Wednesday, April 24, 2019

Dancer's Quilt Making Instructions

Hi, this is Dancer.  I've been helping Mummy make a quilt and I thought I'd share my quilt making skills with you!

First, you select your fabric.  Some people buy new fabric for their quilts.  But, this time, we are making a scrap quilt, using scraps of fabric leftover from other sewing projects.  Mummy calls them "stash buster" quilts.

Step 1: Select the fabric

Quilts have to be soft and comfy, so, it is important to make sure that the fabric that is selected feels soft and comfy.  The best way to do this is to lie on top of a pile of them and take a nap!

Step 2: Test for comfort

Next you sew them together to make small squares called quilt blocks:

Step 3: Make quilt blocks
When all the quilt blocks are made, you have to spread them out on the bed to see how they look:

Step 4: Spread out the quilt blocks
It is important to make sure they are spread out so that you can see how the quilt will look once it is sewn.  Now is the time to switch the blocks around until you are happy with their placements, although, with scrap quilts such as this one, there's not much you can do about it.  But, we tried to make sure that the colors were distributed somewhat evenly.  Some people have what they call a design board.  We just have the bed:

Making sure it looks visually pleasing
A bed is a fine place to spread out the quilt blocks because the finished quilt will be spread out on the bed, after all. 

Besides, it makes it easier to test out how comfy the quilt will be:

Step 5: Test the comfort level, again
Mummy sewed some of the squares together, but didn't finish.  We will post pictures of the quilt when it is finished.  Hope you enjoyed my quilt making instructions and feel inspired to make a quilt of your own!


  1. Dancer should definitely star in a YouTube video tutorial!

  2. Thanks Dancer. It’s a relief to see that Mummy is in good hands and is being helped by someone who obviously knows what he is doing!

    P.S. the quilt is lovely xx

    1. Thanks, Eileen. He is a very helpful kitty, isn't he? :D

  3. You are making a lovely quilt, Dancer!

  4. lots of chuckling reading this, Bless. Looks lovely - the cat and the quilt

    1. Glad you enjoyed reading it, Ratnamurti. He's a very "paws on" type of cat! :D

  5. Beautiful quilt! Looks soft also. And, I'm sorry about your country's attack. I knew a lady from there at one time who lived in Delaware. Andrea

    1. Thank you, Andrea. Yes, the attack was a very sad and unfortunate incident. :(

  6. I think Dancer could get a job as a quilt tester. He seems to be quite good at it. :)

    1. Ha, ha, that he is! Production had to come to a halt this afternoon while he tested the quality, yet again! :D

  7. Oh my goodness, how would you ever manage to make a good scrap quilt without Dancer's expertise to guide you? I can see this is going to be another beautiful one.

    1. To be quite honest, Bushlady, I don't know how I managed to make my other quilts, before he came into my life! :D Thank you; it's coming along quite nicely. :)

  8. Have you ever done appliqué on a quilt?

    1. Yes, I have. I've made a couple of applique quilts. Here's a link to one I call Crinoline Ladies, that I posted about a few years ago:

  9. Dancer what a good helper you are to your Mommy.
    And you're a good blog writer too!

    1. Thank you! I keep telling Mummy I should have my own blog! :)


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