Saturday, April 27, 2019

Finished Quilt Top

Scrap Basket Quilt

Today, I finished sewing the quilt top and added the borders.  Although I tried to keep the quilt blocks to 9 inches square when I cut them out, some of them needed to be trimmed again when I sewed the sashing and one or two of the blocks didn't align perfectly straight.  But, that doesn't matter that much to me.  As I mentioned to a friend of mine, I am not planning to enter this quilt in a competition!

The next step is to add the batting and backing.  That's the part I dislike the most.  For me, the fun part is piecing the top! 

It's certainly colorful, isn't it?  LOL!  But the blue sashing ties it all together, nicely, doesn't it?


  1. The first thing I noticed in the picture was the blue. It does tie it together very nicely. Do you have specific plans for this one?

    1. No specific plans for it, Live and Learn. I'm thinking of making it as a "summer" quilt - with only the backing, no batting. It'll make a light cover on all but the very hottest summer nights.

  2. It looks beautiful, Bless. You must have put so much hard work into it. X

    1. Thank you, Jules. Actually, the sewing machine did most of the work! I had fun and found it to be quite therapeutic to sew pieces of fabric together! :)

  3. Yes, it's very pretty and cheerful. Congratulations.

  4. It has turned out wonderfully, like so many of your projects!

    We went to a "Giant Book Sale" this morning. The books weren't all that big 😄 but there were a lot of them! We managed to bring home some good finds and even some CDs. Then we did a tour of certain spots along the river and took more photos. It has been a damp and chilly day but I had a good visit with a friend in the afternoon and was greeted enthusiastically by her dog as usual.

    1. Ha, ha, too funny about the books not being that big! Glad you found some to bring home with you.

      Sounds like you found a good way to spend a cold and damp day, Bushlady. At least you are not getting the snow that some parts of the Midwest are getting!

  5. What a nice quilt, Bless. I turned out great.
    I have an old quilt top that is still laying in a box unfinished. And I have another top that's got the batting and the backing all pinned together.
    It too remains unquilted.

    I'm afraid to do it! Lol


    1. Thank you, Debra.

      Why not just tie the quilt that is already pinned together? It's easier and faster than quilting, and you'll have a finished quilt you can use. I, too, have an old quilt that I've been sewing which needs to be finished and there is one other partially finished quilt, waiting its turn, too! So many unfinished projects!


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