The second part of my garden tour is the back yard. It is a little more sheltered than the west-facing front garden, receiving morning and afternoon sun, but being shaded by the shadow of the house in the evenings.
White Agapanthus |
The white agapanthus, planted under the bottle brush tree, are blooming. I had blue agapanthus in the front garden, but they died during the drought. The front garden gets more sun, as it faces west.
The hibiscus plant grows in a little circle, all by itself:
Hibiscus |
It was dropping its leaves and we fertilized it with Epsom salt; I hope it helps.
In the bed under the orange tree, the radish plants are still flowering:
Radish Flowers |
I am seriously considering growing radishes just for their flowers!
Above them, there are new oranges forming on the orange tree:
Oranges Developing |
A bit further down the garden, the rosemary bush is flowering, too:
Rosemary Flowers |
Along the back wall of the garden, the pink oleander trees are doing well:
Pink Oleander |
Nearby, the calamondin tree is producing a new crop of fruit:
Calamondin Fruit |
They look like miniature oranges or tangerines, but they are very sour!
Most of the roses have finished blooming, but the iceberg rose bush is still flowering:
Iceberg Roses |
The back yard is surrounded by a wall. This is the wall along the north side of the garden, where the lantana and plumbago "hedge" is growing:
Lantana/Plumbago Hedge |
At one time, they were separate plants. But, I've allowed them to grow together into one clump that is over three feet deep! This is after M trimmed it back, about a month ago!
Plumbago Flowers |
Lantana Flowers (a different shade than the ones in the front garden) |
This part of the backyard is behind the garage and the garden shed. Currently, it is rather overgrown and wild! The garden cats love to prowl around here. This is their "jungle"!
"The Jungle" |
Another part of the Jungle! |
The purple Martha Washington geranium is still flowering. I haven't taken any cuttings yet, to try to root them:
Purple Martha Washington Geranium |
The curry leaf trees (Murraya koenigii) are also flowering and their berries are starting to form:
Flowers of the Curry Leaf Tree |
The leaves are used in our cooking; we add it to curries, to a type of rice porridge, or made into a type of relish. The berries, which turn purplish-black when ripe, are also edible, but we don't normally eat them (they have a licorice sort of taste).
Something else that is edible is the tomato:
Baby Tomato |
The two tomato plants I bought from the dollar store are growing and forming baby tomatoes! I hope they will grow a bit bigger before the real heat of the summer starts! I planted them in the same planting circle as the peach tree.
The peach tree is doing well, even if it lost all the little peaches that were forming, earlier in the spring!
The Peach Tree |
I feel like singing my version of that old nursery rhyme: "I have a little peach tree and nothing would it bear, not even a silver nutmeg or a golden pear"! LOL! Maybe next year.
The chrysanthemum I planted under one of the lemon trees is growing well and has been flowering for some time, now:
Chrysanthemum |
So are the mirabilis or four o'clocks that self-seed and grow back, every year:
Mirabilis/Four o'clocks |
Meanwhile, the new crop of lemons are forming on the Meyer lemon trees:
Baby Lemons |
There are fruit forming on the feijoa or pineapple guava trees, as well:
Feijoa or Pineapple Guava |
I have three feijoa trees, all growing along the south side wall, two in the back garden and one in the front. Unfortunately, my cherry guava tree died during the drought. I haven't decided if I will plant a replacement tree or not.
More raindrops on spiderwebs! |
That is the garden in June! No manicured lawns or well planned out flower beds! But, things are growing after all the winter rains and I hope you enjoyed the tour!
I've not heard of calamondin fruit before so I had to Google it. From what I read I think I'd like it as I can eat a peeled lemon in the same way that I'd eat an orange so the sour taste probably wouldn't put me off it.
ReplyDeleteI think you would like the fruit, in that case. I don't use the fruit that much because I need to add a lot of sugar to counter the acidity. It was already growing in the garden when I bought the house and I've kept it because it is quite drought tolerant.
DeleteWhat a wonderful variety you have. I am glad you showed the curry leaf tree because yesterday our son was showing me a "curry plant", something quite different as it is very small. However, when you rub it between your fingers it does smell of curry! I have to do a little research on that one. Of course I had to tell him all about your blog and how you grow and use curry leaves in cooking.
ReplyDeleteBushlady, I believe a curry plant is different from the curry (leaf) tree. The curry plant is Helichrysum italicum, and it is used as a herb, but, not in Indian or Sri Lankan cooking.
DeleteThank you for the name of the plant, it made it easy for me to find on-line. Our son's is a tiny one so I hope it will grow to look like those I have seen photos of. While looking, I learned the botanical name of your curry leaf tree. It is Murraya koenigii and it is available in some parts of Canada, to grow indoors.
DeleteI hope your son's plant will grow nice and big. Maybe you'll be able to grow a curry leaf tree in your house, as an indoor plant?
DeleteYou have a beautiful garden which seems full of love and meaning rather than 'design'. Also, apparently you can pickle radish seed pods and they can be quite spicy. I found this, but there are probably other places
ReplyDeleteLyssa, thank you! Radish seed pods can be eaten raw in salads, etc., as well, but I prefer to cook them in a stir fry or sauteed with curry powder. :)
DeleteIf I ever grow radish, I'm going to steal those ideas!
DeleteMaybe, the next time you are out and about, buy a packet of radish seeds and have bear plant them in the garden? They sprout fairly quickly. The sprouts can be eaten, too, in salads and the leaves, too - either raw or cooked. Plus, you can harvest the radishes. Then, leave a few plants to bolt and flower and you can pick the radish seed pods to try. :)
DeleteYour garden looks amazing! As for mine, it’s still the same three seedlings, but bigger. I have an olive tree that is producing a lot of olives as well.
ReplyDeleteThank you, Akasha. Well, at least the seedlings are growing - hope they continue to grow and produce some fruits or vegetables, depending on what they turn out to be! What will you do with the olives?
DeleteEat them probably
DeleteYes, but don't they have to be processed or "cured" in some way before eating?
DeleteWe had a peach tree at our other house, but the bugs, birds, and squirrels always got there before we did, so we never got many peaches. Do orange trees have problems like that?
ReplyDeleteBirds seem to leave the oranges untouched and I don't have any squirrels in the garden (I guess the garden cats have driven them away?). There is a type of beetle (a greenish, iridescent beetle from the scarab family, commonly known as a green fruit beetle) that tries to suck out the juices of the oranges, if the fruit is damaged or are starting to rot (the rind is too hard for them to get through, otherwise). Back when I had my other peach tree that died, birds and those same beetles used to attack the peaches as soon as they began to ripen!
DeleteThose plants all do so well in this area, too. I lost some of the same ones during the drought. I need to get some planting done. You are an excellent gardener!
ReplyDeleteThank you! I think a lot of the credit goes to my friend M, who tends to the garden, once a week, and we both agree that my mother's spirit is in the garden, as well. :) I basically allow plants that will grow with fairly benign neglect, to grow! Unless they are seedlings of Tree of Heaven (coming up from the roots of the tree that was in my side neighbors' front yard, which they cut down) or Chinaberry (from the trees in the back neighbors' yard)! These seedlings keep popping up and I keep pulling them out!
DeleteI love your backyard. You have both ornamental and edible plants there.
ReplyDeleteThank you, Nil. At one time, I considered having all edible plants! But, that didn't quite work out, as there were ornamental plants already in place. I still would like to incorporate more edible plants. If I am going to spend money watering the plants, I might as well get something in return, right?