Saturday, March 24, 2018

Saturday's Happenings

I was actually feeling sleepy by 11:30 p.m. last night, which was a good thing, as most of you know (in comparison, I was still up at 2:30 a.m., the night before, and had to wake up "early" at 7:00 a.m. to go to work).  So, I said goodnight to daughter (we were video chatting), and I'd like to say I went to bed, but not quite, because, first, I had to clean the litter box and then, I had to say my nightly devotions, etc.  I think it might have been almost 12:30 a.m. by the time I actually went to bed, but I fell asleep shortly after that.  And, today being Saturday, I was able to sleep in as long as I wanted to!  I woke up around 9:00 a.m. and felt I got plenty of sleep.  Assuming I fell asleep at 1:00 a.m., I had 8 hours of sleep.

Friend M came to tend to the front garden, today, and he brought me some azaleas from his garden.  My azalea bushes all died due to neglect during the drought, but his are doing well.  He also shared some morning glory seeds with me.  He planted some in the front flower bed, in front of the lattice that is behind the pomegranate tree.  I have a few more to plant elsewhere in the garden - need to figure out where!  I shared some of the oranges from my tree with him, in return for the flowers and seeds.  I also gave him a lesson in edible weeds!  But I had him weed whack the stuff growing in the parkway, because I am not going to eat them and I want to keep that area looking tidy. 

It is a partly cloudy day, today, but there is sunshine, too.  The temperature is nice, in the mid 60s.  Later this week, we will have highs of 70s and 80s towards the end of the week!  No rain in the forecast for next week, so our recent rains might be the last rain we'll get for some time to come.  Our rainy season usually ends in April, although, we may, occasionally get some rain in May, too.

"My Chair!"

I got up off my chair to do something, earlier, today, and Dancer claimed it!  But, he left a little room for me, as you can see:

"OK, I share"
He was behind me, when I took this picture.  Then, he decided he needed to stretch out more and moved to the sofa:

More room for Dancer

And, of course, he promptly fell asleep:

Nap time for kitty

Then, I decided to join him on the sofa and he wasn't quite sure about that!

"What's this?  My space has been invaded!"
It wasn't to his liking, I guess, because he got off the sofa and went to the family room!

View from the Sofa
I love to lie on this sofa and look out the window - I see the canopy of the eucalyptus tree above me (not the rest of the street scene the camera captured) and I feel I am in a treehouse!  Then, the afternoon sun shines through the window, and I feel warm and cosy - it's my favorite place for a nap! 

A little while later, Dancer decided he will keep me company, after all, but not on the sofa:

Keeping Mummy company

Oh, wait!  Guess who decided he will join me on the sofa, again?

Back to sharing the sofa

Of course, this means I can't straighten out my right leg, but that's OK.  I might curl up and take a nap, myself. 

The construction crews are hard at work, nextdoor, and they have the generator going from morning (they haven't had electricity since the fire).  It looks like they are building an addition to the house at the back, instead of replacing the garage that burnt down.  Someone left a flier on my front door saying they can convert my detached garage to a second dwelling unit; one of my other neighbors converted their garage to a second unit for the husband's parents.  I have no plans to do that, at present, but, it is something to consider for the future. 

I checked on the hot water heater and it is not leaking now!  I wonder why?  Maybe the water pressure changed?  Perhaps the rain caused the water pressure to increase?  Wonder if I even need the pressure regulator changed, after all?  But, I guess I'll get it done, just in case, as a preventive measure.  Of course, it might not rain again, until next winter...

I called cousin P to see if she had a ride to the rosary prayer gathering this evening and left a message, earlier in the afternoon.  So far, she hasn't called me back.  I am hoping she has a ride - either her daughter will drive her (or maybe even her husband, although that is doubtful) or she'll get a ride with our other cousin.  I didn't feel like driving us, today.  I feel a bit guilty about that, although I don't know why I should be. 

Today's accomplishments have been relaxing and writing a blog post!

Today, I am grateful for:
- Another mostly sunny day
- Flowers from friend M's garden
- Warmer temperatures
- Kitty cuddles
- A relaxed day

How is your Saturday?  Are you having a nice, relaxed day?  Or, have you been busy running errands?


  1. That arrangement of azaleas is just perfect, like something out of a book on flower arranging!
    I see Dancer has been busy arranging himself all over the place!
    I prefer the sofa for a nap as the sun shines in on it like yours. Upstairs on the other side of the house the bed
    looks cold and uninviting in the day.
    We had a late breakfast with friends which we enjoyed as usual. Then we headed into the library to donate some books I got from the charity shop, and came out with five from the library book sale. I generally don't donate back to the place where they came from, so this five will end up in the book sale of another library nearer to us when we have read them. Occasionally I pass on a book if I think a friend will really like it, too.
    It was sunny again today but with another bitter wind, lowering the overall temperature. DH isn't finding enough sap to boil yet! It will probably all come in a big rush one day when the weather improves. We are getting the necessary cold nights but not the warm enough days.

    1. Thank you, Bushlady! Very kind of you to say so!

      Yes, Dancer and I played musical chairs, minus the music! :D

      Sounds like you had a nice day, breakfasting with friends and visiting the library. I haven't been to a library book sale in awhile, which is probably a good thing! I probably have enough books to open a small book store!

      Oh, you are going to be very busy when the sap does run! Probably in the next few weeks.

      Hope you have a wonderful day, tomorrow.

  2. My cats rule my house just like Dancer does yours. I will accommodate their sleeping positions either next to or on me and try not to disturb them even if it's a little uncomfortable for me. Why do we do that?

    1. I don't know, Live and Learn. I've been known not to move, myself, so I wouldn't disturb him! I guess we are just super considerate!

  3. Lovely azaleas in a very pretty vase. Such a good feeling when you do get a good nights sleep.

    I do not miss those hectic busy working days that Saturday were. Always so much to do. Now being retired there is no pressure to get lots done. It was rainy here and a bit chilly so a good day for reading.

    I do hope you were able to attend your prayer group and did not have the stress of driving. Today it was lovely to see the palms in church and bring two home.

    1. Thank you, Sandy. That vase is one of my favorites. :)

      Yes, it's nice to be able to relax on the weekends, isn't it? Sounds like you are having a nice weekend.

      Yes, I was able to attend the prayer gathering, yesterday, and no, I didn't have to drive! Cousin called shortly after I posted and said she had been able to talk her daughter into driving us. I was grateful for the ride there and back.

  4. Dancer is gorgeous - how handsome.

    1. Thank you, Eloise. Dancer says you are obviously a lady with good taste! :D

  5. I just adore those pink and white flowers in the delft blue vase. What a gorgeous arrangement. You have a good eye for form.
    I had a "tree house" picture window as well in the last house we lived before this one. It had the warm sunshine over the napping couch in the winter. It had dappled shade from the canopy of the huge Maple tree in summer. And Autumn was the best as the leaves turned a bright vibrant orange against the blue sky. Such a wonderful tree.
    Dancer has his pick from a number of choice napping spots.

    1. Thank you, Susan. :)

      Those sofas with a view of a tree and sunshine streaming in are some of the best nap spots, aren't they? Your maple tree sounds lovely!

      Dancer is one spoilt kitty, but he thinks it's how it should be! :D

  6. That pic of Dancer next to the keyboard made it seem as if he was writing a grumpy blog post about lack of care from humans. If you are on Facebook you may like Sir Thomas Knight of the Kind Thoughts Thinking Circle which has great cat pics with funny captions, but kind ones, if you see what I mean.

    Also, those flowers look amazing. You have a real eye for setting things out beautifully LM x

    1. Ha, ha, he doesn't look very happy in that picture, does he? Yes, I can imagine him typing, "Human has invaded my space, I shall bite her if she doesn't move". I will look up that link to the cat pictures.

      Thank you, the flowers are pretty, aren't they? The pink ones in the front have faded, but the others are doing well and some additional white ones have bloomed!


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