Sunday, January 12, 2020

Budgeting on Saturday

Saturday was a fairly relaxed day.  I slept in, chatted with friend R and cousin P, did a bit more on the puzzle, did some paperwork, practiced the piano for 30 minutes, and did the dishes.  In the evening, I watched some TV - the evening news and the Jeopardy-Greatest of All Time contest.  They showed the first three episodes back-to-back, this evening, which was nice, because I didn't watch it during the week.

While I watched the Jeopardy show, I revised my budget for 2020.  As I mentioned before, the piano lessons are a new expense  and my property taxes and homeowners/earthquake insurance have increased.  These bigger bills are paid annually, but, what I do is add up my annual expenses and divide them by 12 to come up with a monthly amount, which is then allocated towards them, so that I have the funds in place when those bills come due. 

Some people don't like the word "budget"; they feel that having a budget is a constraint.  If that is so, then, I suggest calling it a "spending plan".  I have a very detailed budget/spending plan, with several spending categories, simply because I feel better about spending money on something non-essential like piano lessons, as long as I've budgeted for it!  My initial tendency is not to spend!  Having a budget/spending plan, enables me to feel more comfortable about spending money on non-essentials.

I accommodated the additional expenses by increasing my budget and reducing the amount I was saving, each month.  I am comfortable with this decision.  I am still saving, but, just a little bit less than earlier.  Since I have no debts or financial obligations, I am OK with that. 

Today, I am grateful for:
- What I was able to accomplish today
- Being able to accommodate the increased expenses by increasing the budget
- Chatting with friends and family
- Video chatting with my daughter
- A working dishwasher!

My joyful activity today was watching the game show on TV.

How was your Saturday?  Do you have a budget/spending plan? 


  1. I had a productive Saturday. I weeded a flower bed, washed curtains and shopped around for car insurance.

    I also have a budget, and need to revise it soon. Insurance and taxes never go down, do they? I think both CA and FL residents pay more for home insurance because of earthquakes and hurricanes.

    1. You did a lot on Saturday! You are right - things like insurance and taxes never go down! One can shop around to get a better price on insurance, but that's about it.

  2. Glad to see you are fitting in some piano practice. Are you doing this every day?

    I'll be looking at my budget again next month, by which time I should know all the revised annual payments and can adjust accordingly. I like the security of knowing I can afford to pay for all life's essentials plus a few treat thrown in for good measure.

    1. Thank you, Eileen; yes, for now, I am practicing for 30 minutes, daily. I am reviewing what I learned, playing through the very simple early pieces, once, and the piece I stumbled on at least a couple of times, and then, forging ahead with the next couple of pieces. Oh, and my C-major scale! Then, I play a couple of the songs I play by ear for fun. I also have the books my daughter learned from, so, there are other beginner level books to play from, as well, if I feel like some variety. :)

      Hope your budget review will go well. Knowing that the treats are budgeted for seems to make a big difference to me.

  3. I think you are Wise, to deal with your finances, in your own way. What we all want, is peace of mind. This adds to yours.

    I have never wanted to over-spend. Never *had-to-have*, every toy, which everyone else had. As it were. It has proved a good rule to live by. -smile-


    1. You are right, Wisps of Words - what we want is peace of mind! That is exactly what I have when I make my budget and do my best to stay within that budget. I splurge on occasion, but, never more than what I can afford. :)

  4. "My initial tendency is not to spend".
    That is me Bless lol

    I don't feel like I'm denying myself anything that I want.
    I buy yarn when I want to even though I have quite a nice stash of yarn.
    I buy plants and pretty flowers for the yard.
    And I buy things at yard sales.

    That pretty much sums up my spending on discretionary things.

    I haven't always been this way but it's definitely how I am now.

    1. LOL, Debra, I think we'd get along just fine if we were to ever meet! I, too, don't feel like I am denying myself anything; I'll spend on things I consider to be important to me. But, I'd rather get more for my money by shopping a sale than paying full price for an item! I have to avoid yard sales, however, because I am trying to declutter! :D

  5. I like your positive attitude towards a budget as a means to know what extra you can spend, rather than what you can't spend.

    We were forecast about 7 or 8 inches of snow in the night. By the time it had finished around 9.30 this morning I reckon we got double. We were effectively snowed in! Our guy came and plowed before lunch, but I missed church. However, it was a peaceful morning at home and the sun came out.

    1. Thank you, Bushlady. That's exactly how I see it! :)

      Oh, my! That is a lot of snow! I'm glad you didn't have to go out and about in it!

  6. We have a budget, but it is not a strict monthly budget. We tend to budget more on a yearly basis. I shop sales and stock up on things we use regularly so there are month I barely set foot in any type of store. Our entertainment budget is pretty straight forward since we buy season tickets to a few things at different times of the year. Our biggest fail is eating out. TheHub would eat out every night if I did not object. Monthly expenses are regular with the exception of power. Our a/c bill is high but is offset by our winter power and gas consumption which is very low. We know it is coming and adjust for it.

    1. An annual budget works very well, too, I think, and gives one a lot of flexibility in spending. As you stated, it enables one to spend more some months and balance it out with less spending in other months. I generally add up the previous year's spending (especially things like utilities) and divide by 12 to get my monthly amounts, anyway. I also carry over my balances, negative or positive, from month to month, so it tends to even out over the course of the year. A budget should be personalized to work for the individual. For me, right now, a budget is more of a guideline than a strict boundary and I am very grateful for that. :)


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