Saturday, March 6, 2021


Friday's Flowers

The osteospermum flowers only last a day or so, once picked, but, I am hoping that at least some of the lemon flower buds in the center will open up to keep the arrangement going for a few more days.  

Today, I did a load of laundry, practiced the piano (lessons resume next week!), chatted with M while he tended to the garden (he thinned the peaches, repotted an avocado seedling I had grown from a seed, planted a small fig plant he had given me, and fed the fruit trees, etc.), watched some news, chatted with friend R, and cooked a ground beef curry for dinner (served with rice and some of the turnip/radish stir fry).

I also continued to take inventory of some of the household items I routinely stock up on, on a quarterly basis.  Yesterday, for example, I went through the kitchen cabinet where I store things like extra foil, wax paper, trash bags, etc., and updated my inventory.  I usually stock up on them when I get down to the last box.  Today, I checked on toiletry items - daughter just opened the last bottle of hair conditioner, so, that went on the list to order on the next shopping order.  There is a new bottle of shampoo, but, I might just go ahead an order another one at the same time as the conditioner.  Last year, when the first stay at home order went into effect, in mid-March, I was low on certain supplies because I had been waiting until the end of March to do my usual 1st quarter stock up!  I tried to stock up a bit on my last grocery shopping trip before the stay at home order went into effect and I was shocked to find the shelves bare!  That was a very uncomfortable feeling!

Today, I am grateful for:

- Working appliances
- M's help with the garden
- A sunny and warm day
- Being able to stock up on needed items
- Chatting with friends

Today's joyful activity was gardening (well, M did most of the work; I just picked oranges!)

How was your Friday?  What are your plans for the weekend?


  1. The flower display looks beautiful. Plonking some flowers in a vase is about the limit of my own flower arranging attempts!

    I'm hoping to get out for a walk around the marina today. I've tried once but something is happening over there which required police attendance and they were turning people away, so I will try again later.

    1. Thank you, Eileen. Very often, that's what I do, too - put the flowers in a vase with or without greenery, and call it done! But, I bought this particular vase and the flower holder, years ago, and have told myself I should use them if I am going to continue to keep them! I've watched a few videos, attended a couple of live demonstrations, and read a few articles about ikebana, but, I still don't know what I am doing! But, that's OK! I enjoy playing with flowers!

      Oh! Maybe you should avoid the marina, today!

  2. It sounds like you had a pleasant, productive day. We are not so orderly in our stock ups, but I do need to put toothpaste on the list.

    1. Oh, yes, toothpaste! Baking soda is supposed to be a good alternative, in a pinch, but, unless one adds peppermint extract or something, it doesn't taste that good! :)

  3. Your flower arrangement is very pretty! I need an M to come help me with my yard!

    1. Thank you, Anne. Oh, I hope you find an M to help you with your yard! He is such a good friend and takes such good care of the garden for me.

  4. I'm glad you mentioned the peach tree - I meant to comment on your photo the other day of all the fruit. I remember last year it was so young that the branches couldn't support the fruit. It seems like it's gotten a lot stronger.

    It is nice here today. Sunny but still cool. I enjoy walking around everyday and looking at the plants waking up from their winter sleep.

    I made meatballs this morning for a spaghetti and meatball dinner and am looking forward to it.

    1. The peach tree is doing well, so far. M thinned out quite a few peaches, because the tree is still too young to support a heavy crop (plus, you are supposed to leave 3 inches between the fruit to allow them to get big). I let him decide how much to thin it out, etc., my job is to keep it well watered!

      It's lovely to see the plants waking up, isn't it? I hope your garden grows well, this year.

      Homemade meatballs for a spaghetti and meatball dinner sounds wonderful! Enjoy!

  5. I always try to stay ahead on things like that too. I was one of the lucky ones who had plenty of toilet paper stocked away and didn't have to freak out during the shortage. It's still the weirdest thing ever.

    1. Ha, ha, I did, too, Martha, but, I went ahead and bought more, later! It really was the weirdest thing, wasn't it?

  6. I really like that arrangement, and it looks ikebana-ish enough to convince me!

    I usually like to have an extra pack or bottle of things I use regularly, so that I don't run out, but since the supermarkets were stripped bare last year, and with random items going missing sporadically still, the temptation to over stock is there. I seem to be fixated on long life milk, mayonnaise and gherkins! Also frozen broccoli!

    1. Thank you, Lady Ella! :)

      I grew up with ration books and so forth, but, I was shocked when I saw the empty shelves, last year, and not being able to buy various food items! I've always kept a 2 weeks supply of emergency water and food on hand due to being in an earthquake prone area, but, now, I want to stock up for any possible eventuality! Too funny about what you seem to be stocking up on, though! :D

  7. The flower display is even better than your previous one! I like your idea of stocking up on household items on a quarterly basis rather than just fitting them in with the groceries. I am going to look into doing that.
    I made a trip into town as I really wanted to get some donations out of the house. Then I picked up some grocery items that I didn't get on Thursday because they weren't available then. Almost finished doing my taxes after I got home.

    1. Thank you, Bushlady. I'm pleased with how this one turned out. :)

      I like the feeling of being prepared that comes with stocking up quarterly or so. Buying on an as needed basis is fine, too, especially if the finances don't stretch enough to bulk buy. But, I always budget a certain amount each month towards household supplies, so that, I have 3 months of funds saved up for stocking up.

      Sounds like you had a productive day! Well done on getting the taxes almost finished! I need to gather my tax papers (most are already in a file, but, there's always one or two additional items that are needed) and get them to my tax preparer before my appointment, scheduled for mid March! Thanks for the reminder!

  8. Really pretty flowers. You are so organised with the inventory!

    1. Thank you, Sharon. The "inventory" is just a hand written list, but, it works for me! :D


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