I was so glad I didn't have to go in to do jury duty, today! I was able to sleep in! I had a relaxed morning, having my tea, replying to blog comments, commenting on a few other blogs, etc., and chatting with cousin P who called to ask how the temple ceremony went.
Later, in the afternoon, I got started on my To Do list. Afternoons seem to be the time when I am most productive, these days! I changed my bed sheets and did a load of laundry (the patched flannel bed sheet seems to be holding out just fine!), dusted the living room, dining area, and the family room, cleaned the fridge, and went through the freezer, too (tossed a few really, really old frozen bananas!). Later in the evening, I took the trash cans to the curb.
Breakfast was a rice cake spread with peanut butter. Lunch was a salad. For dinner, I took out a baked chicken breast from the freezer, warmed half of it with a little plum sauce glaze, and had it with some fresh green beans and carrots that I cooked up with some frozen corn (sorry, I cut up the chicken breast before I remembered to take a photo):
Dinner - baked chicken and vegetables |
The other half of the chicken breast is in the fridge for tomorrow's lunch or dinner.
When I cleaned out the freezer, I took a quick freezer inventory. I only have the freezer that comes with my side-by-side fridge/freezer. I have been eating from the freezer these past few weeks in an attempt to reduce its contents and, finally, it is starting to look a bit empty! I know the conventional wisdom is to keep the freezer stocked up, but the recent power outage reminded me that keeping a freezer full of food can have its downside, too, especially since I don't have a generator to keep the freezer running if the power is out for a long period of time. I will still stock up when things are on sale, especially things like butter, but I will keep only reasonable quantities of meats. Speaking of butter, I have 2 lbs. of butter in the freezer. It should last me at least two months, if not more. But, if butter does go on sale for $3.00 or under between now and when I use up the last stick of butter, I will buy at least another couple of pounds to have on hand.
Currently, in my freezer, I have:
5 lb. unopened bag of whole wheat flour
5 lb. opened bag of all purpose flour (almost full)
opened package of uncooked red rice
several packages of cooked white rice
5 1/2 packages of frozen puff pastry
1 package grated coconut
4 pouches of honey mustard glaze (came with bags of frozen meatballs I bought to make curried meatballs)
1 lb. bacon
1 package cooked beef pot roast
1 whole roast chicken breast
1 piece baked chicken breast
opened package cocktail sausages
small container of leftover salsa
Frozen tomatoes (will be made into tomato soup, tomorrow)
1 bag cranberries
2 bags edamame
opened bag of green peas (about 1/4 bag)
opened bag of corn (about 1/2 bag)
couple of small baggies of sliced onion
whole green chilies
opened package of pandan leaves
opened package of sunflower seeds
opened package of walnut pieces
1 loaf of sliced white bread (the next time someone asks me to bring a dessert, I will make a bread pudding!)
1 loaf banana bread
1 container of corn bread pieces
1 opened package of pita bread
2 lbs. butter
open package of margarine (3/4 package left)
In the evening, I went for a walk. I haven't been walking regularly at all, but, I was inspired by Eileen who has started on a walking program, herself. She not only sent me a link to the walking program she has adapted to suit her, she also gently nudged me in a comment! LOL! Today, I set my timer for 15 minutes and walked in one direction, with a target point in mind. I reached my target point in 12 1/2 minutes, however. But, instead of continuing for another 2 1/2 minutes, I turned around and walked back. I reset the timer for the walk back, but, apparently, I didn't start it, because I still had 15 minutes on the timer when I got home! LOL!
Today, I am grateful for:
- I did not need to report for jury duty today and I don't have to go in tomorrow, either!
- Being able to sleep in!
- A productive afternoon
- Daughter was able to work from home
- Being able to go for a walk
Monday's To Do List:
- Change bed sheets - DONE
- Load of laundry (bed sheets/towels) - DONE
- Dust living room/dining area and family room - DONE
- Clean the fridge - DONE
- Take trash cans to the curb for Tuesday trash pick up - DONE
- Call to see if I need to report for jury duty on Tuesday - DONE; don't have to go in
- Water the garden, front and back the newly planted tomatoes, etc. - NOT DONE
I meant to water the newly planted tomato plants, but, when I checked on them, it seemed like they didn't need watering. I will water them tomorrow, instead.
Tuesday's To Do List:
- Dust my bedroom
- Errands, if any (grocery shopping, etc.)
- Water the garden and house plants
- 15 mins of paperwork
- Do the dishes
- Make tomato soup
- Cook the rest of the green beans
- Call to see if I need to go in for jury duty on Wednesday
How was your Monday? Have you done a freezer inventory, lately? What's in your freezer?