to and drove me home after I received my first vaccination dose. I don't mind driving. :)

  3. That's great news about your daughter's vaccination. I hope she feels better now that she's rested. X

    1. Thank you, Jules; her arm is still hurting, but, we expected that.

  4. The osteospermum are very pretty - I always prefer the pink ones!

    That must be a relief that your daughter has had her first vaccination. I'm glad she only experienced mild side effects this time. Also good news that your received your medications despite the admin glitch!

    I hope you both have a lovely day xx

    1. Thank you, Eileen; the osteospermum are at their peak, right now!

      Yes, it is a big relief to know that she has had her first vaccination. Now, when she goes back to the office in person, taking public transit to get there and back, she will have some protection from the virus.

      Hope your day is going well, too. :)

  5. Yeah to your daughter getting her first vaccine jab. Also glad to hear no major side effects. I am envious that you get all those Osteospermum growing freely in your garden. We can only get as annuals, in pots(small) & rather expensive.

    1. Thank you, Mary-Lou. The mild side effects are a big relief! The osteospermum put on quite a show in the spring; they don't do well during our summer.

  6. I'm happy to hear that your daughter got her first vaccine. Eventually, everyone will be able to get a vaccine that wants it and they say that will be soon. But getting an appointment is still very hard here, too.

    1. Thank you, June. Getting an appointment for the vaccine is such a big hurdle! I hope that the appointments become more available. The pharmacies where we got vaccinated scheduled their appointments 15 minutes apart and each pharmacy had only one person available to administer the vaccine. Even if they had more people administering the vaccine, there wouldn't have been enough room for people to wait 15 minutes afterwards for observation.

  7. Your flowers are just beautiful!
    Congratulations to your daughter for getting her immunization. I hope everyone will get them as soon as they are available.
    Also very glad the winds caused no problems for you. We had quite a bit of tree work the other day to trim things back before tornado season starts. Now we just keep our fingers crossed until late October!

    1. Thank you, Anne. The osteospermum are filling in a lot of the bare spots in the garden!

      I, too, hope that everyone will be able to get vaccinated as soon as possible.

      I hope you have no wind damage during this tornado season! I was looking at my eucalyptus tree when it was so windy - it was pruned a couple of years ago, but, will probably need to be trimmed again, this summer.

  8. Scheduling the appointment was the hard part for us. I received the Moderna shot and my husband got Pfizer. Luckily neither of us had any ill effects. Our daughter and her husband ( ages 40 and 41) both had Moderna and felt feverish with aches and pains afterwards. Seems to be easier on us older folk.

    1. Hi Jan, yes, the scheduling of the appointments seems to be the hardest part! Glad to hear that you and your husband didn't feel any ill effects. Glad your daughter and her husband were also able to get vaccinated, even if they did feel more side effects. Was that for the first dose? Or have you received both doses? I hope the side effects for the 2nd doses will be as mild when it is our turn to receive them.

  9. You must be so pleased that your daughter has also had her first vaccination. Is it possible Dancer is hiding because he thinks he is next?
    I am booked for my first shot next week but DH is nearly 3 years younger (my toy boy!) and he has to wait.

    1. Yes, I'm very glad that my daughter was able to get vaccinated. She will have to return to the office in person, later this summer, and we were both worried about her risk of getting exposed to the virus once she starts commuting to work, etc., since she takes public transit.

      I hope your first dose goes smoothly and you experience nothing but the mildest of side effects. Hope your husband will be able to get his vaccination sooner than later, when his turn comes. :)

  10. Glad she was able to get her first vaccine shot. A mild headache seems to be a pretty universal side effect, along with just being tired.

    Glad your medications were in order. Last time I was in a pharmacy how could not believe how busy they were - they had lots of pharmacy techs working. I much prefer getting my refills every 90 days by mail, but a changeover in our insurance meant I had to go the pharmacy until I could get it lined back up for mail order.

    1. Thank you, Susanne. She's feeling much better, today. Yes, the pharmacies are always busy, here, too! I am glad they were able to mail me my prescription, after all!

  11. That is great news that your daughter was able to get her first dose. You must feel such relief for her. I am glad weren't too bad.
    I had my second dose on Tuesday and didn't have any side effects other then a sore arm. My husband was sick after his second dose but he improved pretty quickly.

    Appointments continue to be tough to come by in our area as with everywhere I imagine.
    As I mentioned to ypu, I managed to get a slot for my sister and I also secured an appointment for my old boss who was having difficulties.
    I am a determined person when given a challenge! Lol

    That was a strange situation with your medication.
    I'm glad it arrived though.

    1. Thank you, Debra. Yes, we are very glad she was able to get her first vaccine dose. According to the news, California will start opening up vaccinations to anyone over 16 as of April 15. Welcome news as far as I am concerned, but, appointments will be even harder to get, I think!

      I'm glad to hear that you didn't feel any side effects other than the sore arm after your second dose and your husband recovered quickly. Glad, too, that you have been able to get appointments for others, as well. :)

  12. I'm glad your daughter was able to get her first shot. I had the Pfizer and luckily no side effects, just a little sore arm but only after not moving it for a while.

    1. Thank you, Sharon. I'm glad you felt no side effects other than the sore arm. :)

  13. Great news on the vaccine, and lack of after effects.
    I had to click on the photo to find Dancer! At first glance he just looked like a shadow - clever Dancer!

    1. Thank you, Lady Ella.

      Ha, ha, he knows how to hide well, doesn't he? :D


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