Wednesday, April 17, 2019

Cloudy Tuesday

Tuesday was overcast and cool.  I woke up to the lovely sound of Dancer throwing up!  He's OK, though.  I think he ate his dry food too quickly!

I made a pot of tomato soup for lunch, with tomatoes I had in the freezer, half an onion, two carrots, half a green chili, and the container of leftover salsa I had frozen:

Tomato Soup with Salsa

I added the salsa after I had blended the tomato soup, so the soup wasn't perfectly smooth, but that was fine with me.  I had two bowls of the soup for lunch!  I froze three portions of the soup and kept one portion in the fridge for tomorrow's lunch.

I spent the afternoon crocheting and watching various news programs on TV.  The grocery ads came in the mail and several stores are having good deals for Easter.  Butter is on sale for $2.99/lb. at several stores and one discount store is having unsalted butter on sale for $2.50/lb.  I wonder if they have salted butter at that price, as well?  The ad only specifies unsalted butter.  Time to stock up!

Later in the evening, I went for a short walk.  I walked for 10 minutes in one direction, then, when the timer went off, turned around and walked back home.  It took me a little longer than 10 minutes to walk home, though, as my pace slowed.  Then, I watered the garden both front and back.  Something must have bitten me when I was watering the garden, because, a short time later, I noticed a red swelling on my left cheekbone!  I applied some antibiotic ointment on it and it has gone down a bit.  I mustn't water the garden when it is getting dark!

I did a load of laundry after that, even if it wasn't on my schedule!  But I didn't dust my bedroom, which was on the schedule!  Or do the dishes!

Dinner was a salad:

Salad:lettuce, cucumber, carrots, grapes, chicken, and dressing.

On Tuesday, I was grateful for:
- I didn't have to go for jury duty
- Daughter is feeling better
- Dancer seemed fine after his morning indigestion
- Appliances such as blenders and washing machines
- Water for the garden

Tuesday's joyful activities included crocheting and enjoying my homemade tomato soup!

Tuesday's To Do List:
- Dust my bedroom 
- Water the garden and house plants - DONE
- 15 mins of paperwork - DONE
- Do the dishes
- Make tomato soup - DONE
- Cook the rest of the green beans
- Call to see if I need to go in for jury duty on Wednesday - DONE; don't have to go in, yet.

Wednesday's To Do List:
- Dust my bedroom
- Do the dishes
- Cook the green beans
- Grocery shop
- Vacuum
- Clean the bathrooms 
- Do one decluttering/organizing task in the spare room

Wednesday is going to be a busy day! 

How was your Tuesday?  What are your plans for tomorrow?


  1. How long do you have to stay available for jury service - is it just for one week?

    Well done on the walking. Did you have to force yourself to go out or were you looking forward to it? I’m lucky in that there are a couple of very pleasant walks within minutes of my home, along the canal towpath and across the fields towards the next village, so at least I have that feeling of walking in the countryside to look forward to.

    1. Eileen, you have to be available for one week (Mon-Fri) to be called in; once called in, you must serve at least that one day, as a potential juror. There is a pool of potential jurors who have to be available at all times. When one of the courtrooms calls for a panel of jurors, they compile a randomly selected list of at least 30 potential jurors who are sent to that courtroom. There, you are sworn in as potential jurors and told the basics of what the case is, how long it is thought the case would last, etc., and asked if there are any reasons why you can't serve. After that, potential jurors are interviewed until they have a panel of 12 jurors and 1 or 2 alternates, that both sides are satisfied with. If selected to be a juror, then, you need to be available for the duration of the trial however long it might take. If not selected after being interviewed, then, you are excused and done with your jury service, and may not be called for the rest of the year by the same court system. If not selected because they had their panel of jurors and alternates before they interviewed you, then, you return to the available pool of jurors at least until the end of the day. Sometimes, the actual selection of jurors might take more than one day, in which case, you have to return until the selection process is completed.

      Thank you. :) I had to talk myself to go for a walk, yesterday. "Come on, at least for 15 minutes; just walk to the doughnut shop and back!" I even took $2 with me to buy a couple of doughnuts! LOL! Once I left the house, however, I purposely walked in the opposite direction of the doughnut shop, with the promise that, after I walked my 20 minutes, if I still wanted it, I could walk the additional 4 blocks to the doughnut shop. But, I decided not to! LOL.

  2. Good job on your walking. What has helped me the most with regular walking is a pedometer (Fitbit). I like seeing the number of steps I've taken and using that as motivation to beat a previous day. I've built a lot more steps into my regular routine using since I started wearing a Fitbit.

    1. Thank you, Live and Learn. What is important for me, right now, is building up the stamina, the duration of the walk. For that, the timer on my phone is sufficient.

  3. It must have been the night for it - Mog threw up too! The effects of too much mouse, I think.
    I hope your swelling has gone down now. X

    1. Hope Mog is OK! I wonder if Dancer will even know what to do with a mouse!

      The swelling has gone down, slightly. But the redness has gone away. It should be fine by tomorrow, I think.

  4. That salad looks delicious. I need to catch up on my paperwork. I've fallen behind again. Today I am washing the sheets and going to my knitting group.

    1. Thank you. It's easy to fall behind on paperwork, isn't it? I hope you have a fun time at the knitting group! How are you coming along on that coral colored sweater?

  5. Yes I can certainly see why today would be busier. You already have vacuuming and cleaning the bathrooms on the same day. (ugh) I can see it taking longer to do the dishes because that is a daily chore, and so you are going to take longer to wash up both days. But dusting your bedroom? Why not wait until it comes around to the next scheduled day? How dusty will it get if you miss one week? I know you want to maintain your schedule, but you don't want to burn yourself out either.

    I did some more "carpentry work" this morning and will be heading outdoors this beautiful sunny afternoon.

    1. Susan, you don't know how tempted I am to skip the bedroom dusting! In fact, yesterday, I looked at the surfaces and thought to myself, "It's not that dusty"! I'll see how it goes. If necessary, I have Saturday on which to catch up!

      Ooh, more carpentry work! Looking forward to seeing what you've done!

  6. Goodness, I like your to-do lists- and the amount of things you get done from them! I just called by to say how much I appreciated your comment on Tracing Rainbows about the ND fire. You're very wise.

    1. Thank you! It's very kind of you to stop by and comment on my comment! I hope you'll stop by again. :)

  7. The tomato soup sounds great and who cares how perfectly or imperfectly smooth it is? Taste is king.
    I hate jury duty. I sit there for 3 days and then they dismiss me every time.

    1. I meant to add the salsa earlier, but, forgot! I think, after this, I shall buy salsa on purpose to add to my tomato soups! LOL!

      I used to enjoy jury duty, back when I was working, as it meant I didn't have to go in to the office, and, quite often, shorter days than my regular working days! But, now, I don't want to get up any earlier than I have to! :D

  8. Tuesday was fairly bright and I got some grocery shopping done. Today, Wednesday, was glorious and I even heard and then saw two Canada geese flying low overhead - a sign of spring for sure but I'm waiting to see the flocks coming in. Some children came to help with collecting sap and we sat outside afterwards and had taffy on the snow and hot spiced apple juice and cake. There wasn't a cloud in the sky and we made the most of it because the forecast is for rain for the next two days!

    1. Sounds like you had a lovely day! What fun for the children to help with collecting sap and being treated to taffy, cake, and spiced apple juice! Too bad about the rain, but, you know what they say about April showers and May flowers. :)

  9. Glad you didn't have to go for Jury service! I've been contacted more times than husband has (and he's American lol). I'm not a citizen so I can't serve, but then it involves mailing them a copy of my green card and such.

    Hope Dancer feels better. My poor cat got sick from some different flavoured cat food we fed him the other week. I made sure to cross that kind off my list!

    I'll have to check out butter at our shops. I could do with some more.

    1. I don't have to go in, tomorrow, either, and I am super happy about that! LOL. They used to send jury duty summons to my mother, who was a permanent resident, and I had to send them copies of her green card, I remember. When they sent a jury summons after she died, I called them and had to send in a copy of her death certificate!

      Dancer seems fine, now. He's sprawled out on the floor near my chair, complaining every now and then because he thinks I should feed him more!

      I stocked up on the $2.50 butter - they only had the unsalted, but, that's probably better for me, anyway!


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