Saturday, January 18, 2020

Doctor's Appointment on Friday

It rained late Thursday night, after all!  A steady shower of rain which watered the garden, nicely.  I am glad I didn't have to water the garden.

Friday was sunny and clear.

I was woken up by a phone call from a niece on the east coast.  She was calling to thank me for the New Year's gift basket I had sent to her and her family.  I was late sending it and she didn't receive it until earlier this week, but, she was happy to have received it.  

I went back to sleep after that phone call, but, was woken up again by cousin P calling me to confirm that I can give her a ride to the prayer gathering on Sunday.  I said yes and we chatted a bit.  After that, I didn't bother to go back to sleep!  It was mid-morning and time to get up!

I had a doctor's appointment this afternoon at the cancer clinic.  After the oncologist greeted me and asked me how I was, I was entrusted to the care of his nurse practitioner, who gave me my injection to boost my bone density (the real reason for my visit).  While I was with her, I informed her about the situation with the radiation oncologist's office closing because the hospital was closing.  Last night, I had wondered what happens to my medical records with him when the hospital closes.  She suggested I contacted the radiation oncologist's office and request a copy of my medical records.  She said the most important piece of information will be the radiation dosage I had been given.

After I came home, I called the radiation oncologist's office and was informed that the medical records will be transferred to a different hospital where the doctor will continue to see his patients and if I want copies of the records, I will need to contact that hospital, after February 1, when the change over will become effective.  I asked if I could obtain a copy of the notes from my most recent visit (which was in November) and I was told that if I came in person, on Monday, I could get a copy.  So, that's what I will do; but, I'll call first, to make sure that they are open on Monday, as it is Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Day.  If not, I'll go on Tuesday.

Friend M came over in the evening to tend to the garden.  Something seems to be attacking the poor peach plant, so he sprayed it.  Then, I asked him to prune the hedge of lantana and plumbago growing along the side wall in the back garden.  It was rather overgrown and I didn't want it to block access to the utility pole at the very corner of my garden.

Today was apparently the day for phone calls, because my cousin in Florida called to check on me, cousin P called again, in the afternoon, and friend R called, too!  The "family/friends" segment of my balanced life wheel is getting very nicely plumped, this month!  Later, of course, I video chatted with my daughter.  She is feeling better, today, and went to the office.

Today, I am grateful for:
- The doctor's visit went well; I got my injection and answers to some questions I had
- A safe drive there and back
- Last night's rain watered the garden
- Phone calls from family and friends
- My daughter is feeling better

My joyful activity today was walking around the garden and seeing the new seedlings coming up, the peach plant starting to bud, and picking fresh lemons (made lemonade) and an orange to have after dinner.  

Plans for tomorrow (Saturday) include restoring some order to the kitchen, practicing the piano (didn't do it, today!), and maybe a load of laundry. 

How was your Friday?  What are your plans for Saturday?


  1. That's wonderful that you had so many phone calls. It really makes a difference to have friends and family to chat with regularly. We enjoyed the rain and snow, too. It's been a great year so far. I did a lot of housework today, and am enjoying the produce I got from the local co-op.

    1. It's good to keep in touch with family and friends isn't it? I'm glad you are enjoying both the snow and the rain. Sounds like you had a busy day! Do you find yourself doing more housework with two places to maintain?

  2. Good luck getting your records and getting everything sorted out.

    1. Thank you, Live and Learn. Hopefully, it won't be too much drama!

  3. It sounds like you have gotten on top of your potential problem with the whole 'hospital change' issue, so you can at least know where your records are- I can certainly understand needing to have access to your treatment history- hope you won't have to travel too far if you do need to see those doctors again, but I know even shorter distances and city traffic/travel can be time-consuming-
    How I wish I could send some of our daily downpours to keep your plants well-watered- I wouldn't wish you all this mud and the grey skies, but I do know that in your area water is a precious commodity- my son in Santa Barbara has been having all of his yards xeriscaped ... he moved there from the lush greenery of Seattle and has spent years in futile attempts to have familiar greenery-
    All fond wishes for a happy week to come-

    1. Thank you, Barb. That is just what I was thinking - at the very least, I know where my records will be and can make the drive there, if necessary.

      I love the sunny days we have, but, a little more rain, especially in the summer, would be most welcome! That's when we really need the rain. Your son is wise; xeriscaping is the way to go. I find myself planing more succulents in my garden, because they do so well.

  4. You did have a busy day with phone calls! I hope all goes well with your medical records...always something! Andrea

    1. It's really nice to be able to keep in touch with family and friends, especially those who live far away. I am just amused that so many called on the same day!

      Thank you, Andrea; hopefully, getting my records won't be too much trouble.

  5. I can understand why you want to keep track of your medical records. I wish we could always automatically get a copy of everything that is important, so that we have a back up if records go missing. I loved that in Vienna we went to a clinic for lab. work with our requisition and picked up the results a day or two later to take back to the doctor. It was fun to see people sitting on the building steps trying to figure out their information!

    We had more snow but not too much, we were very fortunate. Poor Newfoundlanders are digging themselves out of a major storm that covered cars!

    1. I suppose a new doctor could request the medical information, if needed, but, with the whole hospital closing, I didn't know what would happen to my records. Now that I know that they will be sent to another hospital, I feel a little better. But, still, it would be good to have a paper copy of at least the radiation dosage, as my oncology nurse said that was important.

      Glad to hear that you didn't have too much snow! Does the amount of snow you receive have any impact on the maple sap when it starts to run? More snow means more sap? Or, not much of an impact?

    2. I guess the answer to this question is, "we shall see"! Last year we had a lot of snow, a short season and excellent syrup every boiling. I know there are people in Canada and the US studying the effects of climate on maple trees and sap quantity and quality. Of course storms are a big worry and St. Joseph's Island, Sault Ste. Marie has suffered damage to maple trees at the beginning of January, creating a lot of work cleaning up and repairing lines. We visited their farms 2 summers ago including the biggest in Ontario.

    3. Well, I hope it has a good impact and you will have lots of good syrup! :)

  6. I’m glad to hear your daughter is well now.

    I had a lazy Friday (and Saturday) reading some sappy novels. 😁

    1. Thank you, Nil. Sounds like a lovely way to spend Friday and Saturday!


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