Sunday, September 9, 2018

Shop on Saturday

New Fabric and Thread

I slept practically all morning, today!  Even after my daughter called to say good morning, I went back to sleep and slept till almost noon!

Later, in the afternoon, I went to the fabric store to buy the dark pink and blue fabric for the quilts.  I took pieces of fabric with me, to match the color, but, of course, because they are two different types of fabric, the shades are not an exact match.  But, that is OK, because the blue didn't really have to match and the pink for the border can be a slightly different shade than the pink used for the patches.  

I bought four yards of each color, at $1.99/yd.  I wanted to make sure I had enough of the fabric for the quilts and if any is leftover, I can make something else with it!  Pillowcases, maybe.  Or, another quilt!  This is how the stash continues to grow!

I remembered to buy more thread, too, at $2.99 per reel.  But, I was so determined not to look around at the other fabrics that were on sale, to just buy the fabric I needed and nothing more, that I forgot to buy the quilt batting for the Mountain quilt!  Oops!  Oh, well, as I told my friend, it'll be a good excuse to go back to the fabric store!  As if I need an excuse!   

I spent just under $24 on fabric and thread.  


I used to have a crafts/hobbies category in my monthly budget, but I eliminated it when I needed to downsize my budget.  I will pay for the fabric and thread from my "miscellaneous" budget, for now.

It was 95F when I left the house, around 2:00 p.m.  It was 101F when I came back, one hour later!  Today's high of 102F was reached shortly after that!

After I came home, I called neighbor T and then, went over to visit her.  I took her one of the bottles of sparkling apple-peach juice I had bought, as I know she likes that brand of sparkling apple juice products.  

Around 4:00 p.m., I took a nap on the sofa and didn't wake up until almost 7:00 p.m.!  Guess I was tired!

My half sister had called and left a message in the morning, so I called her back and we had a nice chat.  Later, I called aunt C and chatted with her.  There were phone calls with daughter throughout the day, and later, we video chatted.  

In the evening, I cleaned my bathroom, watered the indoor plants, and watered the back garden.  I didn't sort through my closet, however, so that's for tomorrow.

Today, I am grateful for:
- Phone call from sister
- Chatting on the phone with aunt C
- Fabric on sale
- Afternoon naps
- Chatting with daughter, throughout the day.

Saturday's To Do List:
- Go to the fabric store - DONE
- Visit T - DONE
- Clean my bathroom - DONE
- Organize my closet
- Water the houseplants - DONE
- Water the back garden - DONE

Sunday's To Do List:
- Organize my closet
- Sew
- Water the new plants

How was your day?  Do you have a crafts/hobbies budget? 


  1. Well there was definitely no procrastinating about buying the fabrics! I hope we get to see a photo of the finished quilts.

    Our weather is much cooler now, so I feel for you with the ongoing continuous heat. It is very wearing so I'm not surprised you need naps. I know I would.

    1. Ha, ha, no procrastinating when it comes to fabric, Eileen. :D Besides, it was the last day of that particular sale. Had I waited until today, for example, the price per yard would have been $2.99 (still lower than the regular price of $5.99) and I'd have to pay $8 more than I did, yesterday! Yes, I will post the pictures when I am done.

  2. I haven't sewn in a long time, but I still love fabric stores. So many interesting colors, textures, and patterns. I'm glad that there's not a store near me or who know's how much fabric I'd have just waiting for "someday".

    1. I am like a little kid in a candy store, when I am at the fabric store! But I look at the prices and balk! I will only buy when it goes on sale and it has to be a 50% off or better, sale. :)

  3. Wow! You saved more on your purchase than you spent. That was a terrific sale, and so timely. I see more sewing in your future.

    Well, I wished for cooler Fall weather, and we have been getting it. I am not complaining. This is perfect weather for working outdoors. I am getting things done.

    1. Yes, it was a good sale, wasn't it? Today, the price of that same fabric has gone up by $1 per yard. It is still on sale (regular price is $5.99), but for $2.99/yard, not $1.99; 50% off, not 60%. I'd rather pay less than more!

      I'm glad you are getting the cooler weather you wished for and are able to get the yard work done. I'll have to wait until October. That's when it starts to cool off.

  4. That's a very good saving on fabric. I love fabrics but do try not to spend too much on them. I buy fabrics from op-shops and remnants from the little haberdashery at a local community centre. I very rarely buy new fabrics but if I do then I try to get them on sale. Meg:)

    1. Hi, Meg. I haven't seen any fabric at our thrift stores, here, but then again, to be quite honest, I have't gone to look, recently. I had to stop going to thrift stores in order to stop buying all the "bargain" items that ended up cluttering my home! When I do buy new fabric, I try to buy only if they are on sale for 50% off or more. Otherwise, sewing can become a very expensive pastime! Thank you for stopping by and commenting. :)

  5. I'm glad you are catching up on all your sleep! The weather is very hot for you! As long as your fabric stash grows, you will be busy sewing for a long time! Andrea

    1. Thanks, Andrea. The first couple of weeks in September is always hot. I really should turn the a/c on in the bedroom and keep cool, but I hate being stuck in the bedroom!

      I am hoping I'll be able to whittle down the stash, soon. Just need to get busy sewing!

  6. Heheee I also try not to look around when I'm at a fabric store or a craft store.
    I don't have a craft budget, it's all in the entertainment/fun category. 😊

    1. The entertainment/fun category sounds like a good category. I have an eating out/entertainment category to cover eating out, movies, etc. :)


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